League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1293: Weaver's stick level battle!

Soon, Ye Che opened the god-level training room through the light key. ?八一中文网W≠W≥W≥. ≥8≠1≠Z=W≈. ≥C≥O≈M

Walking into it, a lonely cliff fell into Ye's eyes. The only road on this cliff is the door, but in all directions, it is a huge abyss.

The abyss is cylindrical and has a diameter of ten miles. All around it are walls surrounded by black rocks. The walls are smooth and can be layered with rocky roads. There are several small doors on each rocky road. The small doors are connected together, like a dense hive.

These small doors are all drowned in the power of a strong hero, a large piece of cockroaches.

Ye Che knows that in these small doors, all the alien monsters are held for battle.

After the small door went down, it was the endless abyss of black lacquer. I didn’t know what was going on below. I just felt the strong and powerful sigh of the abyss. The cold wind seemed to freeze the soul. It seems that this dark lacquered abyss leads to the eighteen layers of hell.

According to the introduction of the Divine Training Room, this is a distorted transmission array that connects alien stars.

The environment here is very different. If it is an ordinary person, if one person lives in this environment for one month, I am afraid it will go mad directly.

However, this is not a problem for Ye Che. When he was an ordinary person, he continued to play the League of Heroes for more than half a month. It was directly the kind of dangle of glucose, not to mention the power of heroes. body.

He is not afraid of loneliness, afraid of physical discomfort and sudden death, but now this can be ignored, and he is very excited.

"The power of the hero is so strong that it is almost liquefied. It is more intense than the peak of the last 10,000-story of the intermediate tower. The active level of its elements is not comparable to the outside. It is no wonder that it is called the god-level cultivation room!"

Ye Che sighed and then stood on the cliff, his eyes falling on the battle video.

"So... get started!"

Ye Che said to himself, the heroic power of the body moved, and the battle video was activated.


On the endless metal floor, two figures were suspended high, one wearing a black cloak, and the hands behind him, the look calm.

And his opponent, a beautiful woman with a glamorous appearance, wearing a golden gauze, pointed ears, a golden drop like a waterfall, and small scales on the corners of his face, this is an alien.

It seems that the two men are on a planet that is completely condensed by metal.

"These two people seem to be the weaver's staff over the senior summoner."

Ye Che said to himself, although this is only a video of the two, but his heart still has a feeling of inexplicable feelings, a horror that seems to be from the depths of the soul!

This feeling is like facing an artillery with a deep muzzle. Although it did not shoot, people were subconsciously trembled.

"Just just recording, can retain their momentum, if it is a real person, what should be?"

The eyes of Ye Che’s eyes shone, but the heart was full of blood.


The interracial beauty, the first shot, her face seems to have the color of grief and indignation, with a sense of death.

At that time, her eyes, which seemed to be awkward, burst into an infinite golden light, the power of a hero like a tsunami, swept out. At the same moment, this planet, made entirely of metal, trembled fiercely, and thousands of metal tentacles instantly broke through the clouds.

"Gold series!" Ye Che's eyes are condensed.

The representative of the gold system is indestructible and extremely destructive. When many people practice heroic skills, they will repair the gold system in order to enhance the attack power!

However, the gold element that can generally be controlled is also a few meters or a few tens of meters around. If you want this exotic beauty, the mind is moving, the golden elements of the entire planet are controlled by it!

"It seems that this alien woman, even in the stick of weaving, should be the kind of terrible existence!" Ye Che secretly said.

At the same time, the man with a black cloak and a quiet face seemed to say something in a light voice. The next second sky was dark, and the sky was overwhelming, and the black pressure shrouded.

His body, limbs, was completely hidden in the darkness.


The moment that hundreds of millions of metal tentacles were inserted into the darkness seemed to have a magic sound. Ye Che could not see the movements of the two people. He only felt the golden mans from time to time in the darkness. Engulfed by the darkness.

The entire metal planet began to tremble, and the ripples visible to the naked eye radiated out from the sky, like golden flowers in full bloom.

"Well? This is..."

Ye Che suddenly eyes condensed, he vaguely saw the darkness, countless dark particles are gathering and exploding, the frequency of each explosion is almost to the extreme, every second is thousands of tremors, and there are countless metals The tentacle is annihilated.

Ye Che concentrated and watched, over and over again, his naked eyes could not see the two people in the dark and metal world, but the move was not important to Ye Che, anyway, he still can't learn. What he wants is the use of dark elements!

"The darkness of this man seems to contain a deadly power. Every time the dark element bursts in the dark, it kills a layer of gold. In just a few seconds, the gold element is no longer strong. An alien woman seems to be in danger."

Ye Che’s heart is secretly surprised. It’s just an image record. It’s such power. If they are real, they don’t know what level they will reach, such a terrible elemental mood, they’re afraid to take a look or be in the dark. The death of the dead can not be swallowed up, or is it smashed into a powder by the fierceness of the gold element?

This kind of thing is like listening to songs, listening to sad songs, feeling more depressed, and listening to Yangko, and soon excited.

"The beginning of man is good, the beginning of man is evil... Perhaps the evil inside is influenced by dark elements... and once someone cultivates dark elements, it attacks, which leads to the hidden in others' minds. Dark, it is easy to attract others to indulge. This is the case, in the darkness of the erosion over and over again, the gold element of this alien woman is not as sharp as before!"

Ye Che stared at it while analyzing.

"But the attack power alone, the gold system is really horrible. It took only ten seconds to tear the darkness seven or eight times. The darkness can be torn apart. It is unheard of!"

Ye Che was very emotional, but at this time, the man with a black cloak seemed to be a little impatient. After a cold smile, he suddenly got out of the darkness.

The alien woman was shocked and her face was extremely cautious and vigilant.

At the time of Ye Che's glimpse, the man suddenly turned around and reached out and grabbed a hand against the void. Then, there was a shocking scene.

I saw a small, dark and translucent planet flying in an unimaginable way from the universe. It was almost instantaneous, and it came to the man, and then suddenly exploded, suddenly dark, the entire metal planet with an alien woman They are all completely wrapped up.

"Oh... this is... a planet made pure by dark elements!?"

Ye Che sucked a cold breath, and the metal planet of the interracial woman, let Ye Che’s heart secretly have some inexplicable speculation. Now this purely dark planet appears, an extremely horrified idea from the heart of Ye’s heart. Get it up.

Could it be that the strong people of the weaving sticks have their own unique planets! ?

The strong gold is condensed with its own gold-based planet; the strong water system condenses the water planet; the dark is strong, condenses the dark planet? ? ?

Wait a minute, etc., not the same.

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