League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1295: Ai Xi's back hand, with a scam!

"I don't want to say anything about life on earth. Disaster is what we bring. We have this ending, and it should be... Now, let's talk about your situation.?????中文网?W?W ?W(八).?8(一)1?Z?W(一).?COM"

Kiran Road.

"My situation?" Ye Cheyi.

"Yes, your situation!" Kelanti's tone, suddenly brought a trace of long and heavy, he said: "What do you think, Valoran, and the creatures living on it, what kind of existence?"

"This question is as boring as "who am I." Ye Qi smiled.

The hourglass seems to flash a bit, and then there is the voice of Kieran. "Actually... it's all... a sad existence! The Valoran galaxy, including me, including you, is a sad existence! ”

"Ah?" Ye Che stayed.

Kieran continued: "We are in this universe, and the most terrifying thing about the universe is that everything is in it, you can never escape, the ghosts can't escape, the creator can't escape, even after death, make up yours. Molecular atoms are also in this universe! No matter what the so-called fly ash is annihilated, or swallowed up, or the star explodes, the overall quality of the universe is the same, that is, no matter which way you exist, They are all in the universe, everything is **** here!!"

Kieran said that in the end, it was a swearing slogan, so Ye Che was simply stunned.

"So, some higher life... I want to get out of this cage. After all, for them, death in the universe is not an enemy, it is eternal! Soon, the Valoran galaxy is involved..." Kiran’s tone suddenly returned to calm, like a decent gentleman.

"Wait, I didn't understand, what does it mean to be involved in the Valoran galaxy?" Ye Che asked in amazement.

Kieran smiled a little, but the laughter was amazed. He said: "Do you think that the League of Legends is really like what you saw on Earth? Heroes are really heroes, is nature really natural? I tell you... League of Legends, this "alliance" is simply a scam, completely a scam!"

"What joke are you doing?" Ye Che brows up, League of Legends, is a scam? This joke is getting bigger.

"I ask you, what is your identity with Galen?" Kieran asked.

"Gailen?" Ye Che recalled and said: "He is the leader of the Demacia army."

"Women police, bounty, unknown, etc.?"

"Either an officer or a town, what's wrong?"

"That... cast star dragon king... emptiness fear... evil little mage... desert death?" Kieran asked slowly.

"Their identity..." Ye Chezheng was about to speak, but for a moment it was suddenly stunned, their identity... their identity...

"Their identity can be called God! Casting the Dragon King can create a big 6, create a planet, the fear of the sky can swallow the void, devour everything... not to mention the desert that can infinitely accumulate dark energy and unlimited soul energy. Death! There are also some god-like heroes, their strength, this great existence, and why will they form a so-called League of Legends with a district army?"

Kiran’s voice was suddenly severe.

Ye Che, but it is a sentence, can't say it...

All the heroes in the League of Legends, there are many heroes, but only a little higher than the average person, even if Raven, Jianhao, just like the ancient Chinese chivalrous stream, can produce swords and the like .

But compared to those heroes who have mastered the power of the void and the power of darkness, it is not a level.

This kind of strength can also join the League of Legends, what is the difference between the League of Legends and the garbage station! ?

Moreover, even if you barely join in, what is the significance, when the battle, when the cannon fodder?

"The power of a civilization is closely related to the power of mastery. Valoran is 6 and a big 6 is in place. It can't accommodate so many "gods", so Valoran 6 does not exist at all... The so-called Valoran 6, in fact, is the Valloland galaxy! Only the galaxy-level civilization can give birth to "God"!"

Kieran continued: "Aich gives you a background in the League of Legends, just to familiarize you with them, because at least half of these heroes are invaders!"

"Invaders, half of the heroes are intruders? What about Black Maddinger?" Ye Che's look changed.

"Yes, these intruders are all high life. Some of them have penetrated into the Valoran galaxy, but I can't tell you at the moment! These intruders have used the elements of the universe to reach an incredible state. As long as I mention their names, or are related, they will be sensed... By the time, including me, including you, including the Summoner’s House, will be destroyed in an instant! As for Black Molding... In order to pursue more Strong power has joined them..." Kelantan.

Ye Che suddenly felt a cold.

"But... you don't have to worry... Since we found you, naturally we won't let you die, there is a hero god... Well, now you still can't know, you just need to understand, because you are the time hourglass and the **** of the source Soldiers, they will find you sooner or later. Before that, you must do your best to improve your strength! As long as you reach the realm of the weaving stick, you can protect yourself!" Kieran said.

"What about the weaving stick?" Ye Che took a breath.

"Yes, your control of the elements is too weak now. I can't tell you many things, otherwise they will be touched by them, so... I can't help you at this stage. You can do it yourself."

After that, Kieran’s voice went silent, and Ye Xue shouted a few times and did not respond.

"Wait a minute, let's justify..."

Ye Che's thoughts are a bit confusing. After all, Kieran's words are too high for his three views.

"Vallan 6 is actually the Valloland galaxy, the League of Legends does not exist at all, and the invaders are hidden among the heroes. Who is the invader, the little law, the dog head, or the dragon king? But at present, there is no speculation. The meaning, continue to straighten out... Black Modinger, also joined the invaders' camp, then the entire Valloland galaxy is indeed in jeopardy, and because the hourglass and the source of the gods are on me, they are organic The rate has sensed me. As a result, Kieran’s reminder is crucial, but because of my strength, I can’t block the perception of “God”. Kieran can’t remind me too much, so I can do it now. However, I only tried my best to improve my strength... It’s really frustrating to think like this."

Ye Che sighed, but, remembering the friends on the earth and the friends and relatives of the past, Ye Che’s eyes slowly strengthened.

Since it is no longer evasive, it can only be edged!

"So, start with the heroic skills of the dark class!"

In an instant, Ye Che’s palm stretched out, and a heroic technical array with a dark atmosphere appeared in his hands.

Ps: The weather is cold, everyone pays attention to the cold.

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