League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1297: Kieran's warning

The biggest card he had before was the power of a hero, but as time passed, the strength of the hero was nothing. Ye Che estimated it, even if he recovered all the power of the hero, it was only It’s about five-star senior summoners. The more up the difference, the difference in hero power between each star is calculated in hundred times. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

So at that time, the comparison is the use of elements, and the degree of manipulation!

"Using dark elements to stealth, I have completely mastered it. The rest is the depth of stealth. I also condensed the dark elemental weapons. Let's do actual combat!"

After Ye secretly slammed, his eyes fell on the small doors under the abyss.

Ten seconds later, 20 alien monsters who reached the strength of the intermediate summoner appeared in front of Ye Che.


At the moment they appeared, they turned the bloodthirsty gaze to Ye Che, and then the ground trembled, all of them swooped.


Ye Che disappeared in the original place, one of the alien monsters glimpsed, but did not react from the disappearance of the enemy, they felt the head cool, and then a good head rose to the sky.

"Now, what I have to do is to stealth and form instinct!"

Ye Che sighed low and disappeared like a ghost in the back of the broken-headed alien monster, and then next to its several alien monsters, **** flowers came out.

When Ye Che once practiced a hero, he understood a truth, that is, greed is not bad, so every time he has to take the hero under his hand, he can take five kills from time to time, and practice at the level like the life. When you get the hero's feeling of victory, he will stop and then move to the next one.

This is the case now, stealth, kill, stealth, kill! ! !



This time, there are fifty intermediate monsters!

"Hide! Hide! Hide! Don't be touched by them!"

"Fast, fast, fast."

Ye Che is squatting in the bottom of my heart.

Another claw hits, Ye Che hides in the past with a slight difference, and then appears from the left side of another alien monster, but under such a dense alien monster, he just appeared, there is a sly head bite Come over.

Ye Che's face was calm and disappeared again, but as he reappeared this time, he finally could not dodge.


An ice barrier condensed by ice was blocked in front of Ye Che, but in a blink of an eye, it was crushed by alien monsters, but with this opportunity, Ye Che escaped their blockade.

"It's too stupid, there are black holes and dark elements in the body, all for four months, and the use of dark elements is still so shallow."

Kiran’s voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Che said nothing, four months, one hundred and twenty days, the degree of transformation reached 3%, this is already incredible, you must know that the madman stayed in the intermediate tower for more than 30 years, only 5% The degree of transformation is only

But Ye Che knows that he is really slow. Being in a god-level practice room is equivalent to spending four or five thousand runes a day. With so many runes, many summoners have to earn four or five years to earn. Plus there are dark holes in the body, in this case, four months is only 3% of the degree of deformation, it is really slow!

"Come back!"

At the end of Ye Che's heart, there is an unknown fire. In the Shen-level cultivation room, it takes only four months to form a 3% elemental shape. It wants to achieve 1oo% elemental shape and become the stick of weaving. It is not the monkey year.

"I remind you that when you had the source of the gods and the hourglass, you were at the age of twenty, and you are now twelve years old. That is, you have only eight years, and eight years have not yet become a weave. The stick, once they are sensed by the source of the gods, you have no life!" Kelan said in a dignified manner.

"help me."

Ye Che’s voice was a little hoarse. His face was covered with blood and his head was messy. In four months, his accumulated rest time was less than ten days.

"I can't help you at the moment. I can only be an energy body. I can only observe and can't intervene. Unless you can reach the weaving staff and can fully materialize the elements, then I might be able to help. But I You can make some suggestions, you can feel a lot of dark elements of the black hole." After Kieran finished, he went quiet again.

"Black hole dark elements?"

Ye Chexin thought about it. In the past four months, he has been practicing the hidden techniques of dark elements and the dark elements, but he has not observed the black holes.

Thinking of Kieran, Ye Che was so quiet that he sat on the ground and tried to perceive the dark elements of the black hole.

In this way, after about an hour or so, Ye Che’s heart was slightly shocked. This hour of observation, he seemed to feel that the dark elements of the black hole were darker than the dark elements around them.

"How can this be the case, isn't the dark element the same black?"

Ye Che's face reveals the color of thought.

Then, he began to comprehensively observe the dark elements of this black hole, this observation is a full month.

"I have tried and tested thousands of times with the power of heroes. This black hole dark element is more than a hundred times heavier than ordinary dark elements. Although it is so heavy, it is like the gap between o.oo1g and 1g. I don’t know how to perceive it without the slightest sense... The difference in weight is different from the degree of darkness... Could it be that my previous form was in the wrong direction?”

Ye Che’s heart shocked, and then he seemed to think of something, controlled ten dark elements, and then began to squeeze under the pressure of the hero.

These ten dark elements are lined up in the air and then slowly approached.

But Ye Che soon appeared, the complete fusion of this dark element, extremely costly heroic power, before the dark element was shaped into a cone shuttle, just stacked, not completely integrated, so he did not feel it.

But now, Ye Che feels that the power of the hero begins to consume ten times.

Ye Che is a word of no words, staring at the ten ordinary dark elements, the power of the hero is like not needing money, and desperately urging them to merge.

Finally, ten minutes later, the ten ordinary dark elements were thoroughly integrated. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Ye Che felt that they were as dark as before.

"Not an illusion, but it is really dark!"

Ye Cheyi hi, followed by hot iron, and there are ten dark elements appearing out of thin air, and then merge again.

Just ten times in a row, ten dark elements that have been merged are born!

"So, do the second fusion!"

After the leaves were secret, the ten dark elements that had merged began to get closer.

This time the hero's power consumption is more than ten times that of the previous one. If it is not in the **** level training room, I am afraid that Ye Che's heroic power is already consumed.

However, the results are also gratifying. With the re-integration, a feeling that makes Ye Che feel extremely different, from the dark elements that have been merged twice, rose up.

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