League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1302: Elemental Staff

"The King of Frost is also shot, this is no way to live!"

"I value this leaf too much? Although his age elemental form has reached 1o%, but compared to the sword king, but it is nothing, the sword king is enough. Eight?? A? Chinese network W? WW .81ZW.COM"

Many people are amazed, but only the seven kings understand that this age will comprehend what kind of concept is true.

The true meaning here is completely different from that of Ye Che on Earth. It is only the height of the hero's skill, and this represents the overall elements of the department. The gap is like the same bottle of water and the whole sea.

The degree of deformation reached 1%, which represents that this leaf has mastered a rule of the elements.

"Ye Che, if you have not spoken and insulted Youna sister, I really don't want to treat you as an enemy. After all, we have a talented genius in human beings. It is really rare..."

At the same time as the frost marks, the blue water element particles have spread three or four squares, and the temperature around them began to drop slowly. He continued: "A genius like you, there is always an accident. Things to protect you, just in case, I will be with the sword king, in order to show respect for you..."

Having said that, he pulled out a blue staff.

The staff is inlaid with a little bit of ice crystals, like agate gemstones, shining in the sun with strange light.

"Elemental weapons!"

Many people have a shock in their hearts.

Ye Che is also a gaze. He feels a strong threat from this elemental weapon. He is sure that this elemental weapon is definitely more powerful than the one he has encountered before!

At this time, the frost marks have no words. He and the sword king are incomprehensible at this moment, carrying sharp gold elements, and biting water elements, step by step toward Ye Che.

"The elements appear, the strength of the sword king and the frost marks will be comprehensively improved. It is estimated that it is only a face-to-face. This Ye Che will die without a whole body!" Many people hold their breath.

Ye Che did not dare to care about it at this time. His heroic power is indeed more powerful than Frost and Sword King.

But this is like a motorcycle. You have 10 million kilograms of gasoline added to it. It can't run the train. Now it's the same. Ye Che's hero power is like gasoline, but his understanding of the elements has not been reached. The level of the senior summoner is naturally that there are so many heroes, but they can't give the greatest power.

"You must first destroy the elemental staff of the frost marks. Otherwise, his threat to me is far greater than the sword king!"

Ye Che secretly screamed, and seven of the nine dark and dark elements in his surroundings began to tremble unsteadily.

"Ye Che, are you ready?"

Frost marks actually reminded Ye Che, but almost the voice just exported, the ice around his body suddenly turned into thousands of bullets shot against Ye Chefei, the temperature plummeted along the way, countless frosts flying.

On the ground, it was almost instantaneously covered with a layer of crystal clear ice.

In the moment when I was about to touch Ye Che, these ice elements suddenly condensed and directly turned into a two-meter-thick cone of thorns, which was directly stabbed on Ye's head.

"Good demeaning!"

A young girl whispered out.

The rest of the people, but their eyes wide open, this enchanting Ye Che, is it so dead?

However, immediately, the head of the leaf was pierced by the ice hammer, but there was no trace of blood. There was no time when it was empty, only the ice cone that passed through the air, and fell to the ground and smashed.

A trace of frost, looking at the place where Ye Che stood before, I did not know what I thought, and my eyes flashed a horror in the eyes, almost subconscious, a talented **** tree appeared behind him, and then exploded.


In the air, it seems that there is an inexplicable cockroach. The place where the frost marks have just stood, a black enamel, is facing the head of his head at that time.

If the action of the frost mark is slow for a second, at this moment he is afraid that he has moved his head.

"Invisible! You actually don't only realize the space shock... No... This black 匕... You are not a space system, you are actually a dark system!!!"

After the frost marks were fixed, the look could not be maintained cold, and he was out of order.

The sword king over there is also a big cockroach. Looking at the darkness in the hands of Ye Che, I only feel that the back is cool, and my mouth is already shouting: "Kill, kill him!"

Darkness, this leaf is actually darkness! Kill, you must kill, or once you let him grow up, he is absolutely dead!


When the sound of Jin Ming began, there were countless golden short swords in front of the sword king. He held a two-meter long sword and stirred it against these broken swords. These short swords began to rotate strangely.

"Sword of the Storm!"

The sword king drank, behind him, the talented **** tree flashed a different light, increasing the size for him. He pushed the sword and directly carried the storm formed by the short sword, covering the leaf.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey!”

Countless sounds of percussion sounded from the storm of the sword, and a murderous atmosphere swept the audience.

At the same time, the sword king's people and the frost marks are also moving. They understand too much what the darkness represents, and now they will not kill them. Those who will be unlucky in the future are them! However, the hands-on, are the confidants of the sword king and frost marks, and only they are afraid of Ye Che's revenge in the future!

The rest of the people, after seeing Ye Che’s talent at the moment, have not dared to start.

"Fast, kill him!"

The slender man shouted, and dozens of people immediately rushed out of the sword king. The same was true of the frost marks. Seven or eighty-eight middle-level summoners condensed the attacks of various elements and swept toward Ye Xue. .

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me!"

Seeing that they are so shameless, Ye Che is also awkward, with a finger, seven elements and three dark elements all used, heavy bang in the sword king's "Sword of the Storm", only heard a strange muffled sound, in others Under the horrified eyes, the "Sword of the Storm" condensed by the golden elements was suddenly torn apart and then collapsed.

The sword king was also affected by the strange explosion and the power of swallowing. He directly squirted blood and flew out.

"The sword king will be defeated!"

Many people have an inexplicable red tide on their faces.

At the same moment, Ye Che disappeared again in the same place. In the next second, there were already countless elements in various places, and the area was almost blown into a vacuum.


Ye Che suddenly appeared on the far left side of the seven or eighty people, and the dark elements passed by.

Just listening to the slamming, the heroic power of the human body surface was cut directly, and the back body separated. Almost at the moment of the draw, Ye Che disappeared again, and then the head of a sword king confidant a few meters away, rising to the sky.

The killing of two people in a row led to the anger of these people, and the frost marks and the sword king were completely violent.

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