League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1316: A canyon battle a month later!


Dark elements burst!

In an instant, Gadsden only felt a black front, and the light around it suddenly disappeared, and it was dark. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. COM

Then I felt a strange wave of energy rushing. He subconsciously avoided it, but felt a pain in his right shoulder. He had been stabbed in something and then worn.


Gadsden was shocked, and the power of the hero burst all over, forcing Ye Ching to retreat. At this time, the darkness had been dispelled, leaving only a stunned Gadsden, staring at Ye Che.

"what happened?"

Many summoners are stunned.

At that moment, those elements of the wind seemed to be fixed, and they were allowed to wear it.

Ye Che himself is somewhat inexplicable. He just wanted to use the characteristic "distorted space" to slap Gadsden, but he did not expect that the elements of the wind were also banned.

"Sure enough, only by fighting with the master can you fully understand the characteristics of dark elements!"

Ye Che secretly screamed, his body moved, a frosty road condensed out, and then he had taken the initiative to go to the alarmed Gadsden.

"The barrier of the wind, the wind instantly kills!"

Gadsden didn’t think much about it. Seeing this Ye Che’s daring to take the initiative, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

However, the strange situation has reappeared. The barriers to the wind that he just condensed have suddenly settled. The core of the barrier of the wind is the rapid flow of wind elements. Now it is so a certain piece of space, just like a piece of crisp glass. It will break when you touch it.

"Nine heavy earthquakes burst!"

In the eyes of Ye Che, the light of the light flashed, and the barrier of the wind ruptured instantly. Gadsden’s eyes flashed a glimpse of his eyes. He wanted to escape, but he appeared to be sinking. He was invisible in what was invisible.

"Give me broken!"

Gadsden screamed, and the power of the hero spurted, and he heard a bang, and he broke free.

However, the degree of dark elemental particles is so fast, he just broke free, and the attack of the Jiuzhong Zhenyuan explosion has already slammed on him.


The slight inaudible light, the power of the hero burst, the power of the dark element and the power of swallowing, swept his whole body!


The wind element particles of Gadsden's body have dissipated. He stared at Ye Che with a pair of scarlet eyes. He never thought that he would lose so fast. He also had the trick to use it after the venue was reduced. But... there is no chance at all!

The strange power of imprisonment actually cracked the barriers of the wind!

Ye Che looked at him blankly, and the dark elements were squeezed, and Gadsden was swallowed up by the dark elements forever.

"The dark elements are almost inclusive. I should have thought about this. There are almost no other elemental particles in the universe. Because they are all swallowed up by dark elements, then the distortion of space can naturally impede other elements, as long as the enemy is against the elemental particles. The understanding is not far from me, it will always be restrained by dark elements!"

Ye Che secretly thought that now he knows that the third layer of his own comprehension is really awkward.

At this time, watching Gazden even confessed to lose, he couldn't scream and died. The other two star-speakers who had already hid in the corner looked at each other and jumped down the battlefield.

"The two-star summoner killed the four-star summoner, strong!!!"

"Hey! Ye Che, Ye Che!!!"

"Ye Che!!"

The Terran Summoners under the stage shouted fiercely.

"Gazden is dead... this kid!"

"It’s a dark system, it’s really weird... At the moment of Gadsden, it seems that it’s impossible to condense the wind...”

In the seats, Modo and others have some ugliness on their faces. Over the years, the sense of pride formed in their bones has made them unable to accept that a human being has actually killed their peers.

Ye Che turned and stepped down, and the under-the-scenes summoned the men, and many of them looked at Ye Che’s eyes with a bit of awe and strangeness.

These summoners are all two-star Samsung, and the highest is only five stars.

As for the summoners above the five stars, they are all preparing for the battle, and they are not present at all. Now this level of confrontation seems to make them uninterested.

The Six-Star Senior Summoner is already qualified to compete in the Cosmic Summoner's Canyon. For them, the pure power of the hero and the elemental particles are too pediatric and kill in the Summoner's Canyon. It is truly strong. By!

Ye Che left without revealing her voice, but she kept thinking about the details of the battle.

Soon, he returned to the top tower.

"To tell the truth, you gave me a lot of surprise!" said the black and white tower owner with a smile. Obviously, he has been paying attention to Ye Che's game.

"My shortcomings are still too many, degree, defense, heroic power, and the means of warfare are too single..."

Ye Che frowned.

"That is why you are too demanding on yourself. Just say that Gadsden has been practicing at the senior tower for more than two hundred years. How long have you been? You are not lacking talent, but only time!"

The black and white tower owner said, "Continue, your opponent is Gadsden. After I have prejudged your strength, I will give you the choice. According to my estimation, you are three or six, if you have some death. If you break through, it is four or six, but I still estimate the wrong strength, and... your heart that wants to become stronger, I didn’t expect you to be at the last minute, actually realized the true meaning of the distorted space, knowing Go to the enemy's elemental particles."

Ye Che shook his head and said: "Unexpectedly, the next battle, if the enemy is prepared, it will be difficult, and I feel a great escape, and I will ban the wind element of Gadsden. Less than .5 seconds, if he is stronger, I am afraid that I can't even hold it for a moment."

"Reassured, your next fight, I will give you a month later."

The black and white tower owner said awkwardly.

Ye Che’s heart sighed with relief. Today’s battle has given him a new understanding of the dark elements.

But the next sentence of the black and white tower owner made Ye Che completely stunned.

"A month later, you will enter the strong group battle of the tower battle directly, the first opponent, the six-star senior summoner... That is, you have to be in the summoner canyon... preparation for combat!"

"Ah?" Ye Che suspected that he had got it wrong.

"Mogana Mountain...not so good, many of the original inhabitants, comprehend the genus of the genus of catastrophic elements, death element particles, bloodthirsty particles, violent elemental particles, there are many people, if I follow the general The way to train you, the chance to successfully enter the Moganna Mountain, is almost zero..." The black and white tower owner sighed.

"Variable elemental particles..."

Ye Che has a shock at the bottom of his heart. When he listens alone, he has a feeling of scalp and numbness.

"I understand!" After the heart was slightly tightened, Ye Che nodded heavily.

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