League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1336: The real soul of the soul!

The element of thunder is one of the forces from heaven to earth and just to the sun. The movement between elements is intense and the destructive power is extremely powerful!

Moreover, Ye Che also knows with the ass, this thunder element is absolutely different from the ordinary thunder element, and the difference is like the difference between the dark element and the black hole dark element. Eight?? One Chinese W≈W=W≤. ≤8≥1≥Z≤W≤. ≤COM

At this time, the number of thunder elements has increased to seventeen. In the 18th thunder element from a special channel, when it is pulled by the soul of the soul, Ye Che feels bright and the next road is like a tide. The shouts rang.

"Ye Che! Ye Che!!!! Ye Che!!!"

"Dead song is invincible!!!"

"Ye Che!!!"

More than a hundred thousand people, screaming wildly.

Obviously, he has left the Summoner's Canyon. Suddenly, Ye Che only felt that the special passage collapsed instantly, and the number of thunder elements in the body was also fixed at seventeen.

"The thunder element ocean..."

Ye Che once again sensed the space in the core of the boundless universe through the soul of the soul, and the boundless thunder of elemental tides continued to surge. He tried to communicate with the elements of Ray, and then absorbed, but the horror of the present, the degree of pulling is too slow.

This full pull, just let a mine element, moved a millimeter.

And just the degree of the soul of the British soul, but it was a moment to pull more than a dozen elements of mine.

"Why did the British soul blood suddenly have such a change? It must be related to the Summoner Canyon. But before I was included in the canyon by the black and white tower master, but there was no such change, then only one possibility... Because... I won the canyon battle..."

Ye Che said to himself, his eyes flashed, because until now, he finally had his own guess about the colorful blood of the soul.

Through it, into the black hole, comprehended the essence of the dark element, and now it is the element of thunder...

Will it be after that, there is still light... wind... gold, etc?

Ye Chu is full of thoughts, but my heart is faint and excited. If this is the case, then I am not able to comprehend all the elements! ?

Suddenly, the voice of the elders interrupted his thoughts. "Congratulations, Li Fei... Modo... Ye Che... Five people have won, the next battle, will be done after half a month, please ready!"

Ye Che was still thinking about the blood of the British soul. After hearing her words, she just nodded absently, and then walked down the stage with her head down.

"This leaf is so cold and indifferent..."

"Normal, this is what genius should look like!"

"Samsung Senior Summoner is able to play Kerry in the audience. I am proud of God, and you look at him and feel that it is a matter of course to win."

"Be confident, I like it!"

"I really look forward to his half-month game, definitely wonderful!"

Looking at Ye Che, many Terran summoners, have been talking about it, the alien callers, but also bowed their heads, but their eyes are not good.

Without paying attention to them, Ye Che alone, after replying to the excited congratulations of parents and younger sisters, has come to the top of the tower.

Just entering the door, a burst of warm applause sounded.

"Wonderful, wonderful..."

The black and white tower master smiled and patted the palm of his hand, looking at Ye's gaze, the more he appreciated.

Aside, the Lord is also happy to look at Ye Che.

They are usually not angry with color, but for Ye Che, now it is an exception, obviously has regarded him as his own.

"You have the top talent of the canyon battle, which really surprised me, but I am not proud. I must know that many geniuses and talented gods have been fully activated in the test of the Shenmen. In the case of full activation, it is OK. Substituting into the Summoner's Canyon!"

The black and white tower owner said.

"What?" Ye Che's brow wrinkled. If the talented **** tree can be substituted into the Summoner's Canyon, the gap between them and their own will be too great.

"More than that, among the geniuses who participated in the test of the Shenmen, 9o% were indigenous residents, only 1% of them were from indigenous stars. Among the 9% of the original inhabitants, each of them had seven or eight top geniuses who realized two kinds. The essence of the elements, such as the two essences of the water system, is continuous and uninterrupted. Once you spread it, even if you break his offensive, he will be revived in an instant, which is extremely terrible, and this is just a water system. Don't talk about the destruction of variants, bloodthirsty, etc."

The black and white tower owner seems to be afraid that Ye Che is stunned by pride, and squats at this time.

On the other side, the lord also said: "Black and white is good, the essence is one aspect, some top geniuses, as well as strong dual-element elements specially built by the strong, such as Thunderfire soldiers, such as Shuimu Shenbing, etc. The former attacked to the sun, the attack power was extremely horrible, and the latter was extremely difficult. The double-line equipment is not even usable at present, and it needs to be combined with various materials to make the element particles blend, which is extremely rare."

Listening to what they said, Ye Che is more intuitive to understand the terrible test of the Shenmen, even the pass rate of this genius is low, let alone other people.

"I understand, but I will try my best no matter what."

Ye Che said seriously, for herself, for the earth, and for her in the black hole.

"Okay, no arrogance, go!"

The black and white tower master and the lord show a satisfactory color.

Ye Che nodded and returned to the cultivation room.

"Try the Thunder element!"

The mind was running, and the seventeen elements of the thunder in the body suddenly trembled. It was almost just an instant. Ye Che only felt bright all around, and a smudge of purple light appeared out of the air.

"This...it's too simple..."

Ye Che was surprised. This element of sentiment did not pass the heroic skill array. It only touched the seventeen elements of the thunder element and directly sensed the existence of other elements of thunder.

But soon Ye Che is now, those ordinary lightning elements need to be gathered together to feel the energy mapping.

The thunder elements in the body, even if they are a single one, contain the energy that is thrilling, and the difference between the two is great.

"The elements in the body come from the thunder and lightning space ocean. For the sake of distinction, it is the Raytheon element."

Ye Che whispered to himself, and then the arm swung, the thunder element in front of him, began to condense directly.

With the Raytheon element in the body, he manipulated the ordinary elements of the thunder, which was easy and straightforward, and passed through the proficiency practice stage and entered the application period.

However, because there is no official learning of the heroic skills of the heroes of the thunder, so Ye Che simply used a "thunder explosion", the principle is very simple, so that the thunder elements collide and then detonate.


Three meters away, suddenly a thunderous sound, a tiny purple lightning, blasted open.

"The power is good."

Feel the power, Ye Che smiled.

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