League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1355: Ye Che, focus!

At the moment, when Ye Che was in the Nile's star, the Rune Star, under the 3rd Summoner's House outside the Shenmen, the black and white tower master, the lord, the murmur, and so on. People are standing there with their eyes wide open. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

At a distance of one meter away from them, the rest of the three summoners’ homes are being talked about happily.

"Tudapan has already been ranked in the top 250,000 today. This is a great deal. Behind him, there are 50,000 original residents summoners!"

The chubby tower owner said with a smile, while at the same time, he also took a look at the black and white tower master.

"Hey, Chen Die is not bad. It has already been less than 260,000. With her achievements, you will receive a great reward for your Summoner's House, and you may be grateful!"

"Where is it, the number of the Summoner's House on the 23rd is not bad, and it is within 260,000. It seems to be very desperate!"

"Of course, after all, it depends on the reputation and resources of our Summoner's House, and it is a matter of desperation."

"What's the matter? Oh, maybe someone doesn't think so."

After the chubby tower owner finally returned a sentence, he then asked the black and white tower owner with a horrified tone: "Is it the third month today? I don’t know how many Ye Kexian rushed to it? He realized it. The genius of the dark elements is the genius of the world. The canyon battle is the champion of no one else. According to me, at least it should be within 212,000."

"Right right, Ye Chexian, but the master of the canyon battle, ranked within 21,200, it is easy!"

The other elders next to the fat tower owner, or other tower owners, said with a smile.

"I said how many of you can close your mouth and be quiet? Recharge your batteries, recharge your batteries and understand them! The battle of the conquerors, but for three years, this is only three months, what is good bb? Your 啥陈蝶, Tu Dapan, Jue is now in a good ranking, but if you hang in the last year, or the last month, one day, it is not impossible, so the last one is the real king. ,understand!?"

After the eyes of the family were turned over, they immediately smashed the past.

The fat tower owner looked cold and cold, and then glared at the black and white tower main yin and yang blame: "No big or no small, you just educate your son?"

"Well, I am so educated."

The black and white tower took the lead and nodded.


The fat tower owner was suddenly embarrassed.

On this, he did not take advantage of it. He pointed his gaze at the shadow of the gods in front of the black and white tower. He sneered: "Hey, zero conquering stars, ranking bottom, and saying that the canyon battle is invincible, the peerless genius, simply It’s laughing at the big teeth!”

The homes of the major summoners are not harmonious, mainly because of the competition for the apprentice Summoner. The apprentice summoner is equivalent to the base of the Summoner's House, so there is more competition, and there will be collisions when there is competition.

This time because Ye Che's reputation is too large, causing the dissatisfaction and embarrassment of this fat tower owner, before it was okay, but seeing Ye Che's name is not true, then the machine began to suppress.

Black and white tower masters and others, have been too lazy to pay attention to this fat tower master, but just look at the Shenmen imprint without a glance, looking forward to Ye Che's ranking to make some changes, even if it is to advance one, it is good.

However, one second and one second passed, and the number of stars conquered by Ye Che was as constant as ever.

The black and white tower owner sighed low and was about to turn his gaze to the other side, but suddenly, on the heavy and floating words on the planet, he flashed a layer of faint green awns, and then the green mans were exaggerated. The degree spread spread out in the stars.

A life star... two life stars... ten life stars... fifty life stars...

The green grid lines, in the cosmic sky, like the tides in the sea, are also like the termites, the madness spreads, and in a blink of an eye, the full sixty planets are covered with green awns, and Ye Che’s first name.

And this momentum has not stopped, seventy stars of life... eighty stars of life...


An original inhabitant who was looking at the fat tower owner and the murderous mouth, was exclaimed.

At this time, there are already 80 life stars, all marked with Ye Che, and they continue to spread with exaggeration, and there is a tendency to break through.


The eyes of the black and white tower master, instantly screaming, watching the starry sky of Ye Che’s forces expand wildly.

On one side, the beard on the mouth of the lord shook a few times, and the singer, the two sisters, completely squatted in place.

Not to mention the 3rd Summoner's House, all of a sudden, all of them, almost everyone, including Ye Father and Ye Hao, hold their breath and stare at the spread green grid lines.

The fat tower master, and the tower owner of the tower of other summoners, heard the exclamation of the original inhabitants, stunned, and quickly walked over a few big steps, just to see the scene of Ye Che’s planet .


The fat tower owner sucked a cold breath, this Ye Che, what did you do, how could you conquer hundreds of planets in one breath! ! !

At this time, no one cares about him. All the people, such as the black and white tower master, looked at the agitation and finally settled down, and then settled on the green grid on the 104 planets.

One hundred and four planets, ranking... 190,664, forty-one!

This ranking directly affects more than 60,000 of the best-ranked Chen Die, and its ranking has soared by more than 100,000!

Because the original inhabitants exclaimed, so many dozens of people paid attention to it. Among them, at least three people are not weaker than the black and white tower master!

"Hey... is Ye Che who asked the name of the messenger?"

“The ranking is 198,664, 唔? Hey, what a surprise?”

"Not surprised? But the key to this kid is directly from the last moment!"

"What! What you mean is that he has soared directly to hundreds of thousands!"

"Not bad!"

"Oh... there is only one possibility. This kid, killing a master, captured his planet and occupied his ranking!"

"In the Summoner's House, only three people are qualified to take the test, but they are all after 200,000, so you mean that he killed the original inhabitants of a Rune Star???"

"It’s clear..."

"It seems that this will be a dark horse. It is no wonder that it will be treated specially by the sacred messenger. I guess that his test will be rushed to the top 100,000!"

"100,000? You are too small to look at the eyes of the messenger. According to me, the first 50,000!"

"Fifty thousand is too exaggerated. The genius in this level, many of them already have a double-layered element, he can't enter!"

"Hey, dare you bet!?"

As Ye Che conquered the number of planets soaring, his talks grew louder and louder, and soon tens of thousands of indigenous inhabitants summoned the news, followed by hundreds of thousands of people, the focus, the wind The trend is condensed on Ye Che.

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