League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1360: The dark raccoon was stopped!

(Affirmation, the goddess group was created by my girlfriend Xiaoqing, not a harem group, its purpose is because the girls watching the alliance novels are very rare, so Xiaoqing can take the points and various benefits, some confusion. Don't pretend to be a sister paper, once it is, including all groups, all permanently removed. Bayi? Chinese network W (one) W? W (eight).? 8? 1 (a) ZW.COM group number: 158699747, yesterday sealed the group, can be added today.)

On the second day, when the indigenous summoner of the planet was undetected, a ship like a civet cat, covered in darkness, like aurora, pulled out a brilliant light, and it flashed away. In the universe.

"Star Master, the two closest planets here are Dam Star and Mouth Singer. It only takes two hours to arrive at Dam Star, but according to one week's data, it has already been occupied, and the other is sealed. The Mott Singer, which takes three and a half hours to arrive, is not yet occupied by the testers. Which planet do we go to?"

The mouse said through the distance information displayed by the dark snail ship. As for other information, it was detected through other channels.

When Ye Che cultivated the power of the heroes, they did not idle, and in accordance with the instructions of Ye Che, they inquired about the surrounding planet.

"Go to the edge of the constellation."

Ye Che stood at the front end of the main control room and looked at the shining stars in the distance.


The mouse was stunned and thought it was wrong. The rest of Pan Yongquan, who was also standing up, brushed up and stared at Ye Che.

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled, repeated again, "Go to the edge of the constellation!"

"The star masters think twice! The edge clusters are where the stars condense, and they are connected to the major clusters. It is the most chaotic place, and the edge of our star group is rumored to have even the top geniuses. When we traveled, it was easy to be hunted, and the whole army was wiped out."

The child is persuading.

As the original inhabitant of the junction, he knows the confusion there. Although the planet there is dense to a certain degree, the key is that there is no strength to occupy, it is also no good.

"Nothing, listen to me, lock the edge of the star group, enter the power of the hero, I don't want to repeat it again!"

Ye Che Shen channel.

"This... well..."

The mouse bitterly sighed and sighed at the other four.

Nowadays, I can only hope that the luck of this trip will be better. Don't be stared.

The marginal constellation is the most complex area. It is the place where the starry sky is connected. The planet is dense as the sea. It takes less than a minute to get from one star to another, as long as it can survive there. A day can occupy a massive planet.

There, there are many planets that are contrary to common sense, such as the jewels, connected together, and spectacular.

However, Ye Che’s current place is a long way from the edge of the constellation. According to the time displayed by the ship, it takes more than half a year to arrive, so in the first half of the year, Ye Che began to improve the hero’s power while The battle of the canyon.

The first opponent is the mouse.

But after the end of the game, Ye Che was stunned. This time, the particles of Raytheon were as high as eleven!

"Is this... is it related to my own realm?"

Ye Che's eyes are bright. When the six-star senior summoner was in front, each can only get three to five in the canyon battle. Now, it is directly starting from eleven, and the efficiency has turned two or three times!

This unexpected joy made Ye Che's incomparable joy, so every time, almost seven days later, he immediately launched a canyon battle.

In this way, in a blink of an eye, it is five months.

In five months, Ye Che’s total amount of Raytheon elements reached 672, and the wings of a pair of Thor’s wings stretched out to be fifty centimeters, half a meter! At this point, the Wings of Thor also showed some embarrassment.

Today, Ye Che is as good as ever to improve the total amount of hero power, but he feels that the dark squadron has slammed, causing him to open his eyes.

"What happened?" Ye Che asked softly.

The dark cockpit's shockproof effect is excellent, but Ye Che still feels such a strong impact, which is somewhat unusual.

"Adults, we have entered the isolation zone of the marginal constellation. This area has a lot of meteorites and high hardness. It will be very bumpy in the future."

The mouse replied quickly, apparently doing a lot of homework in order to survive the marginal constellation.

Ye Che stretched his body and then walked to the hatch, through the lights around the dark safari ship, and looked at it everywhere. There were floating meteorites everywhere. These meteorites were hit by the high snails, and many of them were hit as Two halves, and then the four spread out.

"If there is more than one planet, the gravity will increase. These meteorites don't know how long it will be."

Ye Che said to himself.

At this time, the dark squadron trembled again and again, and then the sound of the slamming sound continued. However, the material of the dark squadron was obviously not a thing. Although it was hit, it was not damaged.

In such an environment, ten days have elapsed. However, as the more and more marginal clusters are approaching, the mixed forces are becoming more and more common. Finally, Ye Che’s dark squadron was stopped.

"The people inside listen, come out immediately!"

A low-sounding, low-drink, sounds from the navigation equipment of the ship.

Ye Che opened his eyes and didn't get up. He heard the eager eager shouting: "Adult, it's not good, our ship was stopped."

The rest of the Pan Yongquan four people, but also one by one surprised.

"Have it stopped?"

Ye Che brows a pick and walks to the hatch and looks out. He sees that there are seventy or eighty ships in the way, and the dark snail ship is blocked in a round-robin manner.

"Give you ten seconds to think about, never come out, don't blame us for being welcome!"

In the contact device, the voice of the person is heard again, and then it is the countdown.

"Go, let's go out."

Ye Che did not answer, but directly opened the hatch. He was naturally not afraid of the threat of this person, but if the dark raccoon was destroyed, the degree of the road would be greatly reduced, and the mouse and others would certainly not be able to withstand such strong The blow was killed.

After all, after nearly a year, Ye Che still cares about their life and death.

Soon, the mouse, Pan Yongquan, five people, they bitterly followed Ye Che out of the ship, looking at the seven or eighty ships not far away, their faces filled with worries and a trace of fear.

Seventy or eighty ships are gathered together, and their sense of shock is still very strong. If there are only ten summoners on each of these ships, there will be seven or eight hundred, and once they have a bad heart, The consequences were unimaginable, and they were naturally frightened.

But watching Ye Che's face calm, they had to endure the panic, followed by Ye Che.

Walking out of the ship, Ye Cheping looked at the ship outside the kilometer. Because the field of vision was wide, the clear number of these ships was also presented from his heart. A total of eighty-two!

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