League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1364: Smoky Star Cluster (first more)

"Go, start the edge of the star group!"

Ye Che also came to the interest, tightly clenched his fist and shouted. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM


In the universe, a dark-colored dark raccoon ship suddenly disappeared, greeted the starlight and rushed to the edge clusters hundreds of millions of kilometers away!

Ten days later, the marginal constellation, carrying Ye Che and others, like the dark elf-like dark snail ship, finally broke into it.

It is natural that not only this ship can be seen from time to time, but there are other ships that have disappeared from the cabin.

"It's beautiful..."

Ye Che stood in the hatch and looked at the distant star group, and his eyes flashed a touch of intoxication.

On both sides of the dark safari ship, or in front of it, there are countless planets with fascinating starlight. Ye Che sees two strange planets connected together from time to time.

The marginal constellation, the cradle of the life star, is estimated to be a marginal constellation with more than 10 million life stars, and the rest of the meteorites and strange stars are numerous.

In the former solar system, the total amount of the planet was about 30,000-100 million, but it was not a conversion to the Valoran galaxies.

After all, it is only a negligible marginal constellation, and the number of life stars has reached this level.

Ye Che is still watching a piece of nebula drifting through, and the communication receiver of the dark raccoon ship suddenly rang a "sweet" sound.

"Hey, there are unknown signals that want to connect to our ship, Ye Che, who needs to connect?"

The mouse is amazed.

"I don't know what the signal is..." Ye Che thought for a moment, then looked up and said: "Connect it."

The mouse nodded, and the finger swung to open the permission to allow the connection. Suddenly, an icy and majestic sound, which sounded from the communicator, echoed through the entire dark ship.

"Welcome to the Smoky Star Cluster, which is owned by the Star of Noxus and the Star of the Rune Star. You can get the map of the constellation for free. Do you accept map transmission?"


Soon, the cluster map of the Yantai constellation was passed over, and Ye Che came closer to see it. The current cluster map is extremely detailed. Where the starry beasts are frequent, and where the stars are dense, they are all identified.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s eyes were condensed, and there was a place where the light spots were intensive. On the rough look, there were at least a million life stars crowded together.

"this is……"

Ye Che took a sip of coolness and looked at the introduction of this life star.

There, it is the center of the smoky star cluster, and it is also the place where only the real strong, able to set foot.

Other planets, because of the distance, still need to spend time, one after another to conquer, but as long as they are qualified to enter, they can easily have hundreds of thousands of planets, of course, provided that Can keep his life.

"Oh, the time of the test is almost a year. It is estimated that these geniuses have long been divided, and now they can survive in it, at least in the top 100, the planet they each conquer. The number has passed tens of thousands, can't compare..."

Tudapan said enviously.

Then, turning to look at Ye Che, asked: "Ye Ge, where are we going now, go find a Lianzhuxing, earn seven or eight star keys?"

Ye Che is silent, a pair of blind, just staring at the central constellation.

Seeing this scene, Tu Dapan, the mouse, Pan Yongquan and others snorted, and Tu Dapan snorted directly. "No?"


Ye Che's mouth provokes.


Three days later, Ye Che’s dark safari ship, looking for a planet in the outer area of ​​the Yantai constellation, landed.

This planet, because the mountain is shaped like a dolphin, is called a dolphin star.

Of course, this planet is already the master, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, the mouse and others just lived on it for a while. As for who is the star owner, it doesn't matter.

"Ye Che adults, take care all the way!"

"Star Lord, we are waiting for you to come back!"

The mouse, Pan Yongquan, five people, standing under the dark raccoon ship, shouted at Ye Che.

Although they only lived together for less than a year, because of the incident half a month ago, they made a strong sense of belonging to Ye Che.

Ye Che smiled slightly and nodded. Then he gestured to Tudpan and listened to the sound of "咚". The dark snail ship had left the dolphin star, and then, with exaggeration, facing the central constellation, Rushed over the past.

"Ye Ge, according to the signal captured by the dark squadron in the universe, the weakest party of the central constellation is the king's alliance, the king's alliance, mainly led by three people, respectively, Cangye, Mingyin, Paluo Among them, only Ming Yin is a human race, and the strongest is Cang Ye. It is said that it has a double-lined blade. Although it is only a nine-star senior summoner, it understands the essence of light and fire! Its ranking is in the Shenmen On the list, currently ranked 982th, sitting on 12,384 life stars!"

Tudapan said to Ye Chu while looking at the captured information.

In the constellation, many people communicate with the signals of the ship, and others can capture them.

"The king's alliance? Isn't this the power of the black guy to join..."

Ye Che touched his chin and said to himself.

"That should be true. In the group of smoke, you can block the power of collecting the star key, that is, the **, the king alliance, is also one." Tudapang said.

"Well, then let's start with the king alliance."

Ye Ching said quietly.

Tudapan had a heart to say something, but when he saw Ye Che’s firm look, he shook his head. In his heart, even if Ye Che couldn’t beat it, escape should be achievable.

Soon, outside the central constellation, where there were a million life stars connected, there was a black-painted ship that flew silently.

In the central constellation, in addition to several major forces like the Alliance of the Kings, there are some geniuses of distracted strongmen who are distracted by their companions. Many of them are also sitting on thousands of life stars.

Ye Che, who wants to reach the Alliance of the Kings, must first cross their area.

However, Ye Che is not interested in them now, and he is interested in the three leaders of the Wang Alliance, so he has not stopped at all.

Suddenly, the dark raccoon caught the message again.

"Fast, hide, and start cleaning again!"

"Damn, I just missed more than two hundred planets, and those forces began to clean again?"

"Awful, anyway, if I kill, I won't join them!"

"It’s really a dignity to unite and bully!"

"Don't be dignified and not dignified. Hurry up and hide. Don't be caught is the right thing, or you will get the star key, but you are gone."

Listening to the message, Ye Che did not be surprised. If those forces did not clean up the fish, he was surprised.

"How long is it from the curtain star?"

Ye Che asked.

Curtain Star, is one of the three leaders of the Alliance of the Kings, Pa. Luo, who is currently waiting for him. With his strength, he has not needed one by one to conquer. It only takes a while to harvest one. If you are weak, you will get a lot of star keys.

"There are still half an hour!"

Tudapan said quickly that the planets here are all connected, so they will arrive soon.

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