League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1367: Enjoy thousands of stars! (fourth more)

"Sanrong Zhenyuan, burst!"

Ye Che once again drank low, in the dark space around Pa Luo, suddenly there were countless black lacquer bubbles bulging, and then two incomparable particles, flying out of his body, into it. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM

Suddenly, a horrible devouring force, synchronized against Pablo.

"The nature of the dual system is actually a dual system essence!"

Pao Luo's face changed for the first time. The power of the dual system is not as simple as 1+1. It is entirely because you are defeated, but it is a qualitative gap between the challenge and the endless opponent.

This gap is enough to wipe out the gap between heroes!

I don’t have to think about it at all. The talented **** tree rises up, and Pao Luo’s look is extremely dignified.


Ye Che's power of Thor is condensed into a lightning shape, such as a horror, carrying the power of his hero and the bonus of the talented **** tree, and slammed on Pablo.


The violent thunder and lightning explosion, sweeping thousands of meters nearby, countless flying meteorites, destroyed by the shock wave caused by Raytheon elements, fragmented!

This is the power of Ye Che's first full explosion of Raytheon elements. Before it was faced with Nile or other enemies, he could not use more heroic power because of the limitations of the planet. The Raytheon element was also greatly restricted.

So now it is completely bursting out, even Ye Che himself is shocked. The meteorite within 10,000 meters of the universe is like a stone crusher. It is broken into stones, like a rolling stone, and is brought to the distance by the shock wave. I bumped into the ships and made a series of "squeaky" noises, forcing the hundreds of ships to go back wildly.

The power of the black hole's dark elements is such that the area around Pa's Luo is in a forbidden place, and many scattered meteorites are swallowed up before they are close.

"This guy……"

Thousands of testers in the ship were all horrified, and they could not believe that a seven-star senior summoner could actually launch such a powerful attack.

What scared them most was that with Ye Che’s attack, Pa Luoro screamed and slammed into the tens of thousands of meters. His red hand claws seemed to burn. Black and black, the **** robes, even more dimmed.

This is only a seven-star kid, how can it suppress Pablo! ?

For a time, Ye Che was incomparably mysterious in their eyes. After all, it was too common sense. They could hardly believe that this would be a seven-star senior summoner who could attack.

"Don't you... Pablo has to lose?"

"No, he still has a dual-element blade that has not been used. Once it is sent, it is difficult to say the outcome."

At the mouth of their argument, Pa Luolu smeared the blood of a corner of his mouth and stared at Ye Che with a hoarse voice: "Who are you!"

Comprehend the essence of the two elements, the extent of the essence of the thunder element, but also opened a big part of himself, he never believes that this Ye Che is a nameless generation.

"Know who I am, can you win?" Ye Che faintly asked.

Pa Luo Luo stunned, this time the face is gloomy to drop water. But I remembered the lightning that Ye Che had just used, and there was a slap in the eye.

Ye Che was too lazy to delay the time. The elements of Raytheon re-agglomerated into wings, and they were fully open, carrying the Thunder and Thunder, and rushed to Pablo.

"Firewind Blade!"

At this time, Pao Luo had a flash of shadow in front of him, and a blue-red giant sword with a double-edged sword appeared out of him.

Adding to his life elements, there are three elements that vibrate in a flash.

"I want to let me pass the boat in the Luoyin ditch. You still don't have this qualification. You can't do it. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Even if it's mysterious, it won't work! I want Pao Luo to create an era that belongs to me. Anything is blocked. All the obstacles in front of me have to be swept away by me. You have already irritated me successfully. Now, I want you to die and die completely!"

Pa Luo Luo's full-fledged sigh, making everyone's eyes bright, Pa Luo Luo finally have to work hard together?

Even Ye Che, but also a complex look, in the offensive, with a hint of alert.

However, a scene that made everyone stunned, Pao Luo was attacked by the fire, and just blocked the attack of Ye Che. The whole person was like a rabbit, and the madman rushed past the curtain star. .

Then, a burst of the power of the heroic singer, resounding through the actor, "The people of the Alliance of the Kings listen to me, kill the Ye Che, and reward the stars!"

Then, under the horror of all the testers, hundreds of testers quickly sprinted up from the star of the curtain.

"This guy……"

Ye Che brows a pick.

The summoners who saw this scene in the distance ruined the three views. I did not expect that Pao Luo was so timid.

It’s screaming at the singer of the singer, but it’s a sneer, he doesn’t need to be hard, because who knows if there is any other card in Ye Che, just need to let him stop him, until he enters the curtain star, This Ye Che simply took him no way.

After the master of the alliance of the kings will be organized, and he will be attacked directly, he will be able to kill directly without risking!

This is not only him, but also the people who saw him, including Ye Che, reacted.

"Tactful, as long as he enters the curtain star, this Ye Che is absolutely afraid to chase after it. After all, the explosive power in the planet is easy to be included in the canyon battle."

"Yes, this Ye Che is amazing, but before that, he has never heard of his reputation. It is estimated that he is poor and white. Pao Luo has no need to fight with him. Just enter the curtain star and then contact Cangye and Mingyin. I can easily take him."

"Pan Luo has enough tens of thousands of star keys, ranking 999. This leaf is very weird. If he takes risks, he is an idiot."

"This is amazing, this Pao has no brain."

Some testers who want to understand, have praised.

At the same time, Ye Che took a blow of Raytheon and was once again blocked by the fire of the Panro. The hardness of the Blade of Fire was extremely exaggerated and was attacked by Raytheon elements, even the cracks did not appear. At the same time, with the power of earthquake.

" Block! Block him!"

Pa Luoro yelled, and he was also uncomfortable. The attacking power of Raytheon was too strong. He held the palm of the fire blade and had a tendency to split. If it was not a double-element blade, facing the Raytheon element. Attack, he will definitely be miserable.

But despite this, he did not dare to wait for it, he could not guarantee that this Ye Che will have other means.

The testers who rushed from the curtain star, under the lure of thousands of stars and the crowds, they did not hesitate at all, carrying all kinds of breathable elements and heroic power, already facing Ye Che Go and kill.

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