League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1369: Ancient Wu Ling! (sixth more)

"Ancient Wu Ling, Zelas!"

Ye Che snorted, and his eyes flashed, and I didn’t know what I thought of, and I began to bind him. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

Then, I bought the Dolan ring and the potion, took the igniting, and slammed my toes on the ground. Like the wind, I went to the middle of the road.

At the same time, see Ye Che was included in the Summoner's Canyon by Pablo, everyone was blown up, and they quickly rushed to where the two disappeared.

"God, this leaf is too courageous, actually dare to step into the curtain star!"

"I don't think it's he's courageous to look at him. It's not like a man. Maybe he has something unknown?"

"There is no other means to use it. In the canyon battle, the role of the essence of the element is infinitely weakened. What is really useful is the power of the hero. The power of the hero of Pai Luo is stronger than him. The damage that represents skill is also higher than him. And Pao Luo is a ten-star senior summoner. The time for the canyon battle is at least several years higher than Ye Che. The hero is high and the experience is rich. I can't think of a way to win."

"It’s too early to say anything. Since he dares to break into the curtain star, he may think about it. Let’s wait and see."

The testers on the ship, while looking at the where Ye Che and Pablo disappeared, captured the signals and exchanged with each other.

Tadapan stood on the ship and bitterly approached here. His heart was extremely embarrassing. Although he heard Ye Che is the champion of the tower war, he is only the champion in the summoner's house, and this Pao Luo, but the original inhabitants!

Just in the eagerness of his heart, in the Summoner's Canyon, Ye Che and Pafro had already met in the middle of the road.

This middle road, which is as long as a kilometer, is very wide. In the case where the power is sealed by 18 layers, it takes a while to finish the road.

Ye Che is silent, when he is on the line, he will not open his mouth under normal circumstances, so as to avoid chaos.

Pa Luo did not know this. When he saw Ye Che, he sneered and crossed the line directly, pressing against Ye Ye. His heroic power is much thicker than Ye Che, and his skills and physical damage are also two grades than Ye Che. If he fights hard, he can win with his eyes closed.

This is like taking a law strong or attacking a rune, and not having a strong law and attacking a rune.

Ye Che naturally understands this, but he has not retreated. The world champion, because he can't force the rune, he is empty, then he is a joke.

"Da da!"

Shifting two steps, Ye Che eyes stared at Pablo, seemingly to avoid his skills.

Just as he sent troops, he already knew that this Pao Luo was bound by blindness, so a pair of evasives of Pablo's "Sound of Sound" at any time.

Pa Luo Luo's sneer, Yusen cold, Ye Che rushed into the curtain star, in his view is forced to rush, so he is at the bottom of the heart, filled with the killing of the sky.

"Hide, I see you hiding, as long as you are hit by my ‘天音波’, then I will approach the attack again. If there is no flash, at least most of the blood will be beaten by me!”

Pa Luo Luo thought, has been looking for the flaws of Ye Che.

He also wants to make up the knife, but Ye Che’s body has been half hidden in the small soldier, and half is exposed outside, giving him a feeling that he can hit at any time. Under the influence of this feeling, most of his heart is tied to Ye Che’s position.

"Shasha Shasha!"

Pa Luo has changed his position in the middle of the road, and his heroic power is bursting out at any time.

Ye Che is the same, has been with him around the circle, not let him have a close opportunity. The difference is that Ye Che has been exporting small soldiers at a distance. At this time, two small soldiers have been slaughtered.

Pa Luo is not in a hurry and not dry. Because of the small soldier, he can't directly rush over. After all, he has to force the past. If the skill does not hit, the advantage of the hero's power will be ruined a lot.

Therefore, his eyes are like an eagle, and he has been keeping an eye on Ye Che’s pace.

Finally, the opportunity is coming!

In order to kill a **** soldier, Ye Che’s body showed a little to the outside, and there was almost no hesitation. Pao’s arm waved and he was always on his side’s white and sleek white, with an incredible degree. "A voice, squatting on Ye Che."

Under the suppression of the power of the hero, Ye Che is actually one-fifth of the blood is gone.

"Medium! Dead! Echo!!"

Pa Luo's mouth is confident and hooked. His body, under the rules of the Summoner's Canyon, completely flies away from the physics common sense, with the scream of the air, rushing toward Ye Xue!

The blind q's skill, the second paragraph of the injury, is the highest, once Pao Luo Luo, only a little, Ye Che's blood, it is estimated to fall more than half.

Between the electric and the flint, Ye Che’s right hand slammed, and a blue ball appeared out of thin air. There were countless electric lights on the ball. When it first appeared, it was bounced out by Ye Che.

Under the rules of the Summoner's Canyon, Pablo couldn't change the skill effect at all, and he couldn't dodge in the air.


Then I heard a shock, this method of ball, actually hit the Pan Luo Luo from the air, and attached a vertigo effect.


Ye Che looked up and the three electric beams were attacked by Pai Luo, and the two-fifths of the blood without Pao Luo was gone.

His heroic power is strong, does not mean blood thick, but the skill damage is high, and its degree, under the talent of Ye Che Lei Shen element, is only half a catty.

"This is OK too!?"

Pa Luo Luo stayed, he played more than 200 canyon battles, never seen this situation, the blind sound waves and echoes can actually be interrupted! ! ! ?

When he was blaspheming, this big wave of soldiers, Ye Che has all been completed, and then with three male soldiers, pressed against Pablo.


Pa Luo Luo secretly said that this is the first skill that Ye Che learned. It is not the regular "Olympic pulse" but the "impact ball."

"I don't believe it!"

After the suppression of Ye Che's level, Pao Luo's bumps and bumps into the second level, and finally seized a chance to hit Ye Che, however, what made him dumbfounded was that he was beaten again halfway.

Then the general attack, "Ao Neng pulse" poured down, hard and raw, and he just recovered half of the blood.

Half of the blood volume is already dangerous. No way, he had to pick up a bottle of red medicine.

Ye Che did not say a word, it seems to interrupt the skills of Pa Luo Luo, it is insignificant in general, just calmly supplement the small soldiers, and even release the "shock ball" moment, they have received a small soldier sideways.

"Come back!"

Pa Luo Wo Wo is extremely incomparable. This time, he used the "Golden Bell", such as the telescopic movement, which appeared in front of Ye Che and the sound of the sky.

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