League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1391: Win the first! (Twenty-eighth)

"More than that!"

In the eyes of the black gold people, suddenly the cold and raging, followed by a sneer, immediately on the other leg, bloody, even swiftly swelled, like the legs of a beast!

"Hey, hey!"

Black gold is extremely fast, and when the summoner is still cheering, he is already near the white girl, and his legs are instantly turned into a phantom, with the blood of the sky, stepping on the white girl!


White girl, her face changed a lot. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

This black gold person, actually more than two legs, can strengthen the "dragon"! ?

Ye Che is also slightly surprised. The black gold man he met before seems to have only one leg. Obviously, among the black gold people, there are also strong and weak points.

At this time, the black gold people strengthened their legs and stepped on them. Their postures did not have the slightest fancy, and there was no trace of heroic skills. But the power contained in the above is only the horror word.


His blue legs, like a rainstorm, poured out, and the power seemed to be solidified at this moment, which made many people's sights become distorted.

The black gold man’s eyes are red and there is a sign of madness. He does not look at the giant swords that the white girl’s hands are waving. The legs that have been strengthened with the elements of life are directly like the storms, carrying the terrible enough to shatter the planet. Power, all poured out.

The white girl exploded and her face was bloodless.


The figure of the black gold man appears almost in front of the white girl at the same time. His eyes are scarlet, his legs are madly trampled, and he has a trace of the road, one leg, two legs, three legs, ten legs, and one hundred legs!

At this point, all the summoners are stupid, staring at the white girl being trampled on the corner of the mouth, vomiting blood, and then, spurting blood!


Finally, in the black gold people, this kind of crazy madness, stepped quietly, as if there was a broken sound, the white girl finally screamed, her arms twisted behind her, it was already broken.


The black gold man seems to be crazy, and the last leg is directly on the head of the **** white girl.

Everyone, almost for a moment, looked to the left, and the ten flying Eagle ships that were quietly suspended.

Not surprisingly, a rather weird male voice, faintly floated out, "enough."


Almost the sound of this sound, the black gold face is a positive face, and instantly closes.

Lost, and defeated, Liu Wei, who is ranked 76, has lost. Why, why are those top ten geniuses still not shot!

In the eyes of all the summoners present, there is a shame and anger.

For more than half a month, these black gold people will come here to provoke a provocation. However, in addition to the first few hundred, because they will not be killed, the top ten, but one without any movement!

At this point, after the black gold man stopped, the smile on his lips began to spread, and then he made a big laugh: "Ha ha ha, who else you are not convinced, you can come up and fight with me! I tell you, you so-called gods test I am a waste. I may as well say that I am only 19 years old this year, but you, who can fight me!?"

Although the black gold people are also somewhat disorganized, it is a fact to win the white girl.

"Turn out your testimony of the gods, I am enough! You can pass the words back, let me come here to challenge me, such as Xuan, Nuo, Woolier, and the first strong man, shit, is ridiculous. Extreme!

The black gold man shouted, causing all the summoners to resent, and many of them have begun to grind their teeth.

However, the strength and talent of the Black Gold people are here, they are indeed not opponents.

"No one dares to challenge it today? Yeah, come back tomorrow! Still, if you dare to challenge me, I will leave him a commandment!"

After the black gold man finished, he sneered and walked over to the Flying Eagle.

Among the ships in the middle, the man with golden wings behind him, as always, stood strangely against the hatch.

"Master, killing them directly is why is it so expensive?"

As the sound of a cat sounds, it is only in words, but it is full of chilling killings.

"Hey, you don't understand. After half a year, you know how interesting it is..."

The voice of a half-male and a half-woman confided from the mouth of the golden-winged man. He looked at the countless planets underneath, and a trace of mucus dripped from his mouth. He seemed to see delicious food.

At this time, as the black gold man returned to the ship, the summoners were blown up, and an indignant argument came.

Ye Che did not like to talk about it. He took Cang Ye and Tu Dapan directly, and found an unmanned star and settled down. He has a hunch that after half a year, these black gold people must make a big deal, so he doesn't want to waste time.

So, Ye Che himself looked for a star, began to condense Raytheon elements, and Cang Ye began to raise the wound, Tu Dapan ran to watch the game every day, to inquire about the news.

It’s been a few days since it’s gone.


Ye Chepan sat on the planet and condensed the essence of Raytheon, where the sky was far away, and suddenly there were countless roars and elemental riots.

Ye Che is not strange, even the eyelids have not moved.

There, it is the place where the Black Gold people battle the summoner testers every day.

According to the news from time to time, the black gold people have become more and more hot, but despite this, the top 100 summoners, under the shouts of many people, went to play, the teenagers, all have a bloody, They don't want to win, many just ask the black gold people to punch, and it is good to kick the black gold.

At this moment, the stars of the Noxus, the star of Rune, and the top 100 of the Zu'an Star are all dispatched.

The results can be expected, the challenger, as the black gold people shot more and more heavy, many people were beaten by the bones, no months or two years of rehabilitation, can not recover.

"It’s too much to deceive people. It’s really deceiving people! These black gold people, today, actually say that our testers are all garbage waste. One hand can pick us all, ah ah ah, can’t stand it!”

"Why, why are the top ten strong players still not shooting, mad at me, mad at me!!!"

Tudapan’s message, from time to time, apparently was affected by the hundreds of thousands of millions of summoners, and he was also moved.

Ye Che smiled, this kind of honor and disgrace, really can't excite his anger, he now, just want to concentrate on the Raytheon element, and then, after half a year, won the first...

In the first position, enter the Moganna Mountain in the gate of God, or in the door of Kyle! ! !

This is the Kieran that is worthy of the fall!

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