Suddenly, the blood continued to flow out of the cracked skin, and Ye Che’s body began to fall off like a broken bark. This is a veritable peeling pain. First, the thunder and lightning bombarded his bone skin. Peeling layer by layer!

However, Ye Che did not say anything, this kind of pain, when he was on the earth, he experienced too much, and it is already a pediatrics. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

And the moment when Raytheon's nuclear embryo entered the eyebrow, he knew that what he experienced now is exactly what many summoners have dreamed of! Even the stars of countless runes, or the stars of the Noxus Stars are jealous.

The fistula is an Aboriginal summoner or an aboriginal summoner. In fact, they are all mortal, even those who are weavers, the same is true, the heart is destroyed, the head is broken, and all will die.

To get rid of this limitation, the essence of life must be transformed.

This kind of metamorphosis can only be realized after the advancement of the star nucleus embryo. Only a higher level of the nucleus embryo can lead to a leap in the life level of the ontology.

Ye Che is now the case, the bones are broken, the fur is peeling off, and then reconstructed by the Raytheon nuclear embryo. By the time, as long as the Raytheon nuclear embryo is not destroyed, even if the brain is broken, it can survive!

"It is no wonder that the purple-level star embryo is difficult to climb to the sky. It turns out that it is the case! The purple level, even with such amazing benefits, is able to simultaneously improve its life level!"

Ye Che was amazed.

He felt that as his bones shattered and the fur dissipated, there was a mysterious force in the nucleus of the Raytheon that surged out. Then, with an incredible degree, I began to help myself rebuild the body.

Soon, Ye Che’s body is almost purely constructed by this mysterious force, and its vascular veins are blazed!

Ye Che knows that this power is the original strength of the purple-level Raytheon nuclear embryo, with a glimpse of the power of creation, so that he is the most out of the limitations of the mortal.

This power has been incorporated into his fleshy fascia and becomes part of Ye Che's body.

The reconstruction is very fast, but the process of fusion with the Raytheon nucleus embryo is somewhat slow, lasting for ten days and ten nights, but because of the fusion of the power of the Raytheon nuclear embryo itself, Ye Che's body becomes tough and crystal clear, as if not A trace of impurities in the jade, his understanding and affinity for the Lei element, also raised to an incredible degree.

His black head has been turned into silver, and each silk is full of luster, and it is extremely tough and knife-cut.

If someone can get a head of Ye Che, you can completely penetrate the body of a senior summoner, and the head bursts open, and the ordinary senior summoner can be directly blown up.

Because he is a single head, it contains thousands of Raytheon elements.

At the same time, Ye Che slowly opened his eyes, his clear glutinous rice seems to have a thunder flashing, glanced at himself without a piece of scorpion, the idea of ​​a move, Raytheon element turned into a purple robes, shrouded the leaves Cheek.

Ye Che waved again, and the floating lei nuclear embryo did not enter his eyebrows.

After nearly two months, the Raytheon nuclear embryo finally reached the purple quality, and he himself, because of the successful cohesion of the star embryo, also officially entered the threshold of the weaving staff!

When the leaves of a purple robe fell slowly from the sky, the original violent thunder elements swept past his body, and it was inexplicably quiet and soft, as if the soldiers were under the leaves.

Ye Che is wearing a purple robe, the clothes are fluttering, the long dances, the thundering twinkles, like the eyes of the gods in the sky, he goes down the wind, stepping out every step, and there will be a layer at his feet. The thunder condensed the steps, this step is a whole body of amethyst, the power is amazing, its breath is not long, it is like the road to heaven.

With a purple-grade Raytheon nuclear embryo, Ye Che is now like Thunder King!

If you want to really control the Lei element, or even the Raytheon element, you have to go through three stages. The first stage is to use the brain to understand and control it with the power of the hero. This kind of memory is easy to forget, and the second is to think through the brain when using it. The reaction was slower than half a beat. In a fierce battle, the slower response was often fatal.

As for the second stage, it is the body memory. The body's memory is controlled by the thunder elements. It will not be forgotten in life, and it will form a conditioned reflex when used.

This is also the ultimate stage of countless summoners!

The final stage, that is, the current stage of Ye Che, uses bones and bone marrow to remember, burn and mix into the bone marrow, and become part of the body! When you think about it, you can thunder and thunder!

But at this stage, let alone the general summoner, the original inhabitants of the Rune Star, never thought about it.

After all, this can only be achieved if you have a purple-level star nucleus, but the purple-level star nucleus is too far-fetched. You must know that the rune star is only a purple level.

And it has nurtured countless geniuses, but you can imagine its greatness. The summoner wants to concise the embryo of this great planet, and it is somewhat whimsical.


Ye Che gently landed on the ground, his eyes, quietly sweeping around, looking at the depleted land, looking at the trees that turned into fly ash...

This planet does not die directly, but because of the lack of energy, it has fallen from the blue planet to the white planet, and its life is estimated to be running for thousands of years.

"When a planet dies, there will be a new planet..."

Ye Che whispered, then shook his head, only to hear the air bang, and he has disappeared.

This time the test of the gods, it is time to do it once!


In the universe, Ye Che is shaped like electricity. Under his feet, an amethyst spherical ghost is flickering.

Every time there is a flash, there is a huge amount of energy that flows into his body, making his degree not weakened, and his degree is almost catching up with the former dark ship.

At this level, Ye Che quickly came to the planet of Tu Dapan and Cangye. Just looking for a moment, he is now, the two have not been on the planet.

"Is it wrong..."

Ye Chexin thought.

Half an hour later, a thunder-exploding Ye Che fell behind the hundreds of thousands of huge ships in the horizontal arrangement, but he had not had time to stabilize his body, and a stock of elements blew a strong explosion. It was passed from inside.

Accompanied by, there are summoners, crazy shouts.

"A good and powerful volatility, is it because, in the last half of the year, those top ten players have finally appeared?"

Ye Che whispered.

He felt that the intensity of the battle there was much more intense than before.

After thinking about it, Ye Che converges on the breath and walks over.

(From the day after tomorrow, continue to add more!)

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