League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1403: The top three!

But the data that was displayed showed her brows from time to time. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

"There are several satellites in the surrounding area that have been scanned three or four times. However, there is still no trace of the "mica star"."

The cat girl is cold and cold.

Research changed the more strange posture, and then faintly said: "Stop scanning, anyway, the distance display coordinates, has been less than ten days, ten days later, all self-seeing!"

The cat-like girl seems to be somewhat reluctant, but she still stops her finger.

Then, when she was about to say something, suddenly, sitting on her lap, she sat up and squinted, her face showing a strange smile.

"Research, you..."

A cat girl.

"I feel the breath of the kid. It seems that his star robbery has already passed. I have to play in these ten days..." Researched the skin and pulled it up and stood up.

The cat girl condenses: "The big thing is heavy!"

The research slowly turned his head, and the holy flame in the eyes twitched slightly. His mouth provoked a hint of evil. Then the palm rubbed a few times on the cheek girl's cheek and said, "I am going to do big things! If this The kid can join us, our chances of winning, at least half a layer! The master of the star nuclear embryo, although only white, but also the star embryo! Compared with the cannon fodder, it is much better."

The cat-like girl laughed and looked at her, but she did not believe it.

No matter how much research, he gathered the wings behind him, and then hidden the round sphere of the forehead, the arm was copied, and the cat girl was left directly with the cat.

At the same time, Ye Chezheng leaned on his small pillar condensed by the elements of Ray, listening to the summoners' discussion of the previous battle.

Suddenly, an amazed voice rang from the back. "Is it you?"

When Ye Che looked back, she saw two familiar figures, and her face suddenly showed a smile.

These two men, a man and a woman, are just concentrating their own research, and the girl who knows her name.

For these two people, Ye Che is still very grateful. If they are not, they will not know that the planet has a grade, and it will not make enough effort to make the star embryos rush to the purple level.

So, Ye Che showed a grateful color and said: "It’s so good, I didn’t have time to thank you last time."

Research laughed, and there was a touch of excitement in the eyes, and quickly walked over, and then seemed to prevent other summoners from hearing, whispered: "Folding, it is really smashing us!! You are condensing the top of the star embryo. Genius, we can happen by chance, it is our blessing!"

The cat-like girl doesn't go too far, and she doesn't know how to study.

Research is good in her heart, fighting is hot enough, cultivation is genius, but the only drawback is that it is too love to play, too love to play!

Ye Che did not know, but thought that research was really exciting. After all, he also knew that the tester who condensed the star nucleus embryo did not seem to have any in this batch, so he smiled and said: "Fortunately, it is just a fluke."

"Haha, luck is also part of the strength! According to me, if you play, then what ranks first, the same kind of **** and mysterious three, directly will be spiked, and what black gold, slap You can stun, even if they are the sacred researcher, I am afraid I have to stand by!"

Research said with exaggeration.

The cat girl coughed and signaled that the performance was too much.

There was no reaction from the research, and his face was showing the color of worship. The praise words spoke out continuously.

In short, it means that Ye Che should be shot at the end, defeating the Black Gold, defeating Xuan, and even defeating Shengyan! Then, unify this starry sky! !

"Without this plan, I am only interested in the first test of the Shenmen. Once I expose the strength in advance, it will affect my performance." Ye Che shook his head and said.

He did not have any interest in this kind of battle. After all, he is not a rune star, and he has no honor and disgrace on this planet.

Once the shots reveal their strength, many people will definitely walk around him in the last half of the year, which will definitely affect the performance.

Ye Che’s only goal now is to get the best results, and even break the record of the past test of the gods. After entering the gate of God, it will be taken seriously. Under the emphasis, the resources will definitely be greatly improved. The improvement will inevitably have a crucial impact.

"You can't say that, think about it. Once you defeat the Black King and save the reputation of these testers, what a great honor will be won. This is a great opportunity to make a name for yourself!"

The mouth of the mouth was persuaded to take off, and then asked Ye Che’s name, and immediately immediately persuaded the Ye brothers.

"Less God, pay attention... pay attention to the image."

Some cat girls are not going to pass.

"Image? Image has fun, is it important to face? Hey, I really want to see this kid finally know that I am St., and then my face after defeat! Must be extremely exciting! Now I am holding him more, when it is reversed The more exciting, hahaha, no, no, I can’t do it when I think about it!”

Studying the excitement of shaking the voice.

The cat-like girl licked her forehead and threw the next sentence, 'Let's be with you', and then stood coldly with his face, no longer dissuading it.

Time is slowly passing...

The second day has come when the summoners have analyzed, discussed, and discussed the methods of defeating the black gold.

On this day, the research spared no effort to persuade Ye Che to fight, but Ye Che did not agree.

At the end, Ye Che was a little impatient, and the research closed his mouth. This is also Ye Che’s research and appreciation for himself, otherwise he could not stand it and let him go.

"It seems that ordinary persuasion is useless. This guy is really stubborn. It is useless to determine how I persuaded."

After a slap in the face, then a sneer flashed in the eyes, and then said to the cat girl: "You pass on the order, starting today, focus on those wastes, and then humiliate me, I don't believe this kid is not playing! !!"

The cat-like girl nodded coldly, then pressed a few times on the wrist without revealing, and then hanged down.

At the same time, the black gold man who had just walked down from the Flying Eagles glanced at the message at the wrist, and a cruel smile spread from his mouth.

"Come on, come to war!"

"I heard that the top five masters can't stand the pressure and are already planning to shoot!"


"I heard it too, not sure!"

Looking at the black gold people who came down, many people whispered.

At this time, everyone only felt the eyes sway, and when they returned to normal, they saw a teenager with naked upper body and muscles wrapped around her body, appearing in the field.

"Tao Luo! God's Gate imprint, the third ranked Tuo Luo!!!"

All the summoners widened their eyes, and after a quiet moment on the scene, a fierce and excited shout like a gust of wind swept the starry sky!

Ye Che also stood up straight and looked at the boy.

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