However, the nucleus embryo of Raytheon is not purple, and it does not move.

Shengyan fell down, and immediately there was a spotted fly fluttering, opening a big **** mouth, biting toward Shengyan, and two spotted flies flew into the sky, but passed Ye Che, condescending, stabbing Empty, evil thorns to Ye Che.

"These monsters!"

Ye Che's face was so heavy that such a perverted starry beast made him very curious. How did the first tester of the gods survive, and then he realized the existence of the Protoss.

"Don't keep it, fight!"

Ye Che gave a low drink.

"Understand!" St. Research immediately responded to the channel.

In the next second, there seems to be a volcano in front of them, and at their feet, like a basketball star embryo, all kinds of amethyst and darkness.

Just for a moment, Ye Che’s millions of Raytheon particles, as well as the essence of nearly three million life elements of Shengyan, burst out completely.


No longer kept, immediately there was a spotted fly that was smashed and smashed, and the shell ruptured, and it flew away from the distance.

Two small spotted squid flies next to each other, one that was blown up by Yere’s Raytheon particles and the hero’s power, and one that was directly kicked by St.

The two added to the ground, the "bang" loud noise, the ground stepped out of the big pit, countless dust flying, just blocking the opening of the big mouth and the tube, want to attack the sight of the two people.

Shengyan snorted, Ye Che followed closely, the power of the hero screamed and roared, this spotted fly was defeated, and the body of tens of thousands of meters rolled out like a collapsed mountain.

"Damn, leave here!"

Shengyan was sullen, and Ye Che said nothing, his body was slightly stunned, and suddenly a terrible lightning storm was set off. The explosion blew and cracks appeared on the ground, and his body once again rushed up like an amethyst. The luster was projected out, along the huge peak of 10 million meters, all the way down, and soon a group of spotted flies on the top of the mountain were thrown away.

One purple and one black and two rays plunged all the way, along the huge peak of 10 million meters, and soon, "bang", Ye Che and Sheng Yan landed, fell into a basin that was slightly trapped, that The sound of the landing, stunned a strange fish that was not curling away and was resting.

This fisheye nest is deep, and it is like a beast that swallows the sky.

The sound of Ye Che and Sheng Yan’s landing sound immediately awakened the big fish. The big fish screamed with anger and immediately raised his body high. The back of the giant phosphorescent tail flashed toward the two.

"These starry beasts are really fierce." Ye Che brows, the Raytheon element condenses into two brontosaurus, ruthlessly slammed into the past, touching the scorpion of the big fish tail, Wan Hao Lei light burst out.

"嗤", the big fish turned white and white, and twitched a few times, and it didn't move directly. Only a piece of Jiaomao smell came from a burst.

Shengyan sullenly said: "Helium! It is really suffocating! The starry beast on the end of the star group, usually do not leave their territory, usually sleep, but do not want us to happen to happen! Just fighting, absolutely holy Bert gave it a sense!"

"Then we have to speed up!"

Ye Ching said quietly.

Shengyan nodded and looked for the direction. He said, "Come with me, there!"


The figure of the two disappeared instantly in the same place.


At the same time, a group of people are moving forward cautiously less than 100,000 meters away from Ye Chesheng.

At the center of this group of people, a young man of about 21 years old is frowning with a few people around him and talking about something. This youth is dark and dark, his fingers are thick, his brows are thick and black, and his hegemony is several times stronger than Shengyan!

"A bunch of waste, my stupid brother has arrived here, but they don't know, I really don't know how to track it!"

This young man has an angry face.

"There are no need to be angry with the Lord of God. Since they have already been present, they are already not afraid! Now, the spirit of the spirit is heavy!" A teenager who is similar to the black gold man, said in his words, he also carried a statue like Sheng Sheng on his head. The same singular headphones.

Obviously, the Lord of the Lord in his mouth is St. Burt.

St. Berth also knows the importance of the Protoss. After the strong anger, the low asked: "Sheng Gang, how far is it from the Protoss?"

"With our degree, all but up to ten minutes, but in order to avoid the starry beast, it takes about two hours!"

Sheng Gang said respectfully.

"Two hours..."

In the eyes of St. Burt, the cold light flashed, and she whispered ‘slow’, and then looked at the more than one hundred testers of the gods here. Then, a touch of evil laughter spread from his mouth.

"Sheng Gang, pass on the order, prepare to go all the way!"

"Ah? If you meet the starry beast???"

"Don't forget, these testers are good feeds..."


At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away from them, Ye Che is quietly waiting for Shengyan to confirm the position.

Two or three minutes later, Shengyan still couldn't determine the exact direction, but outside of their 10,000 meters, there was another starry beast, which was inadvertently revealed, and then began to move toward this side.

The starry beast has a very strong territorial view. Similarly, it also rejects other creatures who break into their own territory. Once they are present, they will not die unless the other party withdraws from their territory.

This inadvertently appeared the Ye Xue and Shengyan monsters, the limbs are extremely short and short, the head is not high, only about a kilometer, but the total length has reached nearly eight kilometers, dragging a giant flat tail, long With a pointed spike and a short thorn, his head resembles a legendary dinosaur, and his body is somewhat like a lizard.

At this moment, it was quiet, and the two people approached the two quickly. In a second or two, they approached Ye Chekang.

In order not to disturb An Xue, Ye Che voluntarily greeted him.

Ye Che was not prepared to delay the time with it, and millions of Raytheon particles slammed into the air like a lightning bolt.

"Bang" sound, completely absolute energy suppression, just listen to the "squeaky" sound, this shape resembles a lizard monster, the chest and scales are directly penetrated by lightning, the internal organs of the body are burnt, when the hand is closed, this head The starry beast sighed and slammed on the ground, unable to move, and soon lost his life.

Ye Che gently breathed a sigh of relief and returned quietly.

It took another two minutes. Finally, St. Yan’s eyes were bright and said: “The location is certain! We are all in seven minutes!”

"Good!" At the same time, Ye Che’s voice was tight.

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