League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1424: Self-killing?

The two men, Ye Che, saw that they appeared next to St. Bert, apparently St. Bert. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

However, the more than one hundred testers of the gods were gone, and they were able to arrive here so quickly. Obviously, those testers of the gods were abandoned by them.

Again, this is also the case that the testers of the gods found. They have merits and hard work, but they have been bridged by the river, so Ye Che is not too polite to such people.

At this moment, Ye Ching condensed into a fist, and then slammed out.

Then, he didn't look at it. He was turned like a power and stretched out his hand. The purple-nuclear debris with purple light was already in his hands. He started and was warm.


At the same moment, Ye Che came back with two sullen sorrows. The two black gold men were attacked by his hand and retired.

"Bick, you know who we are!?"

After the two black gold people finally stabilized their bodies, they smirked at Ye Che.

"There is nothing in the Lord, things are my first, let go!"

Ye Che is also cold-faced, not taking a step back.

The energy contained in this purple nuclear debris is comparable to a whole blue-level planet, and it is better than the purity of energy, and it is convenient. In one year, it has to face the witchcraft civilization of Zelas. Will not let go.

"It's yours, it's yours? The ridiculous logic, I want to ask, if you are dead, are you still??"

One of the black gold people said coldly.

"Do you have the confidence to kill me?" Ye Che said, putting the purple nuclear fragments into the ring of the summoner.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the two black gold people flashed a strong killing. However, remembering the strength of the wave before the boy in front of him, the heart was a little jealous.

"Oh, can you kill us? We don't know, but... let you live some more time for a while!" said a black gold man, and after making another look at another person, he inexplicably took him with him. left.

Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly, and the two people's minds, he was very clear, nothing more than waiting for himself to get some purple nuclear fragments, and finally harvested himself.

"Interesting, just in line with what I think."

Ye Che said to himself, his body shape changed and disappeared in place.

"With the purple nuclear debris, after the end of the test of the Shenmen, after I arrived at the parent star, I have the confidence, whether it is cultivation or exchange of resources, it is excellent!"

Thinking, Ye Che's degree is getting faster.

Fifteen minutes later, a voice was introduced into his ears through the undulation of the essence of a life element on his shoulder.

The essence of this life element is left by St. Research. As long as it is in the same space, it can be transmitted at any time through the fluctuation of the essence of the element. Of course, this is also agreed by Ye Che, otherwise the essence of the element here is Ye Che Ru The dust is normal and it can be peeled off.

Of course, on the body of Shengyan, there is also a Thunder element of Ye Che.

"Ye Che, I just got a purple nuclear fragment!"

The sound of Shengyan is somewhat joyful.

He is no more than Ye Che, Ye Che because of the source of the gods, the purity of the nuclear energy is indifferent, but for him, the purple nuclear fragments are ten times more pure than the average planet, it is very rare.

This means that he will condense the essence of the elements and the power of the hero, and he will be ten times faster! Therefore, he is extremely concerned.

"I also captured one!"

"Great!! But the number of St. Peter's guys is huge, and this moment has a big advantage, but nothing, you are there, let them spit it out!"

"I declare in advance that I have no enmity with St. Peter. If it is not necessary, I will not kill him."

Hearing here, Shengyan said with a smile: "You want to kill, I dare not let you kill! This guy is hateful, but after all, it is a person of the Bipolar Palace. Once he dies, the bipolar palace is inspected. A group of testers of the gods, one can't run! In the end, I will also be involved in my head."

"At the time, everything depends on the specific situation."

Ye Che said the last sentence and stopped the sound.

Just 16 minutes later.

On the surface of the mica star, Ye Che was flying all the way. He followed the routine and sniffed it for a few seconds. This time, unlike the past, there was another fragrance floating.

"That's it!" Ye Chu, who had experience, instantly judged.

"over there!"

Ye Che's eyes are bright.


The exaggerated shock of Raytheon, under the protection of the power of the hero, Ye Che rushed to the direction of the clear fragrance with an amazing degree!

But as it approached, suddenly, a curse and a loud noise rang.

Ye Che didn't think much, just rushed over, but when he rushed over, he was shocked...

Next to it, a burly black gold man, who has been broken into two pieces, squats on the rock. Although the body is broken into four or five sections, the large intestine and small intestines are smashed out, but because of the protection of the hero, he has not yet He died, and he has been dying on the ground.

But very quickly, one third of them had disappeared from their heads, and they slammed down and then stopped.

There was someone next to it, crouching aside: "Albin! Albin!!!"

Then, I turned to look at the three black gold people who had stood here long ago and said: "You actually killed Albin! You are too much!"

The black gold man stared at the three men in anger.

One of the bloated black gold brows wrinkled and condensed: "Luke, what are you talking about! When we arrived, he was already like this!"


Luke sneered and said with a sullen face: "He, and the surrounding, all are the aftermath of your elements. I think, the three of you are united, the sneak attack killed him, and then intend to swallow the purple nuclear fragments!" ”


The bloated black gold tone suddenly improved, saying: "We are all life elements of repair. Before we accept the orthodox inheritance of the heroic rules, the elemental volatility is exactly the same! Obviously, this fluctuation is because he and the enemy Produced during the fight!"

"Even if you are talking about it, then I only ask one sentence, where is the purple nuclear debris? You hand it over now, I will believe it!"

Luke’s face is black.

The three black gold men looked at each other and said: "The purple nuclear debris? When we came, we didn't show it, but it was only attracted by the fragrance."

Luketon revealed the white teeth of Sensen, and his voice said hoarsely: "This kind of **** saying, deceive three-year-old children? You personally explain to the Lord of the Lord!"

After that, he lit a red light on his back.

The three black gold people knew that they had murdered, so their faces did not change, but they looked around and looked at Ye Che, and their eyes flashed a touch of cold.

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