League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1442: Arrogant Ye Che!

But when the old woman wants to get up, the holy shrine is a bright eye, pointing to the only two people left in the field, saying: "The speaker, etc., there are people who have not chosen. August 1st Chinese network? W ?W?W.81ZW.COM"

"I said you can't waste time? With only two people left, their chances of joining our bipolar palace are less than one in ten thousand!"

Behind the old woman, a woman dressed up in luxury snarled directly. Obviously, she did not care about the identity of the daughter of the Lord.

The holy shrine is the same face, sitting in the chair does not move. The old woman’s brow was wrinkled, but she was screaming, but the situation in the field suddenly caught her eyes.

That is the woman in the magic snake civilization not far from her, a woman with a variety of strange-shaped snakes on her body, and the two people in the field sighed coldly. "The two are really big shelves! How? We are more than 600 civilizations, not enough for you to choose?"

This statement has already brought a little anger, and many testers can't help but show the color of gloating.

After Ye Chewen heard it, his look was unchanged, his face showed a smile, and he said softly: "No, no, you misunderstood, I just just returned to the voice of a good friend."

It seems to be to avoid the topic being taken by this serpentine woman. Ye Cheyu continued very fast: "I really want to join her civilization, but she wants to think about my future, but I don't want me to join, but I want to join. Medium civilization."

"You have a lot of nonsense, hesitating and hesitating, can't be a big event!"

Not far from the serpentine woman, a middle-aged man screamed.

Ye Che shrugged and said: "So I told her that the so-called rewards of medium civilization are really bad for me. It is dispensable. I just want to join her civilization!"


With the words of Ye Che, in addition to some good mentality of the summoner, almost all summoners directly bombed.


"This kid is crazy, where is his confidence!?"

"Mom, can you have nothing? I just went for their reward. This kid actually said that it was dispensable. Is his brain caught by the essence of the element!?"

"I really want to die. There are more than 600 civilizations on the field. He dares to say this!"

"It is estimated that it is a grandstanding, but I can guarantee that his ending will be very miserable!"

Sure enough, listening to the discussion of the summoners, many medium-sized civilizations directly blew up, and in the eyes of some middle-class civilizations, they were even more murderous.

Xuan, and the other seven summoners with Ye Che's same star are dumbfounded, and the holy shrine is dumbfounded. The **** gate messenger is also a singer, and it is impossible to know what Ye Jie is going to do.

When the civilized anger and the testers satired constantly, Ye Che’s face did not reveal any flustered color. Instead, his head gradually lifted up and his eyes were clear and firm.

Some of the cultivation is very high, and obeying the original must have observed the civilization of Ye Che silently. At this time, he finally saw his appearance. He stood there in a faint sorrow, and calmly faced the killing of almost all civilizations. .

However, from the slight sag of Ye Che, they can detect the younger respect of the civilization, but they have strong self-confidence. It is rare for an indigenous star who has just set foot on the mother star to have such a certain force under the eyes of the public!

This alone makes the attention of some civilizations slightly brighter.

The serpentine woman's gaze flashed a trace of astonishment in the wrongness. Now this boy is actually a sword, a hidden front, and a dew.

When he was half-headed, it was no different from many ordinary testers, so that he left his eyes.

But when he lifted his head slightly, the strong confidence was definitely not comparable to other testers.

Looked at the astonished look of other people’s eyes, this serpentine woman once again looked at the boy, although the boy was facing the pressure of a thousand words and the pressure of the civilization, but it was just that without saying a word. that.

But this attitude is undoubtedly telling everyone with a confident and silent gesture. I have no rumors. I dare to speak this because of this capital!

In the distance, Xuan and his peers joined the civilized friends to look at each other, and their eyes were admired. If they were to face such a scene, they would certainly not be as heavy as Ye Che, and they would be anxious to defend.

But look at people, that kind of temperament, this is not only the personality charm, but also the best interpretation of their own strength!

At this point, the serpentine woman waved, pressing down the voices of the testers, frowning at Ye Che: "Do you know what your arrogance will bring to you?"

Ye's eyes turned and fell on her face, revealing a smile. "If you can slap a planet and slap it, then tell the ordinary people what they will say? You will say that you are arrogant and white." Daydream, even..."

Having said that, Ye Chedun lived.

The serpentine woman sneered and said: "You mean that the so-called reward of medium civilization in your speech is too bad for you, or even dispensable. It is a fact. Are you just a reason to state it? ”

"This is the case, I just said the truth."

Ye Che is not humble.

"Ha ha ha, this kid really admits!"

"What does he think he is? Lao Tzu is also the first test of this Shenmen test, but even dare not think about this kind of big words!"

"Wait a minute, after you have discovered the original shape of this kid, see what else he has to say, and die is not enough."

The testers sneered.

However, those civilizations were instead laughed, and the serpentine woman said: "Well, don't say that I didn't give you a chance! You show your strength. If it is as you said, I am not guilty!"

Ye Che shook his head and said: "I am just telling the truth, why should I specifically prove it? I am not guilty."

"Not guilty? This reward, even if it is me, is enough for a long time, but it is not what you are? If you can't prove it, it is destroying our civilizations! The sin of sin, **** it. !"

The serpentine woman said coldly, although the performance of Ye Che has just been remarkable, but if it can't be proved, it is all camouflage, she naturally has no good attitude!

Ye Che’s face reveals the color of “difficulty” and said: “Once I prove it, I can make a big move. I still join her civilization directly.”

Said, actually turned directly, and took the direction of the left Promise Palace.

Seeing this scene, all the testers were stunned, Nima should not be so shameless, the words that were so arrogant before they were said, now come a big tree! ?

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