(If you are in a canyon battle, it should be tomorrow, don't worry, I won't go back to the end. After all, this novel is mainly about the League of Legends. Bayi Central? Wenwang? W≈W≤W.81ZW.COM)

"That... my name is Tudarpan."

Tudapan laughed.

Only in addition to the sacred smile and returned to him, Shengyuan too lazy to care about him.

Even the first place is not, even do not know whether it can pass the examination of the Bipolar Palace. For such an indigenous star, Shengyuan too does not want to remember the name.

Tupanpan was a little embarrassed, suddenly his eyes lit up, and now there is a huge, dark head in the distance, from the ground into the clouds.

"That is……"

Ye Che is also shocked at the bottom of his heart. He saw a black flame burning in his body, and a wolf head with his blue eyes. He was screaming in the distance, and he couldn’t feel it.

"This huge carving."

Ye Che could not help but be shocked. This sculpture was only afraid of reaching hundreds of kilometers. He wanted to complete such a huge work, and the manpower time was too immeasurable.

"This is the wolf spirit domain. From here, you can reach the sheep spirit domain!"

The voice of the holy shrine is lightly introduced by Ye Che, which makes the source of Shengyuan too inexplicable. After all, in the face of such a genius, shouldn’t it be gentle?

Just when their minds were complicated, a huge wolf body made entirely of inexplicable metal appeared in front of Ye Che and Tu Dapan.

This giant wolf stands in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The body of the giant wolf is engraved with wolf claws, wolf teeth and wolf hair. It is also a passage. The whole passage is filled with black light. From a distance, it is a piece. Scary wolf at the beast level!

“It’s a mother star, and there are hundreds of thousands of kilometers of buildings.” Tupanpan exclaimed.

"Wolf Ling is a channel, there are also a large number of places to live around the passage, cultivation ground, etc." Sheng Sheng also said.

Ye Che is also very surprised. Imagine that a wolf body that occupies hundreds of thousands of kilometers is lying on the ground. There are castles and temples around this wolf road. This wolf road will have countless castles and halls. Form a perfect whole.

In the wolf, it is a suspended black palace that looks majestic and shocking.

"Only this momentum, I have seen any forces in the distance." Ye Che heart meditation.

Although they have already seen it, Ye Che has been flying for a while before coming to the wolf tail of Wolf Spirit.

Ye Che stood at the horn-like wolf tail and looked at the patrol station on the ‘Wolf Road’ in the distance. He was wearing a large number of summoners in black armor and felt heart-wrenching for a time.

At a glance, these summoners have at least 100,000.

These summoners are all senior bipolar palace people, all living a few hundred years old, they did not hide their breath, Ye Che can feel the fluctuation of the star nuclear embryo from them.

"It seems that it is only a zero-dimensional low-class civilization, and it is not at all comparable to the power of the Rune Star. After all, it is already an essential change! I really want to see what the civilization of the heroic body will construct."

Ye Che said to himself.

At this time, Shengyuan Tai had already stepped forward to talk with the guards. After ten seconds, he turned and took Ye Che and Tu Dapan to go to the wolf tail.

As soon as he entered the door, Shengyuan was too gentle to the holy shrine: "You will take them to the newcomer area first. I will complete the handover procedure and then arrange specific matters for them."

After talking to Ye Che, she smiled and led the boys and girls behind her to leave.

"Call, finally left."

Sheng Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and began to lead the way.

"Why, are you afraid of her?" Ye Che asked, keeping up.

"It is not a fear to say that she is a negotiator. As long as she observes major events, she will report to the palace. In order to avoid being caught by the nephew, as long as the speaker is present, no matter who is there, there will be a lot of criticism. ”

Sheng Sheng smiled and then asked: "What do we do now?"

Ye Che indulged and said, "Go to the newcomer area first, then you will summon the forty-eight indigenous firsts who have already joined you. I have great use! Also, since you just said that, then the source is too I am sure not to hand over, but to report the matter to the palace."

The eyes of Sheng Sheng brightened and said: "In this way, is my identity prestige improved?"

After all, the tester who has the purple-star nucleus embryo, or in the case of hundreds of medium-class civilizations, according to her guess, the father will definitely look at himself, until the matter spreads, the rest of the bipolar palace People will also look at themselves a lot.

However, Ye Che shook his head and said: "Rarely!"


A glimpse of the holy.

Tudapan was also a bit stunned. He had already known that Ye Che deliberately held the holy sacred thing. He could not help but ask: "Is this the opposite?"

"Yes! I ask you, if a beggar, suddenly one day won a few million in the casino, what is your first reaction?" Ye Che asked.

"Go **** shipped!!!"

Tupanpan immediately said.

"anything else?"

"and also……"

The sacred face sank, "and... use dirty means!"

"Yes, now the same reason! You usually do not show the mountains and do not reveal water, suddenly so fame, even got the absolute loyalty of the purple-star nuclear embryo testers, they ... will feel that you used some kind of ulterior Dirty means!"

Ye Che is faint.

The face of Sheng Sheng suddenly changed. It is no wonder that Shengyuan was just coming in, and he hurried away. Obviously, he was waiting for the palace to distinguish the nature of the incident.

"But this attention is yours, I believe, you will not deliberately create a road to me?"

The face of the sacred sorrow changed for a moment, and suddenly he spread out and asked.

Ye Che smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple. If you win this one, you just win it once, it is as mentioned above, but if he wins and wins, he will even trade stocks, he is also proficient in marketing, and he has a lot of contacts. It is even showing his excellent thoughts. Do you think he still wins with dirty means?"

"This... I want to ask first, what is stock marketing?" Sheng Sheng said with amazement.

"It's the same as gambling, but it takes a lot of luck. Although these two points depend on luck, the hard power is the main one." Ye Che said.

Sheng Sheng understood, thought about it, said: "An excellent point, naturally can not determine the strength of the shackles, but these are combined ..."

Speaking of this, the holy shrine takes a breath, and a pair of dark scorpions look directly at Ye Che. "Can you help me make the rest of the good points?"

"of course!"

Ye Che's finger micro-bomb, and then hooked the finger to the holy shrine, said: "With the ear."

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