League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1464: Powerful auxiliary ice!

They have only been present until now, and the goods are starting to play ice, which is used to delay the time!

‘666666666666, 螳螂Pansen was born and fried! ’

‘Add and subtract vertigo and then reduce and then reduce! It’s meat, it’s not three people, it’s not killing in a short time! ’

‘Yes, after all, he can put an enemy behind him. Eight? One? Chinese text network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≥8=1≈Z≤W≈. =COM’

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, everyone who saw this scene was a little surprised.

When they waited for the next wave of small group battles, they all made their eyes wide open.

That is a small group of people coming down the road.

In the highlands, ice and bounty are coming up, and the ice girl has already turned to the road.

The time that Ye Che chose this time was exactly when there was a large wave of troops on the road, forcing the enemy not to arrest themselves.

Upon seeing it, Shengyu once again sent Pansen and Yan to come and kill.

After all, the ice is completely out of output, almost can be ignored, as long as the bounty is killed, the ice is in this position, there is no chance to escape.

‘Prepare, kill Panson first, don’t worry! Ye Ye said with a gaze.

This wave is a good opportunity to prove the help of the ice!

‘How do you know that Panson and Hey are here to defend? 'A bounty.

But just finished, I saw a circle of red circles not far behind me, and Pansen opened the big break!

'It really is! 'The bounty is stunned.

If St. Yu is not stupid, I know that Moganna can't leave the road. Otherwise, in the absence of group control and demon-free deterrence, Qinggang Qianshuang Ice Girl can directly kill the tower, and Mogana can't take it. Adc naturally can't take it out, and the rest of the brilliance is going to be clear and no displacement can't leave us, then only Pansen and Yu are left. ’

Ye Chefei quickly finished.

At the same moment, you have already opened the eyes of a dreamy dream with a pair of scarlet eyes, with a fierce temper, rushed over quickly.

The bondmaker is indeed angry, and the inferiority of this game is really inexplicable.

The early stage was completely a big advantage. After the two waves of the group, the tower was broken even after the road was high. How could he not be angry?

‘What to do! ’

The bounty screamed, and seemed to be scared by the fierce temper.

‘Don’t worry, output Panson! ‘Ye Che shouted again.

But his eyes, but did not care about Pansen, but firmly locked in the body.

Just like a sharpshooter aiming at the gun target!

At this time, ‘Boom’, only listened to the square and violently vibrated, and then the summoner who took the virtual shadow and contradicted the card, and fell heavily on the ground.

When it was said that it was too late, Pan Sen had just landed, and the screams screamed, his limbs suddenly straightened, and then he slammed hard.

‘Hey! ’

The air around it was extremely turbulent, and it was madly squeezed against the bounty.

‘kill Panson! ’

Ye Che repeated it again, and the bowstring on his side stretched out.


After a tremor, a huge ice crystal arrow broke through the long smash!

I almost just jumped up, even if I was only a distance from my body, I was firmly fixed in place!

Jumped, interrupted!

No, it’s not interrupting, it’s completely useless!

'hateful!螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂 螳螂

The jump was interrupted, representing that he needed to walk step by step to get close to the ice and bounty.

However, Pansen has grown up and a set has been played against the bounty.

'boom! ’

Under Ye's orders, he gave priority to Panson's body and broke Passon's passive shield.

Then, Panson set a bounty of one-third of the blood, lifted the hand a and the skill flowed smoothly.

Taking time, Ye Che glanced at the sputum that had just recovered from the dizziness and raised his hand. He raised his hand and shot a thousand arrows, and he shot it.

‘My day! ’

The whole person is not good, he has just been awake from the dizziness, and actually was hanged down.

In just a few seconds, Panson, who is not very good at education, has only half of his blood.

Fortunately, the blood of the bounty is only half of the treatment, and it is only crispy.

‘I’m going to get into the range right away!螳螂瞪 squinting.

His current performance is obviously already caught in some kind of obsession.

This is also the fault of the people below the king.

I have suffered a loss, and the venue must be back, I must prove myself!

Therefore, in the arduous journey, he finally included the bounty in his own scope of "empty fear."

However, when he shot the injury-reducing technique, a layer of whirlwind suddenly exploded from the ice.

Flying up the talisman is on, move up!

Then Ye Che's waist was twisted, blocking this reduction.

'by! ’

I want to die, there is no way, no choice, under the pressure, he opened the stealth plus approach.

After a second, he finally arrived safely and could reach the range of the bounty.

‘Taste fear! ’

At the bottom of the heart, the moment of appearance, you have to tear a bounty with one third of the blood.

'weak. ’

Ye Che faintly raised his hand.

At the same moment, Pansen was rewarded by the bounty at the limit, causing him to recover some blood.

'weak! ! ! ? ’

His face is green and does not output, but is closely attached to the bounty.

But he does not output, but the bounty is ‘砰砰砰’ to him for a while.

The equipment for the bounty is very good. After all, the collection of so many towers, the blood volume of the cockroach quickly dropped by about one-third.

‘Weak time is over! ’

Outside the Summoner's Canyon, Bi Rui whispered, and the rest of the people looked at it.

Once the bounty is killed, you will refresh the leap and kill it. With the output of the ice, it takes a long time to break the crystal.

When the time comes back, if the ice does not leave, it will not be separated.

Sure enough, after two and a half seconds, the weakness ended.

However, there is a white light sweeping out of the ice, and the Blue Shield actively activates it!

Then, Wan Jian Qi! ! !

The degree of sputum is suddenly slower than the turtle!

The bounty took the opportunity to leave the output range of the cockroach directly.

'Again! ? ’

He almost cried, and now he touched the bounty.

And at that moment, it was weakened and there was no harm at all.

This is an assassin, too shameful!

‘Good protection! If the specialization assists the ice, then any sudden advance can be beaten far away, and there is no near adnetbsp; ‘even if it is close, as long as there is no second to drop the adc, it will be infinitely reduced, pay attention, it is unlimited! ! ! ’

What's more tragic is that he also has a flying up talisman, and meat... This is not three or four people rushing together, can't kill at all, in the face of this stunned and fleshy ice, the output environment of adc is not too good. ! ’

‘adc is exactly equivalent to a red buff with unlimited battery life...’

At the same time they were surprised to talk about it, and sure enough, they no longer met the bounty body.

It was dragged down by the cold ice, but it didn’t show up. The slamming was slow and slow, and it was killed by a hard kite.

‘Play Polk, double kill! ’

After hearing this voice, the hearts of Shengyu and others all sank to the bottom of the valley, and they were angry and chilling.

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