League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1467: Bipolar Palace Palace Lord!

(Must see: I want to talk to my friends with sincerity. Bayi Chinese Network? W (eight) WW.81ZW.COM

About Passion: Why is the online game type of novels extremely difficult to get to the end? It is because of passion, it is like playing a game. It feels very fun in the first day or two. But after half a month, after a month, I am tired of losing my passion. The same is true of League of Legends. Now many people have given up the League of Legends. One is because it is not often played to cause abuse or being pitted, and the second is that there is no initial passion.

The League of Legends novels, all the way to the late stage, in addition to the front, really no, another good glory of the king, but more than two million words will end, and the fight, in the middle and late, although written the same very good But there is no such feeling of passion, which is related to the category rather than the author's strength. After all, it is just a simple online game.

Passion is like happiness, just a state of mind, but not lasting, so I joined the fantasy element, otherwise it will be over two million words, I believe this is a lot of true love powder do not want to see.

To say so much, I want to tell you that some small partners feel that there is no previous passion in the book, not that I can’t write it, but that the online game type of novel can only be like this. This type is just a niche, no more than a fantasy. Xianxia City has always created a new world view or emotion, so I can not be lost in the end. I have not seen the first few high-energy sci-fi movies. I will be passionate and tired in the same game, especially in game novels. It is a League of Legends novel. There are too few and too few words written in the League of Legends novels. It is not easy to write them now, so why not look at other elements besides passion?

I hope that some of the true love league alliance partners will relax their minds and don’t look at the book with their eyes. I just want to create a world where all heroes exist, so that they have blood and flesh, even if the League of Legends is gone, they are still in another A dimension of the world exists.

Above, thanks to the spray for letting me grow up, thanks to the readers of genuine reading, I am moved. (Do not spray the word count. If you open another book, you will receive your book currency separately, and in many cases I will be 2,340,400 or more in each chapter.))

Hearing the news that the routine was stolen, Ye Che was not angry. Instead, he showed such a color. He replied casually: "Know, what is the good news?"

The reaction is so calm?

The sacred stunned a little, but immediately said in his mouth: "The good news is because of this, the frequency I mentioned in the bipolar palace is at least several hundred thousand times higher than before."

"Yes, it is a good thing." Ye Che smiled.

Sheng Sheng smiled and said: "But the public opinion is almost completely one-sided. No one believes that we are the original creators of this routine. The comments on me are all negative."

"This just makes them profound to you."

Ye Che said.

"Deep?" The holy shrine, do not understand the meaning of Ye Che.

"You will understand later, we will see you at the Wolf Palace!"

After Ye Che finished, he directly cut off the conversation and then went outside. After glanced around, he vacated and darted away in the direction of the Wolf Palace.

Along the way, from time to time there is the Summoner of the Bipolar Palace, which turned into Changhong and flew by him.

Some are single people, some are seven or eight, and even dozens of people.

Everyone's degree is extremely fast, and the face is full of excitement.

Ye Che didn't care. He quietly planned the next thing in his heart. After about seven or eight minutes, he stopped in front of the Wolf Palace and then walked in.

Just as soon as I stepped in, I saw a distance of 10,000 meters. In a place with a height of 1,000 meters, I was sitting on a majestic middle-aged man with a sheepskin.

The man's eyes are deep and bright, and Ye Chegang just fell on it. The back is a cold. Obviously, with these eyes alone, the enemy's strength can be reduced by half.

Underneath this man, there are hundreds of thousands of boys and girls in the crowd. They are the summoners who will go to the palace ceremony. Although there are many people, everyone is neatly arranged and extremely standardized.

"It seems that he is the master of the bipolar palace, the father of the holy shrine." Ye Qing silently.

At this time, the essence of his shoulders shook, "Ye Che, here."

Ye Che saw the sound and saw hundreds of meters away. The holy shrine was waving at himself.

After a slight meal, Ye Che walked over.

The sacred glance looked around and led Ye Che to the front row. The eyes of the bipolar palace teenagers along the way, from time to time on the face of the holy shrine, and strangely sweeping Ye Che, looks quite weird.

The sacred priest did not look at them, but took Ye Cong directly in the third row and stood still.

Ye Che looked forward, standing in the first row, all of them are old people who look old, among them, the old woman Shengyuan Tai is also standing there, she seems to notice the eyes of Ye Che, can not help Slightly nodded, Ye Che is also a faint smile.

In the second row, there are some teenagers or youths who are dressed in an extraordinary number of about seventeen. They all have a confident look on their faces and stand there.

Suddenly, Ye Che noticed that Shengyu was also standing in it.

"These, it will not be his kind?" Ye Che took a look at the distant bipolar palace, but it was really alive.

It seems that I don’t want to let Ye Che make a random guess. The holy shrine said: "The top is the bishop of the bipolar palace. The first row is the director of our bipolar palace. Because of your business, nine Da Yichang has arrived all, the second row is..."

Said, she bit her lip and continued: "It is my father's seventeen son, I don't want to stand with them."

Ye Che frowned, said: "If you are the Lord of the Palace, see one of your children, not in the second row, but in the third row, what do you think?"

Stay holy.

"I feel that you have no enterprising heart. You will feel that you don't know the general and not gregarious. This kind of temper, will you pass it on to him? So, what should you do?" Ye Chedao said.

Sheng Sheng took a breath, "I understand!"

After that, with a firm pace, I went straight to the far left of the second row and stood still!


The girl who looked at the holy shrine was a very beautiful girl. She saw the holy shrine standing beside her, and the disgust in her eyes spread out without disguise, and at the same time she snorted.

The remaining 16 people also appeared to the side of the holy shrine, apparently quite surprised by the move of the holy shrine.

"This kind of species, it will not be thought that I have pulled Ye Che, and the price is up?"

"Looking up? Just kidding, the possession of the purple-level star nuclear embryo, she is able to win."

"Hehehe, it’s really a laugh, with the blood of the indigenous summoner, and there is no special talent, but dare to stand next to us, it’s really a face."

"Yu Shao, I heard that the St. Pirates used your routine, I wonder if it is true?"

"That's still used to say that I have heard about the routines these days, so I can study them."

After the seventeen young monks came over from the holy shrine, they all began to voice each other, and the fluctuations of the elements were always lingering among them.

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