League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1480: The end of the mother star!


“The power of the Millennium has finally stopped volatility!”

"God, continue, I have to doubt life!"

"Eighteen days, full 18 days! This Ye Che is afraid to step directly into the incubation period? The purple star hatching period of the life star, I am afraid that he can compete with the half-step star baby period strong And he is only 19 years old!"

"This is secondary. The key is his talent or blood. If it is the latter, then what is the level of his blood?" After all, it is a full 18 days. It is the first generation. How many times the palace owner is!"

"Cut the lord, congratulations, it seems that in time, the Bipolar Palace is expected to be promoted to a zero-dimensional medium civilization. August 1st? Wenwang? W?W (a) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight).COM"

Looking at the thousand spirits that gradually stopped volatility, everyone in the room was either amazed or smiled.

There are many civilizations that have made good connections with the bipolar palaces, and they have congratulated the Sanyi ruling.

Shengyi’s enthusiasm and excitement, one by one, even more involuntarily glanced at the holy shrine, this time, if it is not a holy shrine, this Ye Che will not join the bipolar palace, and think of Ye Che’s holy shrine. Attitude, he has begun to think about how to mend his relationship with his daughter.

However, the Holy Ghost did not seem to notice his gaze, and the whole person has fallen into absolute excitement.

For her now, Ye Che is more outstanding, the plan of the two is more likely to succeed, but she did not expect that this kind of excellence has reached an incredible point, completely out of her expectations.

At this time, the scene was quiet, and everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Che, who had just emerged from the thousand spirits.

Ye Che is also a slight glimpse, I did not expect more people on the scene.

"The palace owner... is this?"

Ye Che's gaze, the fast ones will be fixed on the body of the Holy One, with a trace of doubt on his face.

"Hahaha, I’m a student. In the future, you will call me to cut the uncle. These are the allies of our bipolar palace. Come and say hello." The Sanyi ruled directly without saying that the words were extremely close.

Just kidding, this Ye Che's talent or blood is stronger than the first generation of the palace, and it is several times stronger. He didn't go straight to the intimacy, it is already enough.

As the palace owner, what is his biggest dream, is to strengthen the bipolar palace, is to make it hot on the parent star!

Even, he also thought about the promotion of the bipolar palace to a one-dimensional civilization. Of course, he once only dared to yy, but now that Ye Che has made this dream a chance to realize, how can he not be excited.

Ye Che is undecided. If he was before, he would naturally have a greater relationship with the Holy One. However, after listening to the comments of the Millennium, his vision is no longer limited to the Bipolar Palace.

Instead, the entire parent star!

"Ye Che... You are really... really scared to death! Do you know how many days have you accepted the first generation of the Lord's baptism? Just five days, and you baptized more than three times. Now my father, I am afraid that I will be completely treasured in my heart!"

The holy shrine is also a voice.

"The first generation of the palace, five days?"

Ye Che’s heart glimpsed and suddenly understood. Obviously, because of the gap in baptism time, they have thoroughly regarded themselves as the peerless genius of the first generation of the palace!

"It seems that the plan has to be changed. Now that so many civilizations are gathering together, it is a good time to break the game!"

Thinking, Ye Che is a face slamming.


Seeing Ye’s dignified expression, the holy ruling, and the sacred priests, other lords, and the high-ranking officials and other high-level civilizations, all frowned, is it not what they imagined?

However, Ye Chu’s next words made everyone shocked.

"Everyone... the end of the mother star... is coming!"

Ye Che’s voice is dignified and mournful.


"The end of the mother star?"

"Hey... why do I feel inexplicable!"

Some people present, either staying, or holding back a smile, after all, this sentence is too abrupt.

The only thing that does not change is the Holy One, and several high-level officials of other civilizations, as well as the old!

"Ye Che, is it that you saw something in the Millennium Spirit, or got a message, so you have this!!"

Sheng Yi, a singer, said that there are countless thoughts in his mind.

After all, he is the master of the first house, and the level of thinking is much more than others.

However, after hearing the words of the Holy Trinity, many of the summoners who had been speechless to Ye Che’s words were also condensed because they thought that the boy in front of him was not an ordinary summoner but a foot. The genius of the world who received the baptism for 18 days, always did not accept the 18-day baptism, resulting in mental disorder?

Ye Che did not speak, but his mind was moving. The life avatar flashed directly from the mica star and stood beside him. His body has a profound element of life and ups and downs.

"This is... the sheep spirit is separated!!!"

A director of the Bipolar Palace called out silently.

"What, the sheep spirit is separated!? He was actually given a avatar!?"

"My God, full of baptism for 18 days, was given a avatar, and the pro-son of the Millennium God is estimated to be this treatment?"

Many of the bipolar palace people present were horrified.

The rest of the civilizations are also stunned one by one. Their civilizations also have spiritual images. Naturally, they know what is given to the avatars, which represents the recognition of the spiritual image and represents the absolute honor of this person's identity!

At this point, they thought of the words that Ye Che had said before, and the heart suddenly made a chill.

"Ye Che-hyun, if you receive any message in the spirit, please tell me!"

The Holy One ruler couldn’t help but asked quickly.

There is a glimpse of thought in his heart. Isn't Ye Che in the thousand spirits, what instructions, or prophecies, have just got the words?

Not only him, but many of the other intelligent and intelligent summoners also thought of this.

Ye Che's face is more heavy, but the body is standing straight and strong, like a mountain, the scorpion in his eyes is still moving, giving a sense of stability and absolute trust.

Since the integration with the hourglass, Ye Che feels that his thinking is running faster and faster, and his thinking is faster.

Now, he wants to increase the conviction of his own words, and he has thought of this method subconsciously.

Like the FBI and the special police on the earth, as long as you stand there, you can give people a feeling of great trust and security. Now, Ye Che is simulating that kind of gas field!


Ye Che took a sigh of relief and deliberately paused, giving them a chance to think about it, and then he said inexplicably: "18 days ago, the true body of the Millennium God has come!"

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