League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1483: Step into the incubation period!

Two months later, Rotissmann, which is about 90 million kilometers away from the parent star. August 1st? Wen? W (1) W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (one) 1 (one) ZW. COM

At this time, a teenager who was covered in purple light was lying in the sky above the Rotissmann star, and countless star nuclear energy was erupting from the planet under him, turning into a million The huge amount of energy of the kilometer was taken into the body by the young man.

On his left and right sides, there are two black and white figures, sitting on the empty disk, the appearance of these two figures is exactly the same as this boy.

It’s just that the swaying atmosphere of the whole body is different.

The black figure is much weaker, and the white is the strongest, even stronger than the teenager.

The boy, naturally, is Ye Che, and the black and white figure is the separation of life and darkness. After two months, after his discussion, things are completely fermented.

After Ye Chu’s series of serious research and the determination of the identity of the millennial, on the mother star, countless civilized machines began to operate.

This is a matter of the survival of the mother star, so within a day, the high-level leaders of all the mothers reached a consensus. In just three days, the 1.7-year-old star line has been completely armed!

Numerous speaker, civilized leader-level figures and hidden powers, keep the mother star firmly in the way of every 10 million kilometers. At the same time, hundreds of millions of ships started to take off, In a circular way, go to the far side of the parent star, and once there is news of the enemy, you will immediately report it back!

In order to give the mother star a chance to prepare for the master, the news about the invasion is directly spread out.

For a time, the entire parent star was filled with chill and alert.


On Ye's shoulder, suddenly an element trembled in essence, causing him to slowly open his eyes.

"Ye Big Brother, your proposal has been passed three days ago, come to the lava civilization."

In the words of the Holy Grail, it reveals a sigh of relief.

Because the enemy's strength is unknown, so the civilization is somewhat anxious. At this moment, Ye Che proposed to accept the baptism again to ask the hero to respect the enemy's message, but in a civilization, only one baptism can be done, otherwise the same kind of baptism The power of the body caused the explosion to die, so it is definitely impossible to ask the Millennium God.

Therefore, there is only one way, that is to accept the baptism of other civilizations, so that because of the relationship between the millennial, perhaps the heroic body can also come.

But because Ye Che has joined the Bipolar Palace, this makes them extremely difficult according to the regulations passed down from generation to generation.

This is like the fact that in ancient times, there were already masters, but they accepted the inheritance of other powerful people. Some of them were counter-intuitive.

But if this is not the case, when the enemy is dark, they are extremely passive and uneasy. Therefore, the civilized civilization intends to consider it. Now, after a month of discussion, it seems that it has already passed.

"The lava stone civilization, if I remember correctly, it should be the civilization of the lava giant beast. It is a two-dimensional lower civilization. I don't know if I can get the soil element!"

Ye Che smiled slightly, then slowly stepped.


The life and the darkness of his side are instantly transformed into an illusory state, such as the electric power, which is integrated into the body of Ye Che.

At that time, his breath increased with horror, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached the height of the full incubation period!

And the eyebrows, there is a three-color mark.


Ye Che’s air humming and vibrating around, as if a diamond drill was spinning in a frenzy, causing a sharp collision of air particles.

Then, three completely different radiances rose from his whole body.

The amethyst color of Raytheon elements, the white jade color of life and death elements, the dark dark elements, the three balances in the periphery of Ye Che, hundreds of thousands, millions, thousands of elements of nature emerge, and Ye Che stood in it, as if they God.

In the past two months, he has not only made a breakthrough in the power of heroes, but also the number of elemental essences of the body of the lei nuclear embryo, which has reached eight million, and only a few, can be broken into a half-step incubation period.

Now with the integration of life and darkness, the power of explosion is completely no less than the strong hatching period!

"go with!"

Ye Che gently pushes his hand, which is equivalent to the power of the hero of the weaving stick.

Just like a thunderstorm in the heavens and the earth, the three elements are like a roaring dragon, with three colors of horror fluctuations running through the heavens and the earth, slamming down against the planet!


The unimaginable big bang, for a moment, illuminates a dazzling light that can't be seen directly from the ground with hundreds of thousands of meters of leaf, and then the whole planet seems to vibrate, and then a violent energy storm comes from The ground swept through.




The earth and stone cracked and smashed, and countless trees returned to the most essential state under the impact of the essence of this element and the power of the hero. This area of ​​tens of kilometers was like a vacuum.

At the same time, this violent energy storm has already reached the height of hundreds of thousands of meters and went straight to Ye Che.

Ye Che slowly extended his right hand, his fingertips were light, and he spoke: "Dess!"


In his three-colored lines of eyebrows, he suddenly shot a strange light. In an instant, the range of 10,000 meters near Ye Che, including air and dust, was completely fixed.

However, it seems to be somewhat unstable and seems to collapse at any time.

Ye Che brows slightly wrinkled, waved his hand, only to listen to the "哗啦" sound, this 10,000 meters like a mirror, turned into a sky of crystal fragments.

“The space is fixed, but there is still some control instability.”

Ye Che whispered, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, reached out, a purple stone, he was smashed out of his arms.

The corner of his mouth evoked an inexplicable smile, saying: "Little guy, just the power of my attack, you saw it. If you accidentally hurt you, don't blame me. Are you sure to follow me now?"

This stone is naturally the purple stone that Ye Che met when he was in the mica star.

For so many days, I don’t know if it’s changed its nature or not. Not only did it hurt people, but it’s been lying in Ye’s arms without any movement.


The purple stone jumped twice, and then, in the eyes of Ye Che, with a stunned look, he slammed into his arms.

"This guy……"

Ye Che smiled, this purple stone can feel it, it is very unusual, so he intends to ask the next time to meet the hero's body, and now, it is still important to the earth element!

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