League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1488: Wind and rain come!

"Also.??? August 1? Chinese Network W (eight) W? W?.? 8? 1? ZW.COM"

Gan Fu nodded, then glanced at the crowd and said: "The mother star is currently enemies, and I am not hiding. It is well known that the height of a civilization is related to the dimensional power it masters! In short, Dimensionality of hero skills!"

Said, he waved his arm.

At that time, Ye Che, and some people at the place, felt that the heavens and the earth had disappeared. I only felt that the people around me had turned into a fine line of fine hairs, which seemed to be broken when they were pulled.

Ye Che even felt that the heaven and earth objects, including themselves, seemed to be completely concentrated, concentrated in a line, and could not be moved.

"This is the basic application of one-dimensional power. It will make the space around the enemy one-dimensional. Of course, it is impossible to make the living body itself one-dimensional. Otherwise, the enemy can be killed directly, and in addition to the one-dimensional space, The heroic technique is one-dimensional, so that it is annihilated directly by the attacker in one-dimensional space. This is an attack method, which can be countered by various means. I am afraid that the spatial dimension is suppressed, such as this!"

After finishing the dry, he suddenly reached for a shot.


A column of 100 meters high on his left side, under the volley of this volley, was completely flattened, and then, like a sheet of paper, fluttering from the air.

"This is the space suppression of the two-dimensional civilization, making the space around you two-dimensional. The space you are in will have no high or low points. You can only walk around, can't fly, can't jump, if you can't break this. Kind of restrictions, must die!" Gan Fu said with a calm voice.

Ye Che looked at the pillar that was taken into a piece of paper by a palm, and looked at the dry Fu again.

"Two-dimensional civilization, there are low, medium and high points, the difference is in the intensity of space suppression, and the level of heroic two-dimensional! The hero king (young star body) has the former middle and late points, corresponding to the zero-dimensional civilization One-dimensional civilization, and two-dimensional civilization! If the enemy of the enemy investigation team is only the hero king, the latter is good, even if it is the peak of the later period, we can also deal with it. I am afraid that there is a hero in the investigation team. That level, you can already control the power of 3D!"

Gan Fu’s face is quite worried.

"If we control the three-dimensional power, our two-dimensional space suppression will be completely ineffective. He can directly make the two-dimensional space into a three-dimensional space with length, width and height (depth), and vice versa to suppress us. It can be said that in this kind In the case, we have almost no resistance! It seems that we can tear the paper (two-dimensional) at will, but the paper is unable to resist the general."

Another high-level two-dimensional civilization, added.

"Yes, so... Ye Mengzhu, you see?"

Gan Fu looked at Ye Che, and the rest of the people looked at Ye Che with a look.

In this case, they can only count on future heroes. Otherwise, there is no way but to escape early.

Ye Che’s heart is also a bit stunned. Unexpectedly, dimensional attack and suppression will be so abnormal, but he knows that the more he does, the more confidence he has to show. Otherwise, the stars will all escape. Now, I will be in a difficult situation.

"Three-dimensional... I think, you don't have to worry about this."

Ye Che revealed a smile.


Everyone has a bright eye.

"I want to ask, even if it is a hero, can not escape the rules of the canal battle?" Ye Che asked.

"Of course! The rules of the canyon battle are the supreme rules of the entire Valloland galaxy. Even if there are some means, it can be shielded for a while, but it can't last forever!" said Gan Fu.

Ye Che nodded. "That's good! Just when the lava gods came, I gave you the highest skill of a canyon battle. You can choose the strongest thousands or tens of thousands of people on the parent star to study. This technique! Once the enemy is attacked, the power of the hero is directly activated to activate the canyon battle to meet the enemy. How does the master of the palace feel?"

"The heroes give the canyon battle to the highest skill!!!"

Dry Fu eyes blinked in an instant.

Behind him, he even screamed, and countless summoners stood up, watching Pan Che one by one, if not for the old face, I am afraid that many powerful old people are self-recommended.

"Is there a problem?"

Looking at them, Ye Che frowned and thought that something went wrong.

But it shouldn't be. Summoner Canyon is the supreme rule of the Valoran Galaxy. The highest skill in the canyon battle is definitely the most precious, so that everyone is crazy.

Just when Ye Che was somewhat inexplicable, Gan Fu took a deep breath and calmed down. He said: "No... Of course, no problem! If there is a canyon warfare skill given by the heroes, don't say heroes, Even in the middle and late stages of the emperor, we dare to fight!"

"Not bad! Unless they can directly shoot the flat mother star far away, otherwise, there are really heroes and gods in the canyon battle to the highest skill, how many enemy we have slaughtered!"

Many summoners are excited.

"Three-dimensional civilization, can you reach the level of direct shooting of the mother star?"

Ye Cheyi, the mother star, but there are 1.7 light years, and the degree of light must be more than a year, think about its size.

Gan Fu explained: "That is related to the quality of the natal star. If it is a strong hero of the hero king, and then cooperate with the natal star of the young star, and the quality of the natal star also reaches the highest gold quality, the theory It is indeed possible to shoot the flat mother star directly with a slap."

Ye Che took a breath of air, and now he knows that the quality of the original star is so important, it is no wonder that they value their purple star nucleus.

What makes Ye Che even more amazing is that there is a gold level above the purple level!

"The gold-quality quality of the life star is too mysterious and vast. Anyway, there has never been anyone on the parent star. It is said that the gold-level star is related to the star and can generate powerful energy and light source independently."

Dry Fu Dao.

At this moment, Ye Che thought of the sun, which made his scalp slightly fried.

I don’t want to upgrade the purple-level star to the gold level, but also to the sun. I don’t shudder when I think about it.

After calming down, Ye Chedao said: "In this case, I will down the canyon warfare skills, 妍 girl, this is your responsibility, Fu Shizhu cooperate with it."

"Ah I???"

The sacred scorpion was stunned. The original Ye Che became the master of the mother star, and she still looked faint.

This kind of identity, I am afraid that I will forget myself soon. I did not expect him to directly hand over such important things to himself.

"Yes, it is you."

Ye Che blinked at her.

"Hey, I still don't thank Ye Xuemeng!" In the eyes of Shengyi, the ecstasy flashed, and I quickly reminded that the words of the holy shrine were extremely close to the normal.

"Thank you, thank you Ye Mengzhu!"


Sheng Sheng and Gan Fu almost shouted at the same time.


At the same time, in the starry sky less than a hundred light years away from the parent star, there were sixteen thin, like flaps, and the dish-shaped Thunder ship appeared.

“Supply elemental energy, continue after three minutes!”

"Yes, hey!"

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