"Ai Lili, Wu Changfeng, we are on! You protect the Yemeng master!!!"

Dry Fu shouted. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (eight) Z?W (a). ?C (eight) O (eight) M?

He can't let the strong men of the heroes of the late kings get close to Ye Che. Otherwise, the situation will be extremely difficult to control, so they must be intercepted early! And now, the ability to intercept the three of them, only three of them!


Hundreds of one-dimensional high-ranking civilization leaders or speakers around the world are all screaming.


The next second, Gan Fu and Ai Lili and Wu Changfeng three people, have already sneaked away, and blocked the enemy of the three kings in the late stage.

In the later period of the king, the entire parent star was only reached by the three people. However, because of the high and low problems, Ye Che did not look at his own three people. Sure enough, but for a few seconds, the weakest dry man in the three appeared. Some are struggling.

Although there are many summoners around the parent star, they are afraid to get close to support.

You know, even in the early and middle stages of the king, the gap is great!

In the early stage of the king, only zero-dimensional civilization can be passed down. In the medium term, it can inherit and propagate a one-dimensional civilization. Not to mention later, it has been able to use two-dimensional attacks. They dare to approach and will be directly killed by one-dimensional attacks. ! This is not a human tactic, it will work.

Because of this, they were forced to use the canyon battle before, however, the Summoner Canyon was blocked for a short time.

At this time, in the late period of the three kings, behind a man with a slap in the face, the thunder rolled, and countless bronters were roaring.

"Thousands of birds kill!!"

He screamed and pulled his hands, and the hero of the sky, Thunder Dragon, was suddenly pulled into a silky shape by his one-dimensional, and then wrapped in his own hands, and then played against the dry master!

Dry Fu face iron blue, dim yellow earth element light, swaying around him.

In the face of this person's face-to-face attack, Gan Fu glanced at the mother star summoner around, in order to prevent them from being affected, a bite, even intends to resist!

"court death!"

The master of the late king of the king snorted, a fist wrapped in a dimension of Leilong, and a dry and khaki-like fist, collided!


The two fists collided with each other, and the strong fluctuations of the elements were swept out of their fists. Their heroic techniques began to annihilate and collide, causing a strange "beep" in the air.


The natal star behind the two, under the efforts of the two, began to shake up madly, the fluctuations of hundreds of heroic skills, began to progress in layers!

On the fist of Gan Fu, the essence of the earth element is dazzling and heavy, showing a sense of vicissitudes and indestructibility!

However, the fist of the strongman in the later period of the king is the ray bulge, and the purple and black lightning is evenly distributed, and the ultimate explosive force appears in an instant.

This moment shows the gap between the two people's heritage. The contrast between the two men's attacks, the nature of the dry Fu is thick and solid, the overall defense and offensive is strong, but the king is late, but the point is broken, the victory is extremely Big!


The master of the king’s late stage was low-pitched, such as the silky one-dimensional Thunder suddenly exploded. If the needle was generally facing the dry Fu Zha, the dry Fu pupil suddenly shrank, the whole body muscles were tight, and the elemental shoes under the foot were overwhelmed. The creaking sound, followed by rubbing with the air, was severely broken by the cracked space.

At this moment, Gan Fu seems to have opened a spring hole, a wet piece, and the air around him was almost vacuumed.


Gan Futong blushes to Wu Changfeng.

Wu Changfeng quickly turned his head, this moment, can not help but change his face, shouted: "Be careful!"

It turned out that the singer of the Fu Fu Chuanyin, the master of the late king, directly fell to the dead hand!


A dull explosion, the thunder of the king's late masters has a small area that bursts directly into the starburst. This is... a small range of self-destruction!


Dry Fu looked shocked, completely did not expect that he was so embarrassed to himself, actually started a self-destruction!

"Oh, this is a poor civilization, and the battle gap with our Wuling civilization! First, not enough for yourself, die!"

In the later period of this king, Hu Dahan was cold and smiled.

The dry Fu fist shocked, only the power of the Thunder uploaded by his fist was suddenly more than twice as powerful! !

He was wide-eyed in horror, and he wanted to disregard the blast of his life star. Then, within one tenth of a second, there was time for him!


This blow is simply a mountain shake. The king’s late-powerful boxing is rotated and polished. After a while, there are seven or eight hundred heroic fusion explosions that swept out and cooperated with the singer’s small range. Under the fist, the screams of the screaming, the elements of the chest were all ground, and the flesh and blood, the chest muscles, were all ground into a sauce.

He was trying to make a blow, but he felt that the figure was shining like a cold steel chain and he was pulling his head straight.

"Fast take Fu Shizhu!"

Ai Lili blocked the fatal blow of this big man and shouted.

Immediately, more than a dozen of the mother's summoners rushed, and they quickly took the dying dry gong.

"Hey, chick, kind heart... Unfortunately, your Yemeng is mainly stunned..."

Hu Dahan screamed and laughed.

Ai Lili’s face suddenly changed, her eyes were deflected, and the latter’s strong man, who was now playing with himself, fell into the past with a **** battle against Ye Che.

Although the Summon Summoner is a multi-disciplinary team, it is a means of attack by one-dimensional civilization, and it does not affect the strongman of the latter.

On the contrary, the king's late wave was only a slight wave, and there were dozens of hundreds of mother star summoners being flattened, such as a piece of paper floating down and then pierced by him.

"Damn, Ye Meng main escape! As long as the shield area is out, you can fight the canyon!"

Ai Lili screamed, but her heart was fearful, because she knew that it was impossible. One side was only a heroic messenger, while the other was a heroic king. This gap is completely different!

"Escape! Where to escape? You still think about your own situation, hahahaha!"

Hu Dahan laughed, and his body was an illusion. He immediately rushed to the front of Ai Lili, and the palm of his hand took the power of two-dimensional volatility. Under the urging of the hero, he covered her.

At the same time, Ye Che is all over the body.

The whole man was like a stupid, staring at the hero who was rushing to himself.

However, the focal length of Ye Che's pupil did not condense on the king's body, but looked at the flesh-and-blooded master who was smashed by the king and made a piece of paper.

In the ear, it seems that the screams of Gan Fu and the fears of Ai Lili are also heard.

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