League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1500: Crazy Ye Che

"Yes... Yes, I am just a hero who is not strong enough, right! If I have enough hero power, I am sure... I can reverse the time!"

"The planet, I need the planet!"

Ye Che's eyes snorted slightly and wetly. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

"Yemeng Lord is here!"

Suddenly, a surprise yell came from afar.

Obviously, the feeders on the parent star have arrived.

When Ye Che looked back, he saw hundreds of zero-dimensional particle ships, which appeared from the air. Then, thousands of young face summoners walked out from inside. In the distance, there are more young summoners who are flying in the airships. They are all hundreds of thousands of female stars who have lost their lives.

Looking at this scene, Ye Che’s heart is a pain. These people have no elders since then, no leader, no leader, and can only be on the mother star alone.

"Yemeng Lord... We have just seen through the Sky System, they are all great...you have already tried your best, no matter how the mother star is guaranteed."

A young man who seems to be very calm has walked through comfort.

Ye Che looked at him and smiled. "You...he said it is good, the parent star... keep it down!!"

The young man, and the thousands of summoners around him, suddenly fell in love. Although the bottom of his heart was saddened by the elders' death, the mother star was worthy of their work.

However, obviously, because the battle was too fierce and the sound was huge, they did not hear the dialogue between them and Augustine, and they did not know that they would have to go to the army. They would come in two months.

"You... deal with the aftermath, you can rest assured that no matter who you are, you want to move the parent star, unless you cross over my body!"

Ye Che calmly said, in his mind, flashed the last piece of Augustine's unfinished words.

Everyone looks happy, and with the help and leadership of the heroes, they are really more secure.

After Ye Che finished speaking, he slowly turned his head and looked at the almost imaginary battle area. After a move, he shot away from the parent star.

"What are the Yemeng leaders going to do?"

"What about the hero's descendants, can you predict? We still have to... oh..."

"Notify all civilizations, come and pay homage."

"You...is great!"

The master star summoners who met the battlefield all bowed their heads and silently.

At the same time, Ye Che had already landed on a star outside the parent star, and then, with the sound of “咔咔咔”, the source of the gods quickly showed up from his body. .

The strength of his heroic recovery was extremely fast, and it took only about ten minutes to recover about one-tenth.

Ye Che glanced at the source of the gods wearing his own body, a sneer at the corner of his mouth, saying: "Low-key, low-key, latent lurking, then low-key and then lurking, what is the use, the earth is thus caught in the circle of time, mother Stars have died innumerable for this! If I can be brave, I will start the cultivation of the source of the gods earlier, and now I may have reached the height of the heroic emperor. Although it may be stared at by Black Moldinger, at the very least, it will not live. The grievances will not kill the innocent."

After that, he looked into the distant sky and muttered to himself: "Aich... I may live up to your expectations. From now on, I am Ye Che, do not violate my heart!"


As soon as the voice fell, a huge star-shaped nuclear energy erupted from the bottom of the planet.

In the moment when he fell on Ye Che, it was almost a juggling effort, and he became the most pure hero.

"When the source of the gods is fully activated, I really want to see how much I can achieve!"

Ye Che grinned, his eyes were extremely cold, two months, only two months left for himself, two months later, the army of the Wu Ling branch will have to open, he will not let this The situation is once again! ! !

"Time hourglass, add!"


The second star nuclear energy exploded.

"Plus! Double, triple, quadruple..."


Soon, the star's star squirting degree is already comparable to the one that once began to wither with Sauron!

And this kind of explosion is still increasing, hundreds of shares, thousands of shares, 10,000 shares, all the forces in the source of the gods are unscrupulously driven, the time hourglass is crazyly added, almost less than half an hour, this planet is all The star nuclear energy was completely mobilized, and then was absorbed by the source of the gods.

The heroic messenger in the early stage, the heroic messenger in the early stage, the heroic messenger in the middle!


In just one hour, Ye Che’s body reached the mid-stage of the heroic messenger!

"Not enough, not enough! The shackles of a king in the district can unify the entire mother star. If the big forces of the Wuling branch are all open, my current strength is not enough!

Ye Che’s heart roared.


In the next second, the five different scent of the figure, striding out from Ye Che, and then sitting next to him.


Ye Chexin’s heart was shocked, and the hero’s power transformed by the source’s gods was divided into five shares, and the body of the five avatars rushed over.

Originally, although the source of the gods can turn the star's nuclear energy in seconds, but limited by Ye Ching's own realm and saturation, his absorption has a limit, but now he has added five major avatars, he can absorb the power of heroes. , instantly surged five times!

"Gaga, plus!!!"

Ye Che is low and low, and the hourglass is shaking violently. The degree of the star's star rushing out is fierce and fierce.

The nuclear energy of the star is completely diffused on the whole planet, making it all around.

Under such circumstances, Ye Che, including the five major avatars, is in a state of horror.

However, in a star field beyond Yee's million light years, there were strange fluctuations.

This is a star field completely shrouded in light. In this star field, it is filled with endless and colorful light. Look at each light carefully. The scattered ground of these rays is actually a round shape. The sun.

The smallest of these suns are thousands of times larger than the parent star, and in this star field, these horrible suns are releasing the blazing light.

However, at the very center of this star-occupied star, there is one of the largest suns, all facing the sun, just like a pilgrimage.

This level of the sun is dark and faintly radiant. Its size is almost comparable to the sum of all the sun. In terms of its size, its temperature is only tens of millions of degrees.

But at this time, a figure wearing a golden armor, from this level of the sun, stepped out, did not take a step, the space under his feet is illusory, just a few steps, it crossed hundreds In the light years, it stands outside the sun.

He is tall, but can't see the specific face. He is covered by the armor helmet. He can see the style of his armor. In addition to the different colors, he is exactly the same as the source of Ye Chu! ! !

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