League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1513: Shocking people!

"But unfortunately, you are dying!"

Wufeng said, greedy smile: "Thunder is mainly based on attack power, and the degree is supplemented. I really want to see the genius who has the purple-level life star, and jump up and down!"

During the talk, a thundering star of the same size as Ye Che, rising from behind his back, followed by a thunder, his whole person has disappeared in place, and then there are countless Thunder claws swept from the Thunder star. Out, rolling up countless claws, overwhelming, obscuring the clouds, and suddenly shrouded Ye Che!

And he himself, almost turned into a light, launched a continuous attack against Ye Che!

If Ye Che did not break through the heroic elders and master the power of the dimension, I was afraid that even the trace of the witchcraft could not be sensed. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M


Ye Chelei’s sacred star is extremely trembled, and a life pressure has swept out, making the sorcerer’s wind slow, and he has avoided the tens of thousands of claws in a flash. Ye Che’s degree is also extremely fast, forming in the sky. Thousands of afterimages!

But the afterimage has just been produced, and it is instantly worn by the Thunder's claws and turned into invisible!

I have to say that although the size of the life star is the same, one is the star of the young week, and the other is only the star baby period. The bottom of the star is much worse, so the single degree, Ye Che is better than the witch, if not his life. The star was suppressed by the life pressure of the purple-level star, which made the degree drop a lot. I was afraid that Ye Che would be attacked in an instant.

Soon, Ye Che's position has been blocked by more and more Thunder claws, and gradually forced into the dead corner on the ground!

"This kid, what are you doing!"

On the seventh month of the month, he was in a hurry. He didn’t understand. If he directly sacrificed the source of the gods, wouldn’t he win?

"Is it forced into a dead end? Hey, I said, you have to shred your head!"

The corner of the Wufeng mouth has a cruel arc. At this moment, Ye Che is shrouded in the shadow of the infinite claws, and there is no direction to dodge.


Suddenly, Raytheon’s star was madly shaken. The rolling thunder was like a water pipeline. Nearly one billion Raytheon elements were poured into Ye Che’s body. This is that Ye Che’s whole person is like Raytheon’s life. They all turned into the color of amethyst.

"It’s ridiculous! You are going to fight with me with the elements of mine!?"

Wufeng laughed happily. The number of his thundering elements was at least 100 times that of the boy. But the boy did not hide, but resisted by the essence of the thunder element. How could he not laugh?

"I will let you see, what is lightning!!"

The singer whispered, and a pair of hundred meters of thunder wings swept through his back. If it was overwhelming, he had already reached the thundering star of the young week, and the innumerable elements of the thunder were infused. Among his hero skills.

For a time, the horrible thunder star was turned into a thunder sea, and the whole sky was a purple plasma!

Like the scenes of the end of Hell, the summoners of the lavastone civilizations exclaimed, even if they were separated by a few tens of miles away, they felt that they were burned by the thunder and lightning, including the summons of the Wuling civilization. In the end, many of the power of the heroes can fully resist the power of the Thunderstorm!

In this way, Ye Che, who is suffering from the essential impact of the elements of the Wufeng Lei, can be imagined!

But Ye Che, but did not reveal any panic color, but at this moment, the murderous violently rose to the extreme!

He does not directly activate the source of the gods, it is because of the lessons learned.

Before Ye Che was enveloped by the dimensional space, he could not break open for a time. He knew that it was difficult to break the dimension space of the king's peak and strong with his power.

Although the witchcraft madness did not reach the peak of the king, before the comparison, the strength has also made great progress, and the power of the gods who can use the source is also more, but Ye Che does not want to take this risk, once they sense the crisis and join hands to release Dimensional space, at least one second or two seconds.

If within two seconds, there is a summoner of the Wuling civilization who is shooting on his own, then the situation is serious.

Therefore, he deliberately let the Wufeng turn its focus to a simple attack.

Moreover, he also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to see where he and the king's later existence can fight.


Thunder tumbling, the Thunder of the Witchwind natal star is still transmitting, nearly 100 billion elements of the thunder are madly roaring, and at that moment, the thunder and the sky, like a purple day of the day into the world!

"Awful! The strength of the captain has improved!"

"It is estimated that within a hundred years, it is expected to set foot on the peak of the king!"

"Indeed, by the time we can follow the footsteps of the big forces, not to be a cleanup!"

"I haven't seen it, the captain has been a little bit really good."

The people of the Wuling civilization are either amazed or pouting.

The summoners of the lava stone civilization are always staring at Ye Che, if that is the one who is coming back... Perhaps, it will not be so easy to die! ?

"This is the hero king, and the power of the young week!?"

Ye Che took a breath.

He can feel that the horror energy contained in this hit, if he is just an ordinary hero, meets this kind of attack, and he will die without a lifetime.

Once it is shrouded in the dimension of the Wufeng, it goes without saying that it is generally vulnerable to ants.

"Ha ha ha, die!"

The sorcerer screamed and his arms were combined. The essence of the billion-dollar elements was concentrated on his hands. Then his figure flashed and he caught the head of Ye Che!

He said that to shred the head of this kid, you must shred it!

Ye Che's eyes flashed in the eyes, and the boundless murder spurted out. At this moment, he finally stopped! ! !


Under the stunned look of everyone, there were five figures in the same place as Ye Che, who came out of his body.

Points... avatars, or five! ?

Everyone showed a horror, the summoners who were looking forward to the opening of Ye Che’s head, and the head slammed. Only the summoners of the lava civilization are ecstatic.

Purple-level star nuclear embryo, multi-channel avatar, this is... Ye Mengzhu! ! !

At this time, Ye Che's life avatars, dark avatars, wind avatars, soil avatars, and bright avatars all evoke a breath of volatility that is completely inconsistent with Ye Che's body!

"The avatar has reached the realm of the heroes of the elders!?"

"This is this this..."

This moment, including the witchcraft, the witches, and the two starry beasts, all looked at it.

We must know that the known avatars are to be cultivated by the ontology. That is to say, these five avatars are the ones that have been cultivated one by one to the realm of heroes! ? If this is not the case, he is only a single cultivation of the body, I am afraid that the hero king will be late and even the peak may not be right!

Wufeng naturally knows what this concept is, but the hatred has already been settled, so at this moment his murder has finally turned into a real killing!

(End of this chapter)

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