League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1515: Powerful Ye Che!

"Yemeng master, is the Yemeng master!!!"

At this moment, the summoners of the lava civilization all reacted, one by one, with a rough neck and ecstasy. Eight? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

The man holding Xiaoxin’s body, even the woman’s eyes, shouted: “Oh... kill! Kill them, kill these beasts!”


As the skull broke, the Wu Ling warriors fell straight down.

The stellar stars that were stored in their bodies after zero-dimensionalization emerged in their bodies.

"Ha ha ha, it's all mine!"

The seventh month of laughter, turned into more than a dozen red hands, caught them in the past.

"Small masters, kill them! The energy of the two previous life stars I have swallowed up, this will be converted to you!!!"

Just after the seventh month of the month, Ye Che only felt that there was a strong wave in the scarlet moon print. In the next second, there were as many as 100 million elements of the thunder element, which was continuously transmitted from the inside.

The breath of the Thunder star is once again skyrocketing!


Feeling the stronger and more powerful in the body, Ye Che was no longer afraid. The thunder of the amethyst-colored thunder was slightly swaying, and it rushed to the face of the already stunned witch madness, and then the source of the sword.


The witch screams, and the natal star behind him trembles, "Two-dimensional space!"


Ye Che only felt a sinking around him. At this moment, his whole person, together with a dozen meters around him, was flat.


Above the sky, the starry beast with a lion's head, and the ugly, starry beast with four bat wings, the body and six chicken-like claws, all rushed down against Ye.

The warriors surrounded by the Wuling civilization, one by one squinting, with the violent heroic power and the fluctuations of heroic skills, surrounded by.

Ye Che said nothing, the source of the sword is slightly horizontal, the two-dimensional space is immediately broken, then take a breath, the power of the five heroes, including their own, all in the hands of the source of the sword In, poured in.


At that time, the source of the sword has produced a terrible change, its body, constantly being stretched and rising, but in just one second, it has turned into a giant sword of up to kilometers.


Ye Che was low, and the source of the sword was swept up by the power of a huge hero. He suddenly swept out with a terrible scream, and cut it into the surrounding Wu Ling warriors.

At that moment, it was like a sharp edge cut into the tofu, what hundreds of superimposed heroic skills, what heroic power, all destroyed and ruined, and at least three hundred Wu Ling fighters burst under this attack. Open.

On the seventh month of the month, he laughed wildly, and the big red hands waved again and again. One by one, the natal star was included.

"God, where did this boy come from, how is it so abnormal!?"

In the distance, the Wu Ling Warriors who still want to rush are all dumbfounded.

Just a sword, there are hundreds of heroic heroes who are dead, this is the strongest shot of the king's peak, but it is! ?

Ye Che faceless expression, after a sword wiped out more than three Witchcraft warriors, the right arm waved up!


In an instant, the six elements in the sky roll like the essence of the elements of the mine, and then condense into arbitrary hero skills, rolling out and superimposed, this moment has tens of thousands of superimposed heroic layers of progress The violent shock wave was killed against the lion head carving and the chicken starry sky beast.

"Ha ha ha, the conversion is complete, the little master, pick up!" The seventh laughter finished, this moment, there are more than one billion elements of the essence of the thunder, infused into the leaves of the body!

You must know that the total number of Raytheon's Stars in Star Infant is only a dozen.

Now, every time Ye Che kills one person, the seventh month can plunder their natal star, extracting the essence of one-tenth of the element, that is, 100 million, now more than one billion, it is the sword killed by Ye Che before. More than a dozen Witch Warriors have.

Good guy, Ye Che’s heart shocked, and for the first time he was the most intuitive to feel the power of the Scarlet Moon.

Help yourself, definitely not weaker than the source of the soldiers!


Under the sudden support of this force, Ye Che was trembled, and the number of superimposed hero skills directly turned to more than 13,000.



The two starry beasts screamed and slammed into Ye's offensive.


The space barrier burst open instantly and turned into black debris. The energy of the collision between the two sides leaked out, causing a magnificent lava stone civilization building to explode in the distance, and instantly become a ruin!

The summoners of the lava civilization have long since fled the opportunity to escape, hiding behind the broken wall and staring at Ye Che and their battles.

The Wuling warriors also ignored their ants, and after they recovered from the shock of Ye Che, the numbness and sultry that had been brainwashed by Wu Ling civilization emerged again, regardless of the life and death of Ye Che. Kill it.

Looking at Ye Che, who was fighting with the starry beast, the witch madness was shocked and felt the scent of Ye Che. The eyes were filled with the turbulent waves, and the incredible shouted: "You are... You are the winner! You are the leader!!!"

He was not shocked. When he arrived at the mother star, he had already lost the breath of the leader. He thought that he had already escaped, which made the big man angry for a long time.

But now it is now, this embarrassed person actually appeared here, how can he not be shocked!

"What, what's the best!?"

"He is the best!?"

"There will be no mistakes! The second captain was one of the people responsible for investigating the breath of the prostitute. His feelings will never be wrong!"

"Ah, hahahaha, take him down and take him! The big collar will be rewarded!"

In an instant, the Wu Ling Warriors who were present were all excited.

They had a little hesitation before, but at this moment, they were totally crazy.


Ye Che hits the two stars and the beasts in the middle of each other, and they are among them. The sword of the source of the length of a kilometer is swept again. At this moment, the blood is flying, countless heroic skills and various Dimensional attack, also separated by Ye Che, is broken.

At the same time, they can not withstand the power of the source of the Excalibur, blasted one by one, leaving only the strange and fluctuating natal star floating in the original place.

Ye Che's figure flashed, and the Wu Ling Warrior fell down.

"No...no, the sword is terrible, and he can't get close to him!"

A Wu Ling Warrior finally recovered from greed. He said, let alone kill this boy. Now, it is not bad to lose your life.


It is also a series of ** separated cut sounds, Ye Che in the tens of thousands of Wu Ling warriors, such as into the uninhabited, every time flashing, there are hundreds of Wu Ling warriors dead.

(End of this chapter)

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