League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1522: The whereabouts are exposed!

But when it was late, the wizard of the wizard only thought that the long sword seemed to be distorted. The next moment, the green sword of the fate was like a hormone. It instantly rose to a hundred meters, and it was directly He is coming across. Eight?? One Chinese W?W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

It’s not just him, this cross-section, which included the four Witchcraft warriors.


The wizard of the Wu Ling team was shocked and quickly condensed the essence of the elements to defend.

I can only listen to the sound of "噗", the strange green sword directly broke through all his defenses, and the other Wu Ling fighters, including him, were cut into two halves. Then the elements outside the source of the sword are shaken in essence, and the body of the wizard and the body tissues of the four people are smashed in abruptly, and the blood and brain are shot!

No suspense spike!

Ye Che used the source of the sword, in order to kill the other side, not let him make a sound.


After Ye Xue waited for the seventh month to take away their natal star, he took the sword of origin and quietly quit the room, the first assassination, the ultimate.

"Small masters, you have to think clearly, with the degree of Wuling civilization, their death, I am afraid that they will be released soon. What do you do when I am? I advise you to kill a few leaks and hate, hurry. Leave here!" asked the voice of the month seven.

He is naturally not worried about the witches and captains of the Wuling civilization, but the Wu Wudao, has reached the level of the hero king!

Once this kind of existence is taken, Ye Che will have no way to escape!

"I have my own size!"

Ye Che whispered that he is doing this now, but it is not naive to just hate.

If you want to save the detained mother star, it’s too late in time. You know, although you arrived here earlier than those who have escaped, you can’t lead much time.

Once those Wu Ling fighters have passed their information and know their identity, all the Witchcraft warriors on the parent star will only be able to start all the time. Even taking the mother stars as hostages will make them lose their chances. Can only be shot in advance.

What did you want to say on the seventh month of the month? Suddenly, the dragon’s blood was over the ground, and a loud and long humming sound rang loudly. Then the ray of light shone brightly, and the light swayed from other places. Gathered in all directions, it was enveloped in the building where Ye Che was waiting.

A high-frequency tweet of the ship, and the presence of a starry beast rushed to the side.

Over the sky, you can already see a powerful Wuling warrior flying in the air.

Ye Che's heart was slightly shocked, "is now!"

He thinks that everything is done neatly, but he does not know why it will be made.

"Wu Ling civilization as a four-dimensional civilization, although only a division, but there are some special means!" Ye Chu muttered to himself, it is estimated that the witch spirit captain left something special element essence, he touched it when he died, So I was known.

Soon, those ships and starry beasts, as well as the Witchcraft warriors, locked Ye Cu's position, and they were surrounded by Ye Che.

Since it is now, Ye Chesuo is no longer hiding his body shape. After the separation of the five avatars, and then the scarlet mask appears, his body flies straight up, surrounded by many ordinary Wu Ling fighters, not yet Knowing that waiting for them will be the fate of being slaughtered.

Yes, there are about nine people, and the breath of each person is almost always fluctuating in the late period of the king, but with their means of inheritance, it is enough to cope with the peak of the king in the low-dimensional civilization!

"It seems that except for the Wu Wu Dao Dao, these nine people are the principals who encircle me and the mother."

Ye Che's gaze swept through them.

"Who are you, dare to attack our Wuling civilization!?"

Among the nine people, an old man with a reddish face asked, his voice rolling like a thunder, spreading far away in the night sky, attracting more and more Wu Ling fighters.

At first glance, within the 10,000 meters around Ye Che, they have all been covered with cold-faced Wu Ling warriors.

"Who are you? Wow no way!?"

Ye Che asked.

He has deliberately separated the five major avatars, so the breath is only the beginning of the king.

The old man snorted and wanted to speak. He was still holding a goat middle-aged man but faintly said: "And this kid is a waste of words, dare to attack our Wuling civilization, and first arrest and be tortured by the fire."

After that, his eyes flashed sharply and shouted: "Catch it up!"


Around the world, the soldiers of the Wuling spirits burst into a bang, and their voices were like the nine secluded.


Ye Che’s eyes flashed in the eye, how could he see the other side close together.

In the meantime, the five avatars are combined into one. The realm is almost the peak of the king. The figure flashes. This moment is like a teleport. It goes straight to the middle-aged man of the goat, and the source of the gods is like a collapsed mountain. Then he came to him.


The middle-aged man of the goatee was so worried that he did not understand the situation at all, and the breath of the other party directly rose from the early stage of the king to the situation close to the peak of the king.

Moreover, the degree of the other party is like a ghost, there is no action track, and it appears directly in front of you! ! !

This is naturally because Ye Che's Raytheon star has reached the peak of the young star, only one step away, can enter the giant week, but the giant week can only be in the stage of the king.

In addition to being combined with other natal stars, no one can follow Ye Che's degree unless the emperor is present.

The goat middle-aged man naturally couldn’t think of this and couldn’t think about it. He hurriedly condensed the power of the hero and the natal star. However, at that moment, he only thought that the green sword in Ye’s hand seemed to tremble slightly, then the volume. The skyrocketing, just a moment, stabbed him in front of him.

Then, it is tied to the power of the hero he just condensed.


A slight sound came, and in the eyes of the venue, the quirky green sword easily tore his defense.

"Do not!"

The goat middle-aged man was bloodshot in his eyes. He looked at Ye Che’s sword and easily tore his defense, and then he had to pierce his throat.

This moment seems to be very fast, and it seems to be very far away. He only feels that the neck is cold, and consciousness begins to flow. The goat middle-aged man has a big pair of dead fish eyes, his eyes are full of unwillingness, he can’t believe that he is It is dead in the hands of a normal teenager. With just one sword, he has no resistance!

In the eyes of the public, a king has an instant life in the late stage, and other Wu Ling warriors and the remaining eight principals are stunned. What is this strength! ? How could it be so strong?

(End of this chapter)

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