League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1524: Strong pursuit!

(The previous transition period has been a long time, and the next way is to the end! I am turning around is what I want to support!)

"Well? What?"

Wu Ling’s captain looked back and almost scared the soul out. He saw a few meters behind him. A teenager wearing a scarlet mask and wearing a green suit, holding a blood-stained green sword, was entangled in The Thunder and the hero's power rushed toward him with no expression. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

The twelve wings of the boy behind him jumped sharply. Each time, it was more than a thousand meters.

According to this degree, he will be caught up in a second!

"This degree..."

Wu Ling’s captain’s face was pale, and he did not hesitate to blew the power of his life star and desperately flies.

However, his strength is far too far from Ye Che, and his heroic power has reached the ultimate realm of the king, but the natal star is only in the middle of the young star, and the realm of heroic power is rising, as long as the energy of the star is extracted. Transforming will do.

However, the life star must first condense the essence of the element, and then draw it, the degree is several times slower.

In the actual battle, the strength of a person and the power of attack are completely based on how much the essence of the element can be condensed. The power of the hero is like gasoline, but it plays a catalytic effect.

Ye Che's Raytheon star has already reached the peak of the young star, let alone other life stars, so even if the Wuling captain blew the star, it is far less than Ye Che's degree.

Just blinking his eyes, he was chased by Ye Che, and he could feel the murderousness of Sensen locked himself.

Wu Ling’s captain’s face was pale, and he had experienced many life and death dangers in his life. However, like today, death is in sight!

He has just stepped into the peak of the king, and this time he is chasing the killer. It is his first mission after he became the captain. He still has a good life and does not enjoy it. There are a lot of beautiful women in the Wuling branch. Waiting for him to be lucky, he is not willing!

"Wait... wait! Don't kill me, I... I have the intelligence of our Wuling civilization telling you that my wealth is for you!"

The wizarding team leader shouted desperately.

But now all this is a cloud for Ye Che, wealth? It is nothing more than a purer starburst fragment. In the case of an active **** soldier, pure purity does not matter.

And here is only a regional star country, and there is no good thing. According to the seventh month, all kinds of fetishes have come out after the star country enters the real Valoran galaxy.

He only wants to kill all the threats in the cradle before the heroes arrive!

Ye Che face no expression, as if he did not hear his words at all, the sword of the source of the source, a sword stabbed!


Under the support of the late strength of Ye Chewang, the source of the Shenjian, whether it is power or degree or breath, is skyrocketing, just an instant, then broke the space and came to the front of the Wuling Captain.

"Ah! Laozi is fighting with you!!!"

Wu Ling’s captain looked at Ye Che’s hands without mercy, his arm waved, and the thunder’s star was rolling and moving, and with chilling gas, Ye Che blasted thousands of superimposed heroes.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that a huge pressure, such as the tide, was shrouded in all directions, causing him to breathe heavily, the heart almost stopped beating, and the blood and even the hero's power were reversed.

At the same time, there was another emotion that made him desperate, released from his heart, making him feel like he was in the blood pool hell, full of panic.

Not only that, the boy is in his eyes, this moment is so unattainable, as if the gods can not be offended!

This is the life threat of the Raytheon star!

The gas field between people is different, the same is true for stars and stars. The singular star of the Wuling Captain does not reach the level of purple. At this time, after feeling the pressure of Ye Xuelei’s star, it is like being The innumerable negative state has been exerted, causing his strength to burst.

The life pressure of the peak of the young star is more than a hundred times stronger than before!

"Do not--"

The Wuling Brigade was desperately screaming, but after all, he could not change the fate of his throat pierced by Ye Che’s sword!

The **** smashing and then unable to withstand the essence of Raytheon's attack burst, the Wuling squad leader suddenly screamed, so far, the Dragon Blood station in the Wuling civilization nine captains, has gone to the second!

Ye Che’s forehead was flooded with brilliance, and he smiled and smiled at his life star. He said: “Before the elemental nature of the person has changed, you are ready to accept it!”

Ye Che nodded, a white figure, shot from his body, is the life of the body.

The life star of life has reached the early stage of Star Infant, and the rest of the natal star is floating during the incubation period. In order to strengthen the strength of a avatar as soon as possible, Ye Che intends to do his best to cultivate this life.


With the infusion of the seventh month, the essence of more than 5 billion elements, such as the tide of the sea, is constantly instilled in life.

It just makes the life star, breaking through the mid-star period, only needs the total amount of its elements, reaching more than 10 billion, and it will become the second star of Ye Che to reach the young star!

The life of the life star is violently growing, but Ye Che is a non-stop, body shape, and flies directly to the third Wu Ling captain.

The Wuling Captain is a middle-aged man with a sharp-eyed monkey. He is extremely careful all the way. He flies while pushing the power of the hero to the extreme, while watching the nervous and vigilant.

At this point, there was chaos in the field, and countless Wu Ling fighters fled everywhere.

They are good fighters, but they are not stupid. They are not their homes behind them. They do not need to guard their loved ones. In the face of such an invincible enemy, no one dares to resist death.

The middle-aged man of the sharp-eared monkey stalked around the building in the dragon's blood station. Soon, his eyes lit up and he chose a hidden loft, then landed and lurked, then he converges all the breath, hiding In a dark attic.

At this time, the black wind was high, and the middle-aged man who seemed to be proficient in covering the breath. After he indented into the attic, he completely silenced. It seemed that even the heartbeat could not be perceived, just like the dark environment. Into one, even if he knew that he was here, and deliberately searched with the power of heroes, he may not be able to find him.

"It should be safe here."

The middle-aged captain of the sharp-eared man was gloomy. He couldn’t figure out how Ye Che came out. Why did the sudden strength become so strong? A younger generation of younger generations had to chase them with the old-aged iron warriors of nearly a thousand years old. It’s really ridiculous to go around and avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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