League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1540: Six major career choices!


Ye Che was shocked. August 1 Chinese? W=W≤W. 81ZW. COM

I don’t know anything about the glass. In the case of being bullied, Ye Che’s brow locks and sighs: “No need to say, I will go!”

Saying, with a wave of arms, the six life stars behind them shook up, their breath began to merge, and the total amount of elemental essence began to soar.

The five major avatars made Ye Che’s heroic powers soar to the peak of the imperial mid-term.

However, the strength of the six stellar stars is the most spectacular. It is almost in the blink of an eye, and it reaches the level of the late stage of the superstar. In the starry sky, the Raytheon star of the blue-scale planet is one-third of the size. Slowly rotating, the rest of the five natal stars, in front of it suddenly up and down, all kinds of elements echo in nature.

"it has started!"

Ye Che took a deep breath, and in the next second, the six natal stars suddenly collided together. That glimpse, a ruin of the earth, like the breath of the emperor, swept through the starry sky.

In the distance, all kinds of dimensional ships that are hidden in the deep air, all fleeing far away, dare not approach this.

At this time, a huge monster stretched out from the sky and the sky. It was a magnificent bridge. The section of the bridge stretched out beyond the starry sky, and the other end appeared not far from Ye Che.

The fog on the bridge is smoggy, mysterious and deep.

"Don't resist, go!"

The feeling of excitement was said on the seventh month of the month.

Ye Che nodded and felt a huge suction in the next moment. From this bridge, the slamming of "嗡", Ye Che felt away from the place, through the mysterious bridge, he walked through Enter a strange world.

"Where is this?" Ye Xue is now surrounded by smog, as if the chaos is surging, everything looks vague.

No one answered him. What surprised Ye Ke was that at this moment, he could not feel the existence of the source of the gods, the hourglass, and even the scarlet moon, as if he had re-entered as an ordinary person.

No... what is this! ?

Ye Che suddenly saw a glimpse. He had just inspected it carefully. It did not sense the source of the gods and other objects, but in the body, there is still a familiar existence, which is actually a colorful soul blood!

"Isn't the self-contained system in the League of Legends, how can the colorful English souls come in with me!" Ye Che was surprised.

But I didn't want him to think about it. I saw the chaotic scent. Suddenly scattered, there was only nothing left in the surroundings. Then, an indifferent voice came from this emptiness. "Please choose one of the following occupations." As your initial career, after completing the exclusive mission, you can choose the second occupation! All occupations are divided into warrior, mage, assassin, tank, shooter, auxiliary! Warrior skills, not including the ultimate level, a total of 342 skills, Master skills Number 3o1, Assassin skill number 212, tank skill number 248, shooter skill number 191, auxiliary skill number 214! Now, please confirm your initial occupation!"

Ye Che brows, the skills of each profession are not presented, nor depicted, so people choose, this really makes people with hesitation uncomfortable, but after Ye Che can hear the second career, the thoughts will live Slightly up.

He asked: "Can the skills of the first occupation and the second occupation be used together?"

"Please determine the initial occupation! Countdown to ten seconds, if not determined, will be randomly selected!"

The indifferent voice did not answer Ye Che’s question, but gave the choice time.

Ye Chewen heard that the corner of his mouth was hooked up. As mentioned in the seventh month, this ‘hero alliance’ is a huge melting field that can distinguish the real fighting genius. Now, the test has begun!

Now useful information, you can choose the second career to complete the exclusive task, but in fact it means to determine the direction of the future play!

"The skills of each profession are hundreds of them, so whether it is killing the enemy or fighting against it, its complexity is several times higher than that of the summoner canyon battle. After all, there are too many skills!"

Although it is complicated, Ye Che’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and he feels challenging.

Because the situation of the 'League of the League' is unknown now, Ye Che directly ignores the warrior tank standing on the first front, and the assassin and the Master's fault tolerance rate is too low. According to the experience of the summoner canyon battle, it is impossible to continue fighting. So Ye Che's gaze fell on the shooter and assistant.

"If you help, there are too few killing skills. Now I just entered the League of Legends. If you don’t know anyone, you have to rely on yourself in the early stage. Then shoot the shoot..."

After Ye Chefei quickly considered it, he said: "Select the shooter!"

"Is the shooter sure??"


"Determining... admission... strength analysis, apprentice emperor, from 965874 star country... confirmed, please choose one of the following shooters!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Che saw the sound of the bang in the void. In the next moment, dozens of long-range soldiers with delicate shapes flew away, and then slowly emerged in front of themselves.

Among them, there are two guns for male guns, a flywheel axe for De Lavin, a blow arrow for Timo, a bow for ice, a skeleton for Wein, a double gun for Lucian, and so on...

Ye Che understands that it doesn't matter what weapon he chooses. Anyway, he will not strengthen the attacking power and other attributes, so he starts to randomize and blindly point out a long-range weapon.

"Weapons are confirmed, sawtooth flying knife!"

With the sound of indifference, Ye Che opened his eyes, and then looked at the blade with great enthusiasm, but his eyes just fell on it, and the whole was forced.

The serrated flying knife, the exclusive weapon of the ugliest hero of the League of Legends, Ögat!

There is a kerf on the flying knife, the color is gray gold. Of course, this is noble. It can be said that it is kindly yellow...

Ye Che: "..."

He has already dared not imagine that he is a world champion and he is throwing a yellow flying knife.

"Now choose the shooter skill. Please select four skills in the following skills. These four skills are unsealed when the length of the exclusive weapon reaches 1o%, 2o%, 3o%, 4o%!"

After that, a large shooter skill was listed.

Ye Che's heart is moving. Obviously, this is the skill to be free to match the shooter. If you don't guess wrong, this is also a test. Those who enter the League of Legends will face this problem. How many hundred skills are there? How to match, in order to produce the most powerful effect in the early stage!

Once the choice is wrong, at least until you can practice new skills, you will always be pressed!

Therefore, this is related to the summoners, all the skills and effects of the shooter, do not understand!

"Choose four skills..."

Ye Che's eyes flashed slightly, slightly rubbing his hands, and he was a little excited.

In front of him, all the skills of the shooter, such as the "peace messenger" of the policewoman, the clip, the displacement of the small cannon, the urgent shooting, and the mouse, the Wein's, Lori, the vengeful spear, etc. Heroic skills, all floating in the way of virtual shadows, flashing strange light, waiting for Ye Che casual combination!

"The first skill choice... is..."

Slightly thought about it, Ye Che’s finger has already used one of his skills to forcefully, “It’s it!”

(End of this chapter)

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