League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1542: Road to the dead

"Please find Xiaolan in the Lanlan Bar and receive the unblocking task. Special reminder, if the skill is not unsealed within one month, it will be expelled!"

"Lan Lan Bar, Xiao Lan?"

Ye Che brows a head and looks around. The town is not too big, the population is very large, and there are more kinds of people mixed with alien creatures. It is easy to find the Lanlan bar. Eight? One? Chinese network? W ≥ W ≠ W ≈. ≥8=1≤Z=W≈. COM

But now there is no other information. In desperation, Ye Che began to ask one by one.

"Excuse me... Lanlan Bar..."

"Go and go, go far!"

"Excuse me... How do Lanlan Bar go?"

"Don't stop!"

"Amount... Excuse me..."

"Don't bother me, I am angry when I die!"

Even asked four or five people who seem to be senior, but they all seem to be anxious, no one cares about Ye Che. This makes him understand. It is no wonder that ‘League League’ will give a one-month unsealing time. This is just looking for a quest person, and they are all looking for a long time.

But fortunately, after more than an hour of inquiries, someone finally pointed out the location of Lan Lan Bar for Ye Che.

Thanks, Ye Che went all the way and finally saw the door of Lan Lan Bar.

"Call." Ye Chesong breathed a sigh of relief and walked inside.

As soon as I entered the bar, there was no noise and confusion in the imagination. On the contrary, it was incomparably quiet and peaceful. The summoner inside was six or seven. He was sitting there drinking and drinking. The state was not very good.

Only two of the six or seven people look like humans, and the rest are like elves, and some are very short.

Needless to think, Ye Che looked at the bar counter, which is the most likely place for the quest person, but at first glance, there is no one left.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and Ye Che still walked over.


Even after knocking a few tables, Ye Che looked around and asked, "Is there anyone?"

No one answered.

After a few more knocks, after asking a few times, no one answered.

While Ye Che continued to ask questions, those guest summoners couldn’t stand it anymore. One of the men like Jod’s small man said casually: “Don’t knock, the boss here is weird, you have to say directly to buy wine. Only!"

Ye Cheyi said, "Give me a bottle of wine!"

"Come here, wait a moment!"

In an instant, Ye Che’s speechless scene appeared. He only listened to a shock under the counter. Then a woman with a sleepy eye, but her hands and feet, came up from the counter and looked at Ye Che with a look of excitement. What kind of wine do you want?"

This woman looks at the age of about twenty-five, but her skin is white and full of a fresh breath. She is not discounted because she blinks. The most important thing is that in her eyes, there is always a smile. The beauty of it.

Just thinking of this woman sleeping directly on the counter, the picture is really beautiful.

"You are Xiaolan?"

Ye Che did not guess her age. After all, I can enter the emperor, but the age is not meaningful.

Hearing Ye Che asked the name, the woman’s face suddenly slammed down and said with a boring look: “Ask me my name, then you are a newcomer to receive the task?”

"Well, please unblock the mission..."

Ye Cheru like a baby, just want to ask, Xiaolan face is a positive, said: "Before I carry out the task, you must correct your mistakes, in the next period of time, I hope you call me Lan sister ""

Ye Che naturally is too lazy to entangle at this point, straight: "No problem, you are happy."

But then I heard the voice of Xiaolan, how is it like a real person? Isn't she a character created by Victor, but what about this bar? Can a real person open a store in the League of Legends?

While Ye Che is quite surprised, Xiaolan has continued: "There are three tasks to unblock, all of which will activate your first skill, and you will be able to unblock the next three skills. For each of these three unsealing tasks, you can get one hundred gold coins for each one!"

Ye Che nodded and said that he knew, "What was the first unsealing task?"

Xiaolan’s face was strangely colored, and his fingers tapped on the table and asked Ye’s words: “Why don’t you bargain?”


Ye Cheyi, can this task still be counter-offer? Could it be more gold coins! ?

Thinking of the big man who couldn't wait to sell c-class equipment to earn gold coins, Ye Che passed a glimmer of hope and said, "Will the reward be high?"

"No, your first task is to sell five pieces of c-class equipment, each piece 37o, no less than 37o, go!"

Xiaolan waved his hand, and then, in the eyes of Ye’s stunned eyes, he took out five pieces of bleak equipment and handed it to Ye Che.

Then, she began to explain to Ye Che about the things that new people need to pay attention to and must know. After more than half an hour, Ye Che came out of Lanlan Bar with amazement and smile.

It turned out that the previous month did not explain clearly that the League of Legends in the Valoran Galaxy is not only accessible to the Emperor, or that the Emperor refers to creatures other than the Valoran Galaxy.

The creatures that are themselves in the Valloland galaxies and born out of the Valoran galaxies, as long as they are not afraid of death, are not afraid of the punishment of death, can enter at any time.

"Is there so many people, it turns out that more than 90% of the people of the Valoran Galaxy are in the inside."

Ye Che amazed while walking east.

The town is called the town of Landry. There are four replica transmission arrays in the southeast and northwest. These four copies of the battle are completely cleared, and the four skills can be fully activated. The most difficult one is the Landry copy. The town is named after this copy.

At the heart of the town of Landry, there is also a dimensional transmission array that can be passed to the wild. Many people want to practice their skills and go to the wild, but there are many uncertainties in the wild, such as being intercepted, or Meet powerful monsters and the like.

At this time, Ye Che went to the east copy, the closest to Lanlan Bar, the road to the dead!

The origins of these copies, according to Xiaolan, are all created according to the obsession of the gods, such as the road to the dead, which is the obsession of Lu Xi’an, which is filled with endless undead creatures, many more Cursed monster!

As long as the road to the dead can be broken, Lu Xi'an's obsession with God will help the passers-by and unblock the exclusive weapons!

Ye Che is naturally afraid to go. After all, he doesn’t even have any skills or equipment. He’s not allowed to swallow five pieces of c-level equipment in his hand. Otherwise, according to Xiaolan’s, in this town of Landry. At least one hundred ways to make Ye Chesheng not to die.

(End of this chapter)

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