League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1544: Shocking roar and fearless charge! (four more)

"I only have one request! Obey in it, obey, and obey the order! Otherwise, because you are causing death by yourself, you can't blame me! I don't want to sign the sign!"

After the people were in Qi, the tyrant slowly said. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

It is said that, in fact, there is no dignified color on his face. After all, it is only a copy of the road of a newcomer to the dead. He has already become familiar with the road.

"ok, you are senior, you have the final say!"

"Make sure to obey the order, hey, I am still waiting to unblock the four skills, to get the dimension equipment!"

"Get started, we are not stupid, know to follow you!"

Everyone said a lot.

"Good! Now pay the deposit!" The tyrant just finished, and the one-time transaction application came soon.

Ye Che paid attention to it. There wasn't a stupid one on the scene. They only bought 1oo gold coins to unblock them. Obviously, they didn't have 1oo% trust in the tyrant. Ye Che did not hesitate, and also gave a deposit of 5o gold coins.

"gogogo, start!"

The tyrant got a total of 45o of gold coins, and his face was very satisfied. He led the nine people to the road of the dead and crossed in.


When everyone entered the entrance of the road to the dead, they felt that the space was faintly distorted, but they were not ordinary people. They understood that they had left the town of Landry.

The horizon is gradually returning to brightness. Ye Che and a group of people are now in an abandoned summer. The sky in the distance is very dark. Under the big summer, it is a black mist that is boiling and faint. These black mists are under the faint light. Such as black oil, it is a heart-rending black light.

Further away, there is a scream of strange creatures, which is the scream of the dead.

Ten people stood on the ruined roof, and all but the tyrant were all face to face.

"Everyone, the copy of the dead of the newcomers is not difficult. Later, there will be dead creatures crawling up from the black fog underneath. We can kill them one by one! Unblock the second skill and need to kill twenty dead creatures. , when it is time to allocate it!"

The tyrant said, a pair of eyes were brilliant, giving everyone a lot of confidence.

Ye Che is also a little bit in the heart, died in the 'League of the League', the spirit will be greatly traumatized, so no one does not care for life, this is why he spent 5o gold coins to join the team just in case, just in case. One.

At this moment, the black fog under the big summer began to churn, and the undead screams that seemed to be far away were concentrated under the black fog.


The tyrant's eyes were condensed, and suddenly there was a pen-like rifle in his hand. When Ye's eyes just fell on it, he realized that he chose the warrior, and the weapon was holding Zhao Xin's rifle.

But the skills he has learned are not his, and they are not known.

Like Ye Che's first skill choice is the "rotating axe", but it is the weapon of Ögart.

The tyrant has already taken out the weapons, and the rest of the people who are present are not eating dry food. They have taken exclusive weapons to prepare to kill the undead. If they want to unblock the exclusive weapons, they must hold it to kill the enemy.


At the same time, the screams of the undead in the dark fog finally expanded. Ten people were standing on the edge of the big summer. At first glance, there were at least hundreds of undead creatures rushing up.

They are shaped like reptiles, but only bones are left, and there are green flames burning in both eyes. The limbs and joints of these undead creatures are extremely flexible and sharp. They climb on a kilometer of summer, just a slight glimpse, there are three or four Migao.

"Hey, more than a hundred, how are you so much!?"

Among the ten people, a young man with a staff member asked with amazement.

"There are two reasons. One is because we are full of people, and the other is that we have tyrants. If I don't estimate wrong, the difficulty of such a copy is adjusted according to the overall strength of the entrant."

The young man had just asked for an exit, and a woman who looked a little cold was slowly talking out.

Ye Che noticed her Id, named Pu'er.

"That's a good thing, it's like this, so when you are fighting, you will hug first. I will seriously hurt some undead creatures, and you will go on!"

The tyrant appreciatively glanced at Pu'er, and immediately said.

Everyone heard the words and nodded.

Soon, the hundreds of crawling undead creatures, one after another, jumped up from the black fog underneath, and then without any hesitation, directly waving the black claws and rushing to the crowd.


The tyrant sighed low, and in the next moment, the rifle in his hand was horizontal, and the whole person rushed into the undead creature like a smashed bullet.


At that moment, at least five undead creatures were scraped by his rifle, and then he was swept away, and more than a dozen undead creatures were included in the attack.


The undead creatures had strange sounds, and it was too late to be surrounded. The tyrant’s rifle slammed into the ground, “Boom!”, a circle of green shock waves swept around, this moment, his undead creature within five meters All of them were fixed in place by the earthquake.

"The soul is roaring and fearless,"

Ye Che's eyes are slightly coagulated.

When it was said that it was too late, the undead creatures had just been placed in the same place by the tyrant. His rifle suddenly swept again. At least five undead creatures were interrupted by the limbs, and he was picked up by nine people.

"Kill them!"

The tyrant is low.

I have to say that he did receive a lot of gold coins. At this moment, almost all the undead creatures that climbed up were attracted to hatred by him and surrounded him.

Ye Che and his party are very safe in the back, just waiting for the harvest.

Looking at these five undead creatures, the nine people did not hesitate, and they mobilized their skills in an instant, killing them!

Ye Che's heart is also a move, the serrated flying knife slams up a golden light, then a virtual shadow of a rotating axe appears from above, then flies out from Ye Che's serrated flying knife, slamming against the undead on the ground The creatures are gone.

The woman named Pu'er did not take the shot, but instead watched the tyrant's reconciliation action.

"Captain, you can't do it!"

Among the nine people, some people shouted when they shot, but the tone seemed to be a little ridiculous. After all, all the undead creatures were attracted by the tyrant.

"Haha, killing the dead creatures of newcomers, such as cutting melons and cutting vegetables!"

The tyrant ran straight back, and the long guns swept in his hands, and the bones of countless dead creatures flew.

At almost the same moment, Ye Che’s “rotating axe” was also cut on the body of the dead, but when he touched the body, Ye Che felt that something was wrong, because the colorful blood of his body was like being The creatures of the dead have affected the general, and the ground is extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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