League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1550: Pu'er, bright eye operation!

There was almost no room for rebellion, and her degree could not be avoided. Therefore, she only heard the slamming sound. The woman’s head was directly cut off by half, and the red and yellow brains were all shot out. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (a) W (eight) W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W?. ?C (one) OM

At the same time, a red-yellow-678 **** glow, rising from her body!

-678, this hurts, no one in the field except the tyrant can resist!

Many people have stopped, and they have never thought of this undead servant. They will have such an attack. Although they used this trick at first, they have forgotten it for so long. Besides, this undead slave has been attacking the tyrant. Let them subconsciously think that the undead slaves will not care for them at all.

"What are you still doing! This kind of plot task blame must have something special, can not be inferred according to common sense, just this hit, it is only used when its blood volume is reduced to less than 5o%, we have no way, only Blame her bad luck, was chosen by the undead servant! Quick kill, it has no shovel now, our damage has increased greatly!"

The tyrant said loudly, but the gun in his hand was not slow, and he kept the output.

Everyone kept looking at it, and now it was. Without the resistance of the shovel, the tyrant’s damage to it almost doubled. For a time, everyone forgot the dead female shooter and started to output it again.

Ye Che took a sigh of relief, they did not notice, Ye Che noticed, what blame her bad luck, completely nonsense!

As early as the female shooter released the "gun rain", the undead slaves noticed her, which proves that the undead servant will not only attack the first hate target, but also attack the second hate target!

And this hatred is not only hurt, but also threatening!

Because the female shooter's reduction caused it to fall into the air, making it difficult to walk from time to time, this female shooter is only moderate in the damage of everyone, but has been regarded as the second target by the undead slaves!

"This tyrant... find a chance to leave!"

Ye Che's eyes condensed, and he had the idea after he had cut the throat poisonous invisibility.

At that time, the tyrant said a word. He said that the undead creatures were physical damage to the throat poison. Before I fought with them, you saw it and could not sense the energy, but note that he was talking about the undead creature, not the undead slave. !

This sentence is very problematic, and it is clear that he is not sure, so there is a feeling of letting the throat cut poison to detect. It turns out that it is true that the throat is poisonous.

Now, Ye Che is sure that this tyrant is aware of the mechanism that the plot monster will attack the second hate target, but he does not say that this is to prevent others from dareing to export. There are indications that this tyrant has survived for himself. I am going to abandon the lives of all people at any time.

"Puff puff!"

At this time, everyone under the temptation of the tyrant, as always, the full output.

Ye Che’s output is slowing down. Although he is arrogant of the tyrant’s actions, he may do the same if he changes his position. Otherwise, everyone will not bother to output and cringe, and no one can live to leave the dead. the road!

Therefore, although Ye Che knew the tyrant's heart, he had to be silent.

Losing the shovel, the blood of the undead slaves began to fly, and soon there was only one-third left, but at this stage, its shovel has re-aggregated.

Ye Che said nothing, staring at the blood of the undead slaves. If he expected to be good, this undead slave was estimated to have a blast before his death, because the killings in the eyes of the undead slaves were too rich. It has come to a stage of explosion at any time.

This is not only the beginning of Ye Che, but the rest of the people are also present, but it is not a way for them to dodge. They can only pray for luck, don't be targeted by the undead slaves.


The body of the undead slaves has been illusory. After these few tens of seconds, the blue amount of the people has recovered. In the final stage, they began to use their skills.

Ye Che’s head turned and observed who was most attracted to the undead slaves.

Soon, his gaze noticed the middle-aged man, that is, the grace. He seemed to know that the undead slave was about to die, and he no longer left the blue. The axe carried a strong reduction, and it was on his body again and again.

"This style... is dying..."

Ye Chemo silently heard.

He couldn't save him, and he couldn't remind him. Not to mention the tyrant. Under the combo of the undead slaves, they couldn't even tell, and they didn't dare to remind them. Otherwise, everyone knows that the tyrant is cheating on them.

Finally, there is one-tenth of the blood of the undead slaves!


A loud and screaming scream came out of the mouth of the undead slave, and his arm was thicker again, and the iron shovel was horizontal, and it turned out to be graceful.

"why me!"

The graceful eyes suddenly became big, and the bottom of the heart made a roar of anger. The rest of the people looked at this scene, and there was luck and pity in their eyes.

When it was said that it was too late, even Ye Che thought that the style was dead, but in this case, a nearly two-meter-high, four-meter-long hard ice wall appeared, and it just happened to be in the grace. In front of you!


A piercing blast, the shovel of the dead servant, actually hit the ice wall!

The ice wall was splashed and supported for less than two seconds, and it exploded completely. Then the iron shovel was on the wind, but the force had already lost most of it. It only wiped out the wind of 2oo and then fell to the ground.

"It is Pu'er!!!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned and surprised and happy to look at the Pu'er standing in the distance.

Fighting with the undead slaves until now, Pu'er can be said to have the least sense of existence, the ice wall has not been released once, of course, this is also because it can not be freely placed, otherwise it is easy to cause chaos.

But it is such a person who has no sense of existence in the audience, and at this juncture, saved the grace!

Pu's face was loose, and it seemed to be relieved. Before she was not prepared, she couldn't save the female shooter, but this time she was prepared to defend herself and succeeded in saving the next man in the hands of the dead slaves!

"it is good!!!"


"6 fried!"

Everyone was boiling, and the tyrant's face was also unexpectedly colored, and then turned into a happy color.

In all fairness, he naturally does not want the grace to die, but there is no way, he does not dare to say that the plot monster will attack the second hate target, otherwise they will not dare to output.

Originally, he thought that the style was dead, but he did not expect that this kind of situation, Pu's ice wall, is like a pen!

However, the tyrant refused to admire Pu'er. He looked at the undead slave who had only one tenth of his blood. He immediately screamed: "You kill! Who killed this undead slave! With its rank, it is enough for you." Unlock the second skill directly!"

He won't go to grab this servant. His four skills have all been solved. If you want to acquire new skills, you can only rely on redemption or other means. Now it is vital to improve your overall strength!

At the same time, after hearing the words of the tyrant, everyone’s eyes are bright!

Many people learn the displacement skills of the second skill. Once they learn, the shovel facing the undead slaves is not impossible to hide!

"Kill!" Immediately, everyone rushed to the undead slaves, everyone wants to grab the final blow!

Ye Che is no exception. He sighs and then his arm trembles. The second handle of the "Rotating Flying Axe" whirls and appears. This time, he has no worries and will try his best! ! !

(The progress of the story will be accelerated, and the protagonist is in the observation stage.)

(End of this chapter)

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