League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1560: You are more dangerous than a tyrant

(Return to the little friends who like to comment, there are still many and many book friends who read the seven hundred years, but many of them are too lazy to read in quiet reading. After all, it is not a new book, but I have to read your comments, if this is There are 50,000 reviews in the book. I have watched at least 48,000. I can only grow without missing your opinions. Bayi Chinese? W (eight) W (eight) W.81ZW.COM This book is almost coming into the late stage. Don't worry, I am trying to write. A good ending.)

Without paying attention to the three pieces of equipment that broke out, Ye Che and Pu'er went straight to the head.

"Get a head of the undead, get together ten to be able to sense the holy land!" The moment I got it, information appeared in the three-dimensional space.

"You need ten dead souls and you need to go in exchange for it."

Pu's brow wrinkled, apparently she was thinking about whether she would meet the tyrant.

Ye Che sighed a little and said: "The tyrant said that this copy of the difficulty is more than one team, so there should be more than one holy place. After all, it is the first stage of the mission. It is impossible to fight so fast. ”

"It makes sense, but I still get ten dead souls and talk about it first." Pu'er said, picking up the three equipments and looking at them, then they all threw them to Ye Che.

Ye Che stunned, but still picked it up.

Both of them understand that it is now necessary to concentrate on cultivating one person in order to maximize the efficiency of killing the undead slaves!

Now Ye Che wears two b-class equipment, four pieces of c + level equipment, the output power has increased a little again, and it can kill a dead servant in about three minutes. Of course, this consumption is also huge, and Ye Che deceives the five. Bottle blue, has used a bottle.

"There are four bottles of blue left, and it is enough to kill ten dead servants, but to go to the holy land, there is still a need for it."

After solving the undead slave again, Ye Che said.

"Well, then you have three axe output, don't rush for a while." Pu'er said as he looked at the mission record.

Now, the total hunting and killing of the dead servants has already reached twenty-six heads. Apart from the ten heads, Ye Che and Pu'er only occupy two heads.

"You misunderstood, I mean I try not to use the displacement technique as much as possible, you pay attention to the shield at any time!" Ye Che said casually, began to synthesize the third b-level equipment, leaving only the silent speech. Hey standing in the same place.

She now suspects that this Ye Che will not deliberately hide the strength to pretend to be a newcomer to play, right? Or play yourself? After all, the previous battle has been extremely thrilling for her. Now try not to use displacement?

However, it turns out that Ye Che did not have the time to play with her.

The next eight undead slaves, Pu'er fully realized what is the difference between genius and ordinary people. Her original ice wall can stop the flying scorpion and already make some ordinary summoners marvel. Now compare the Ye Che's general attack. Flying, but completely at the kindergarten level.

What's more, this is the case when the displacement frequency is reduced by half.

"There are two bottles of blue left, not bad."

Finally solved the tenth undead slave, Ye Che could not help but smile, and then looked up to Pu'er, just now Pu'er is definitely looking at himself.

"I have flowers on my face?" Ye Che touched her cheek.

Pu'er sighed and said: "I don't know if you are right with you now, I feel...you are more dangerous than the tyrant."

"You have no choice." Ye Che shrugged.

Pu's face was black, and she was so deliberately so emotional. She wanted to force Ye Che to express her feelings, but she did not expect to hear such a sly word, but the next second she was dumbfounded, if Ye Che really pulled out a big ticket. Guarantee, she did not believe, and this answer, just right.

At this time, Ye Che handed seven pieces of equipment and five dead souls in the past, said: "Let the shoes first rise to the b level, the holy land really does not come out as I expected, there are a total of ten, we met the tyrants their The chance is only one tenth."

"One tenth..."

Pu'er nodded slightly, and the probability of one-tenth was still very small. She thought that she had taken over the equipment that Ye Chu had handed over, and looked at her head. Her heart was also loose.

As an assistant, she can only rely on the things and skills exchanged for her head in addition to self-protection. Therefore, the current importance of her head is even over the equipment.

Killing ten undead slaves, in addition to equipment, gave a lot of killing points, but the level of both of them has reached the highest level of the new town, ten levels, very close to the level of the undead slaves, so each undead servant gives The killing point is not very rich, only 20 points, the two are flat, 50 points each.

And to raise the skill to two levels, you need 1oo, so they all ignore it.


When Pu'er synthesized the b-level shoes, the two began to leave without any delay.

At this time, Ye Che has already had a full set of b-level equipment. Whether it is blood defense or even attack power, it has risen all the way. It takes only two minutes to kill a dead servant.

Originally, if he had full firepower, he could get it in one minute. After all, all four of his skills are now activated.

However, all four are Fei Lan's skills. In order to prevent them, he can only kill the undead slaves by "rotating the axe" and changing the displacement from time to time.

The number of tyrants killing the undead slaves has already reached fourteen, and its hunting degree is more than double that of Ye Che, but it is estimated that after the tyrant’s lack of consumables, the degree will be welcomed. Come down.


As time went by, Ye Che and Pu'er both sharpened their swords and did not mistakenly cut the woodwork. They did not kill all the way. They planned to exchange materials in the holy land before saying anything.

An hour later, in the case of careful and lurking, the two finally came to the nearest holy place. The holy land is a circle of white light, and from time to time there are ghosts flashing from the inside.

As Ye Che and Pu'er approached, a transparent frame emerged from above, a frame called Lu Xi'an's holy land. At the top, there are layers of the listed serials appearing, divided into c-level materials in exchange for b-level materials in exchange for s-level materials exchange.

Looked at the heads of the ten dead souls in the hands of the poor, the two have a tacit understanding of the netbsp; "Please select the column, consumables, multiple consumables, set parts!" Above, there is a faint voice prompts.

In the c-level materials, the two did not see the skills exchange, obviously the skills exchange is not in the c-level materials, so Ye Che points to the b-level materials in exchange for, but prompted that at least 1oo dead souls are required to open.

The a-level material needs 1ooo dead soul head. As for the highest s-grade material, in addition to the head of the undead, the captain's heart is needed.

"First exchange for consumables."

The two together, the most lacking is now blue, as long as there is blue potion, Ye Che's killing degree is only more than doubled, but they have opened the kit to see it beforehand.

The equipment that can be exchanged for the original c-class materials is the equipment that adds extra damage to the undead creatures. After making a whole set, the additional damage value will directly rise to 5o%, but each piece of equipment is expensive, and ten undead heads. In exchange for one.

With so many heads, it's better to exchange a lot of consumables, or to open more advanced supplies.

So the two directly ignored it, but Ye Che finally stunned those c-level suits. According to his rich experience in the League of Legends, as long as there is something, there will be merits, so he still has a heart.

(End of this chapter)

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