League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1584: Skill deduction

(After one year, one third has passed, but no matter how time passes, I am very fortunate to have you, thank you all the way to the current book friends.? Bayi Chinese Network? W? W? W (eight).? 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M)

Ye Che smiled and shook his head and did not explain.

However, looking at the look of the wind in the picture, the more hot it is, and his fingers are quietly swiping on the side of his body, seemingly practicing.

"The first hit, the empty space, the teleport, the close to the fraud, the magic stealth side shift, the tasting of the fear, and then the reflexive figure, the fixed point displacement, the singularity! The ghosts are reduced to the surrounding 6 people, and the shadows are matched with the tricks. During the release of these skills, there were three holy silver arrowes, and a crit, and finally the toxic explosion and the shadow raid ended!"

Ye Che murmured, he squinted his eyes, calculating the possibility of playing this set in his mind.

But now, it is very stubborn!

With a sigh of relief, Ye Che’s eyes are full of excitement and multi-control skills. He also practiced. For example, Chenghai 3c, he once manipulated 5 heroes and his skills reached 15 the above.

And because you need to press the extra button to control another hero, the total number of operations is more than twenty-five times.

However, after the contact with the League of Legends, Ye Che did not practice too many heroes, but now it seems that it needs to be regained, after all, the effect is too impressive!

At this point, the footage about Mu Mu in the picture has ended, and the people around are still discussing it enthusiastically.

"Here, play a 45-level powerhouse, relying on the copy of the knives, welcome everyone to enjoy, the copy of the screen is sponsored by the five Zige sponsor, to meet the requirements of the summoners, can apply to join the Wuzige battle group."

In the picture, a voice came, and then a fight picture appeared.

However, on the viewing side, it is completely inferior to the wind, and it can instantly combine the skills of superposition, that is, four. Ye Che had no interest, turned and left, which he can easily do now.

Roland seems to want to continue watching, but see Ye Che has gone far, think about it, or quickly followed.

"I don't want to watch it? This is very rare. This kind of play is the nature of the tour. It is broadcast randomly in various regions. It takes about a month to get to Wangcheng once. There are many masters' actual highlights and watch them. The order of the spells has benefited a lot!" Roland said.

"Look again next time, take me to choose a second career."

Ye Che did not lift his head, thinking about it with his head down, and said as he stepped forward.

"This guy……"

Roland frowned, always thinking that Ye Che had seen a change since watching the battle pictures, but she couldn’t tell where the change was.

"Ha ha ha, since the Ye brothers are impatient, let's go first."

The bubble did not persuade, but laughed haha.

Just saying something interrupted Ye Che’s thoughts and was impatient? What is the use of this word!

Soon, the group came to the place where they chose the second occupation. This is a church-like building with a total of six light and shadows representing various occupations. You only need to be close to the range of 10 meters. Function.

"If you want to get a second career, you still need to complete a small copy task. The task is very simple. You should play it first. I will come to this place to find us. We will pick you up for the wind!"

Roland grinned and said: "Don't let the old lady wait."

"Good." Ye Che smiled a little, but turned to the professional light and shadow, but his face was condensed.

In my mind, I began to recall the combination of the various skills of Mu Mu and the effects.

Don't say anything else, but if you combine the skills to make a quick hit, each skill will come out first or later, and the effect will be completely different. In this way, the wind will definitely have his reason.

On the way, Ye Che's syndrome is here. He is deducing the effect of releasing or releasing those skills first.

Just like Galen's first open e (rotation), the effect of opening a silent (fatal blow) is definitely not as good as a first-time fatal blow, and this is just a combination of two skills.

However, the effect of this combination of skills has evolved to three, four, and even nine as the wind, and the variables are greatly outrageous.

The amount of deduction is also extremely large. Mu wind has just played nine skill combinations in a flash. If you only change two skills, you can produce 9o changes. If you change three skills, it is 3 9 9 powers, 19,963. Don't say change four skills, five skills.

"It's no wonder that those people admire the wind, so obviously he is equivalent to the leader of the ordinary summoner, experimenting with a variety of powerful skill combinations, and then these summoners to learn."

Ye Qingmo, he now, the difference between the big gods and the ordinary summoners is more obvious. After all, only some summoners with great talents know how to combine skills and the order of the spells.

This is like an ever-changing chess game. You can see seven or eight steps, dozens of steps, or even one drop, and you can calculate the whole situation.

However, although there are many changes, some of the skill effects are visible. For example, the "fatal strike" has a silent effect of 1.5 seconds, then the next skill can definitely be connected to the output technology, but if the "fatal strike" can only silence o.1 Second, the next skill is either dodge or strong control, otherwise the same equipment technology, dare to pick up the output is to find death.

Thinking about all kinds of things, Ye Che has already entered one of the light and shadow professions.


"Hey, did he choose a mage? The shooter is a wizard. Is this a chicken rib?"

Xiao Lan is amazed.

Roland also couldn't understand, frowning: "The shooter is remote and brittle. He now chooses a mage. There are too many remote skills. Once the warrior or assassin rushes to the front, he can't even finish his skills. ""

"can not read it."

The rest of the Roland team also said a word.

"Ha ha ha, maybe there are any special routines for Ye Brothers. After all, it is a metamorphosis of the copy of the plot." Bubbles are very confident in Ye Che.

However, Ye Che did not have any routines. He chose this profession only because he wanted to go to the area where Zelas was. He did not forget that the undead of the 100 billion female stars did not calm down.

In reality, there is no time to go within a year. Even if you don’t see the culprits, you can start from the League of Legends and go directly from the area guarded by Zelas!

(End of this chapter)

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