Originally, Ye Che thought that the passiveness of the small law could increase the strength of the law indefinitely, and it was intended to start, but after looking at it, the passiveness of this infinite growth method was weakened a lot, and every hundred enemies were killed. Add a little extra law. ??八一中文W=W≈W≈. =8≈1≠Z≠W=. ≥C≥O≠M

If you want to pile up a considerable law, the time it takes is massive.

This is true for those team captains who have been indifferent to time and have been a few hundred years old for thousands of years, but they are too inefficient for Ye Che and directly ignore it.

Soon, Ye Che came outside the night language forest.

The time is about the afternoon, the sun is shining, all the sights are people, all kinds of screams and shouts, all the voices are in the ears, all of them are the second professional tasks, but the leaves are screaming, those shouting For the team, the minimum required level is 18!

Obviously, below the 18th level, it seems to them that they only mix together and refuse to accept it.

The night language forest is divided into simple, ordinary, difficult, and hell. The difficulty is different. The rewards that can be obtained after customs clearance are naturally different. Therefore, many people pursue the difficulty of the copy. The higher the level, the better. The degree is fast and the consumption is small.

Ye Che has already learned about the road, and I want to get ten insects at a time, at least for ordinary difficulty.

However, if it is ordinary difficulty, it is too much effort for one person at his current level. Therefore, in order not to delay the time, Ye Che thought about it, and one application applied directly to the middle-aged man who yelled the team.

Of the many people who shouted in the team, only three or four were human summoners, and the middle-aged man looked a bit too strong, so Ye Che chose him.

"Hey! Ye Che applied to join the team!"

There is a sugar in the pocket, a skin-skinned bronze, a handsome middle-aged summoner. At this time, he heard the prompt tone. His screams suddenly sounded, and his eyes were slightly bright to the applicant.

Because there were so many people who used to make up the number, he learned to look at the level first, but at the moment, the applicant's level is only 1o, and he does not say that he directly chose to refuse.

Not far away, Ye Che touched his nose and chose to apply again.

"Hey! Ye Che applied to join the team!"

I don’t want to have sugar in my pocket, I will reject it again, and then continue to yell.

"Hey! Ye Che applied to join the team!"

"Mom, this person is sick!" There is a sugary fire in his pocket. When a person takes a fire, he must first figure out who the object is. His gaze finally falls on Ye's Id for the first time.

But when I swept Id, he was excited, and the fire that came out was extinguished instantly!

"Ye Che, actually passed the copy of the plot, was notified by the regional Ye Chu!"

There was a scream in the pocket of sugar, staring at the name in the application column.

"What? What Ye Chu?"

"You are stupid, have you forgotten a few days ago? A newcomer who has just reached level 10 has refreshed the record of the plot and also announced it!"

"Crap, of course I know this, I mean, what does it mean to call him in the pocket!"

In the team, the other three people also said in the team space.

There is no sugar in the pocket, and the consciousness is confirmed. After accepting it, a flash of shadow flashes, and slowly emerges in the team space. The head is swaying with the word "Ye Che"!


"The trough!"


"You are so lucky, celebrities are invited by you!"

All the teammates were shocked, and they were amazed one by one.

"This...this is not an invitation." There was a bit of sugar in his pocket. He remembered that he refused twice in a row, and his heart was gone.

"Hello everyone."

After Ye Che entered the team, he said politely.

"Hahaha, great god! This is a blessing. With your participation, we are afraid that there is a full grasp of the night language forest of ordinary difficulty!!" One of the Id blank teenagers said happily. .

The rest of the people also said that they had the feeling of excitement after Ye Che joined.

The four people in this temporary team are all human beings. This is normal. Except for the interval between the hearts, the number of aliens in the royal city of Demasia is actually very small. Only one hundred people can see an alien.

However, in this team, there is a young man who has reached the highest level and has reached the 2o level. Since Ye Che came in, he has been watching with cold eyes. At this time, he heard that all three people are wearing Ye Che, and they inadvertently asked. : "Since you are a copy of the story you met in Xinren Town, the difficulty should be reduced."

Ye Che smiled and didn't think much. He said bluntly: "The difficulty is indeed a lot lower."

There are sugar in the pocket and three blanks in the pocket, all of which are stunned. If the difficulty is much lower, then the refresh record is very moist.

And this Id named Rose's youth face suddenly smiled and continued to ask: "It turns out that it seems that you are lucky."

Obviously, he has already put Ye Che through a copy of the plot into a list of luck.

At this time, Ye Che naturally heard the suppression of the rose, but thought of the dangers of the road to the dead several times, and Pu'er, but sighed and said: "It is indeed a good luck, several times actually thought it was dead."

"Nothing, anyway, after all, it is through a copy of the plot, plus the announcement, you have become well-known in the 3o-level area in a short period of time, it is worth it."

Rose said, not waiting for Ye Che to go straight to the crowd: "Let's go, although he is lucky to pass a copy of the low-level plot, but luck is also part of the strength."


The other three nodded a little embarrassedly and followed the past.

The copy of the plot is much less difficult, and Ye Che admits that it is good luck. After several dangers, he survived, so they have lost interest in Ye Ke, who is only ten.

Even with the last words of Rose, some of them are ugly, and they have not made a head for Ye Che. After all, they are not relatives.

Watching the four people go straight to the night forest, especially after glanced at the first rose, Ye Che is funny and speechless. He can see it. This rose should be It was uncomfortable for the three to support their own attitude, so they deliberately suppressed.

"Forget it, suppress it and suppress it."

Ye Che shrugged and experienced so many things, he naturally would not care about this little childish summoner.

Soon, he followed the past, and then there was a sugar in his pocket to choose a copy of the ordinary difficulty, the light flashed, and the five disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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