League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1588: It is difficult to distinguish between male and female!

Ye Che looked at the rose strangely and didn't speak. Eight? One Chinese network?? W ≥ W = W ≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

The rose 殇 did not manage the reaction of Ye Che, a finger of the seven locust crawling beasts in the distance, said directly: "There are seven locust crawling beasts there, I ask you a question about them, you can't answer it and give me 5oo gold. If you ask a question about them, if I don't know, I will give you three thousand gold, plus what equipment materials I got from my night forest? Do you dare to gamble!?"

Rose 殇 is very confident. After all, he is now 2o level, very familiar with the night language forest and locust crawling beasts. It is impossible to answer questions about them.

In front, there was a sugar in the pocket that was originally nerved. After hearing the words of the rose, I didn’t come up with a sigh of relief. The people I recruited were poisonous, right? When are you, this is still gambling?

At this point, the locust crawling beast has been approaching step by step, but in addition to the sugar in the pocket, the blank grid and the mouth that likes your saliva are all interested in erecting ears, waiting for Ye Che's response.

"Three thousand gold, and equipment materials, it sounds tempting... OK, you ask."

After Ye Che touched his chin, he saw that the meaning was promised.

"you're so dumb!"

There was a sugar in his pocket, and he was anxious. Although he and Ye Che were not familiar with it, he couldn’t do it if he watched this person being cheated by 5oo.

"You are stupid, that 5oo gold is better to give me!" The blank is also a sigh.

Rose 殇 is a bright eye, directly asked: "Excuse me, how much blood will you lose under the attack of the locust crawling beast!"

He has a full grasp of this problem. Ye Che can't answer it. After all, this requires deep computing skills and understanding of the locust crawling beast. Otherwise, even if the attacking power of the locust crawling beast is unknown, even if it is attacking the armor. If the conversion is well understood, there is no way to calculate it.

Sure enough, Ye Chu was silent, and then handed it to five hundred gold.

Rose and smile suddenly bloomed, and at the same time, she was even more sloppy, thinking that he was too greedy.

Ye Che sighed and said: "I will ask a simple point, these seven locust crawling beasts, how many females, a few males?"

"Ah?" Rose is dumbfounded, and his eyes fall on them instantly, but now the seven locust crawling animals are exactly the same, and there is no difference in color.

"This... this is a **** problem."

For a moment, the face of Rose’s face was red, and then he calmly asked Ye Che. “Do you know?”

"Oh, now I am asking you, you admit that you can't answer, I will tell you."

Ye Che smiled and moved, and had already greeted the locust crawling beast.

"Chunting and killing!"

Looking at one of the locust crawling beasts, Ye Che's body suddenly swooped and swung, and stepped on its head accurately. Suddenly, its slamming momentum was interrupted, and the hard life fell from the air.

At the same moment, Ye Che’s “spinning axe”, which has already been swaying, has been slamming on its thighs, and the blood is flowing, and then the leaf is axe after being “coldly chased”.

At this time, the reduction effect of the locust crawling beast has disappeared, but in the second before the disappearance, the "smoke bomb" has enveloped its whole body, and was once again attacked by Ye Cheyi.

At this point, its blood volume has dropped by half.

However, Ye Che did not use the skills again. The disadvantage of low level is that it is too blue. After several consecutive skills, Ye Che’s blue amount is less than half. After all, he has experienced some battles before.

"Blue is still a bit of a use." Ye Chemo silently read, before in the copy of the plot, he got a lot of mixture, after the death of the warden servant, also burst into a high-level mixture, but after thinking of the plan, Ye Che There is no unreserved shot of skills.

Despite this, the seven locust crawling beasts were quickly solved by everyone. After all, this was just a deep into the night forest, and there was not much problem with a group of five people solving seven locust crawling beasts.

Seven locust crawling beasts broke out a total of nine fangs and two b-level equipment. After random distribution, Ye Che was not very lucky. He only got one worm, equipped with wheel space, and his experience did not increase. Unblock the level.

Rose's luck is not bad, not only got a piece of equipment, but also got two insects.

However, his mood is not the slightest joy, but it is extremely gloomy, and even some frowning, because until now, he has not distinguished how many males and females are crawling beetles.

Even he looked at the body of the locust, but he did not find any male or female features.

"how about it?"

Ye Che smiled and asked for it.

Rose did not say a word, directly handed over three thousand gold coins, and then handed over two insect teeth and that b-class equipment.

"Yes, there is a letter." Ye Che praised the rose, and then he planned to continue.

Rose 殇 is always staring at Ye Che, saying: "Wait!"

"Hmm?" Ye Che turned back.

"You said! There are only a few females, just a few males!" Rose squinted and asked, he is now extremely confused, how the newcomer distinguishes the locusts and creeping beasts.

"Yes, yes, which are just females, and which ones are male?"

Like your saliva, it is also a slap in the face, asked with a look of curiosity.

The blank grid and the sugar in the pocket are also looking at Ye Che.

Ye Che glanced at the rose and looked at the rose. Then, after a groping in the three-dimensional space, he slowly pulled out the 5oo gold coin, then handed it to the rose, then turned around and went to the depths of the night forest. go with.

Looking at the 5oo in the hands of the clear gold coins, the eyes of the rose are suddenly big, subconsciously: "You... what do you mean!?"


The blank grid patted his shoulder and followed Yee's pace without saying a word.

I liked your saliva and looked at him with pity, but also walked over at the same time.

Only the sugary heart in the pocket awokes: "The meaning is obvious... He doesn't know... I gave you 5oo gold as a price I don't know..."


Rose 殇 finally burst into a foul mouth.

The next way, the face of Rose's face is black, there is no other color, except that because the IQ is suppressed, the equipment and materials are given out again and again, which makes him hate his own mouth, so he has nothing to do. Bet on what to gamble.

At this time, as the deeper the night language forest, no matter whether it is a blank or like your saliva, there is no trouble, and the face of the rose is turned from black to dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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