(Today's four, wait a little later, there is one more. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠.≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥.≤C≤O≠M)


The bubble entered the face with a hint of interest, and smiled: "I would like to hear, only ten of you, there will be something we can not eat."

"Is the captain badge interested?"

Ye Che said while looking at the small blue on the stage that was still testing skills.

"Captain badge?"

When the bubble entered the whole body, Roland was surprised to see Ye Che.

"Can you get the captain's badge!?" the bubble asked, screaming.

The captain's badge, in addition to enabling the user to have the captain's qualifications, can also enhance the team's experience level, which is generally valuable and market-free, extremely precious.

"Of course." Ye Che smiled and continued: "If we are in the league, the team badge will be given priority to the Roland team."

The bubble took a heavy breath and his face was dignified. He said, "You wait, I will communicate with the captain, right away!"

After that, he turned and walked to the inner room and walked. After Roland looked at Ye Che with amazement, he quickly followed the past.

Ye Che is not in a hurry, just relying on the wall to talk to the people of the Roland team on the side: "Roland is your captain's sister right? How do you feel that she does not care much, many things are made by bubble into the army? ”

"Oh." The man sighed and said: "Lan sister is in charge of the economy. The economic source of our Roland team of more than 5o% is supplied by the bar of Lanjie, which is the training room resident. Lan sister spent more than 20 years in the League of Legends to buy it."

Ye Che’s heart moved, thinking of Roland’s sleep at the counter at night. Obviously, in order not to lose the source of her life, she stayed there regardless of whether it was black and white. This bar is always open day and night, except In addition to the newcomers to do the task, Ye Che did not see any waiters at the time, and was almost inherited by Roland.

"No wonder so embarrassing, and even the waiters do not recruit themselves, it is a family to support." Ye Che said to himself.

At this time, the man of the Roland team continued: "There is a specialization in the industry. Lan Jie’s heart is on how to make gold coins. It is not good for the management of the team, so whether it is a decision or something. In order not to make a mistake, Lan sister does not intervene."

Ye Che nodded and said that he understood.

At this time, the bubble marched and Roland had come out.

"Ye brothers, you look at your friend's application, our captain wants to talk to you personally." Bubble entered the singular look of Ye Che said, he did not expect that this incident actually alarmed the captain personally negotiate.


Ye Che said, at the same time passed an Id for Luo Dong's friend applicant.

"Hello, I heard that you have the captain badge? Open a price!"

As soon as the friend passed, Luo Dong asked bluntly.

Ye Chezheng is going to reply, but Roland’s face is floating and his words are meant to be closed. To Ye Chedao: “My brother’s temper is a bit straight, and you should never be surprised to talk to him.”

"Nothing." Ye Che smiled softly at Roland. He still admired Roland now. Anyway, those who struggled to fight for the team deserve to be respected.

Roland's look is loose, and Ye Chu can laugh out, it should be no big deal.

After appeasing Roland, Ye Che replied to Luo Dong: "The price is very simple. First, provide me with a place to live. Second, the training ground is free for me to use. Third, I need to enjoy the information network of your Roland team."

The first two are okay, the third point is the focus. This is what Ye Che needs. For example, the distribution of power under each hero, the strength and weakness, and the distribution of wild boss monsters, etc., cannot be revealed. It is necessary to explore it step by step.

If Ye Che is personally involved, it will waste a lot of time.

"Just this?" Luo Dong asked.

"this one!"

Ye Che is also sure.

"You have to understand that the cost of deceiving my Roland team will be very big!" Luo Dong's tone was cold.

Just kidding, a captain's badge has been fired above a million dollars, and now only these three conditions can be obtained, he naturally does not believe.

"So, do you believe it or not?" Ye Che asked faintly.

Luo Dong smiled and said: "Well, the information about our team intelligence network will be given to you in a few days! Happy cooperation."

“Happy cooperation.”

Ye Che also showed a smile.

He didn't have any worry at all. After all, he had 3 days of 1o level. The 1o level was placed here through the record of the plot. Then the captain's badge, Luodong's doubts will be minimized, and the alliance will be used as the basis for three conditions. These three conditions, in the view of Luo Dong, are the name of their own alliance with the Roland team.

That way, Luo Dong will naturally believe, and then, even if you don't believe it, the Roland team will have no loss.

Here, Ye Che stopped talking. The bubble entered the scene and was instructed by Luo Dong. Suddenly, there was a smile of hippie smile on the face. I looked at Ye Chedao: "Well, Dong Ge has already made it clear to me." Now, we are a family! Come here, I will take you to see your room."

Said, personally led Ye Che to go inside the house.

On the other hand, Roland also followed with a smile. Obviously, she could pull the team to the leafy Roland team. Her heart was extremely happy.

The room was quickly selected and several people walked out of the room again.

It’s just that the skill training of Xiaolan is over, and the sweat is dripping from the top.

"Hey, have you finished your professional mission?"

Just after walking down, Xiao Lan’s gaze fell on Ye Che’s body and asked while picking up the towel that had already been prepared.

"It's done." Ye Che smiled slightly and felt a little relaxed.

"Little blue, from today, Ye Brothers and we are a family, and I am called Ye Big Brother." Bubble entered the mouth and said casually.

The little blue brow wrinkled and screamed: "No, even if he enters the team, it is also a younger generation, and it is almost the same for my blue sister."

"Little blue, I have not joined the Roland team, but they are all alliances, and I can be taller than you."

Ye Che also said with a smile.

"Alliance?" Little Blue was dumbfounded, and then looked at Roland with pity, saying: "Lan sister, they are bullying me!"

Roland suddenly looked cold and looked at the bubble and Ye Chedao: "You two big men are not harmful, how can you force the girl to call his brother."

Ye Che's old face was red, and after a dry cough, he did not know, and went up to the training platform.

The bubble entered the army but blew a whistle, and the second thing was followed by the past. Obviously, he was much better than Ye Che on the cheeky foundation.

Xiaolan was laughing. He smiled and took a few steps to pull Roland's arm. He smiled and said: "I am still a good sister, or will you stay in Wangcheng and leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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