League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1606: Tham's river

"Small loop attack... small loop attack... what is above the small loop attack?"

Ye Che muttered to himself, moving his pen tip, writing a whisper on it, writing chasing characters, then arrow characters, then axe and typing. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

These five words are written without any rules, so they are randomly scattered on the paper, but according to Ye Che’s new skills yesterday, these five words are combined, it is the axe chasing arrows!

This is the combination of De Lavin Rotating Axe + Cold Pursuit + Blind Blowing Arrow!

However, after the five words fell, Ye Che did not stop writing, but continued to write a Lei word, but soon the Thunder was crossed out by him, and then added a word.

After the opening of the word, Ye Che considered about a dozen seconds, and added a few words, and then looked at these words and stayed out of the mouth, not knowing what to read.

A few meters away, a summoner is practicing the roar of his skills, which did not affect him.

At this moment, he seems to be completely immersed in his own world.


Suddenly, the desktop shocked and interrupted Ye Che’s contemplation.

"came back……"

Ye Che looked up, and it was the little blue and bubble that had just used the meal to enter the two.

"I said, you don't think of ways to get the captain's badge, what are you doing with these words?" Xiaolan curiously licked the table, and then looked rudely at the paper in front of Ye Che.

However, looking at all kinds of broken words, broken, open, and so on, she was instantly stunned, her brows wrinkled, and then she lost Ye Che and asked, "What are these?"

"Learning to play... As for the captain's badge, don't worry, I am waiting for my teammates to wake up."

Ye Che smiled.

"You recruited teammates?" Bubbles marched into the air.

"Almost, but still in the inspection period." Ye Che said casually, standing up and collecting the paper, said: "Then I will go first."

"Wait for your good news."

Behind the sound of the bubble marching, Xiaolan is still thinking about the text on the piece of paper. As for what kind of wording, she doesn't even believe in a punctuation mark.

People who can pass the copy of the plot, how can they be boring to practice the word.

At this time, Ye Che, who had just stepped out of the door, looked at the blank of the blank grid and others, and suddenly turned a little and went to the transmission array. At the same time, he had a message to have a sugar in his pocket. Don't wait for him today, practice first.

Then, Ye Che passed through the transmission array and was introduced to his initial location, the town of Landry.

Just after the transfer was over, a large, noisy voice had already rang.

"Big brother, take a copy, the price is good."

"Take me, the road to the dead can't pass, can't pass."

Outside the transmission, there were more than a dozen new summoners sitting around, and when they saw Ye Che, they quickly stood up and surrounded.

"Without people, there are tasks."

Ye Che said straight, while walking quickly to the outside of the transmission array.

"Although we are newcomers, we can't blame us? There are high-level tasks in the new town."

"Yeah yeah, just for customs clearance, the masters who have come before have been robbed, and we have no choice but to keep it."

"Big Brother, take it."

The people said with a slap in the face.

Ye Che is speechless. If these people know what copy they want to play, they are afraid of being directly stunned, but he can't prove it. So he doesn't speak, but walks away with a deliberately calm face.

He clearly does not want to drag on innocent things.

Ye Che's mobility is much faster than they are, and few times, they are out of their encirclement.

"What are you doing, so proud."

"Oh, my cousin is also outside the new town, but it is very amiable. This guy can really pretend, really think that he is a master? It is only earlier than we left the new town."

"It's also an excuse for the task, the real trick."

Some new people with a narrow mind and a lot of dissatisfaction are scornful.

Ye Che naturally didn't have the time to listen to the smashing of the little people. He had already come outside the copy of a new person, and his eyes kept on sweeping.

This copy, named Haichao Home, is based on the plot background and is formed by a small piece of tentacles.

"Before Lu Xi'an's plot is because of the colorful soul blood, but the soul of the soul is out of the new town but can't touch it. Then there are only two possibilities. First, the soul of the soul has expired. Second, only the copy of the new town can be touched. Is it true? ... After the new town, the soul of the soul is afraid of leaking breath? And ... New Town can cover its breath?"

Ye Che said to himself, of course, all of this was speculation before it was proved.

However, Ye Ching feels that this speculation is very powerful, because the soul of the soul can enter here with himself, which is an incredible thing.

"In any case, you will know when you try."

Ye Che's eyes narrowed, looking at the deep spurs of blue light shining in front of him, then jumped in.

"Hey? Didn't the kid enter the team?"

Ye Che's movements were naturally noticed by some people, but they only caused a very small range of fluctuations, and they were stunned by everyone.


"Whirring whirring--"

Whistling into the ear, Ye Che is descending high, and when he returns, he is already standing on a mechanical boat.

This kind of novice copy is very simple, and it is good to stand on the other side of the ship. However, if the soul of the soul activates the copy of the plot, the change will be big, so Ye Che did not act directly, but waited.

"In the end... can you touch!" Ye Che took a breath.

The sea is quiet, only the waves rise and fall from time to time. In the distance, the unique sea blame of the copy is swimming toward Ye Che, but it is quiet and there is no sound.

One second...two seconds... ten seconds...

When Ye Che thought that he had guessed the mistake, suddenly, he only felt that the colorful blood of the chest was slightly hot, and then the sky changed!

The huge, boundless ocean, this moment is like being bundled by an invisible big hand. In an instant, it is pulled into a vast river. The water level is mad, and the mechanical boat at the foot of Ye Che suddenly becomes fierce. The jitter has gotten up.

"Your destiny...not in the wind...but in the river..." At the same time, a low, hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

"Hey, the copy of the plot touches, the difficulty changes, the main task one: survive in the river of Tam, one day, fail, erase!"

(Long wait, no accident, tomorrow will be the team game, and finally the hero story and context really began to expand, seeking support ^ _ ^.)

(End of this chapter)

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