League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1608: On the eve of the team match!

"Are you sure you have got the captain badge?"

Along the way, Roland has asked about this question no less than ten times.

Not only him, after the two came to the branch of the Roland team, the bubble marching and Xiaolan also asked several times.

"I got it, but there are still ten days... I have to play the team."

Ye Che shrugged and said.

"How many people have you recruited?" Bubble asked.

"No one." Ye Che spread his hand.

Aside, Roland and Xiao Lan suddenly speechless, Roland said: "Are you crazy? Until now, teammates have not been recruited, how do you fight in the team?"

"Isn't this with you, or if you squeeze two people to join my team."

Ye Che was half on the seat and smiled.

"Don't think about it!"

Roland immediately glanced at him and said: "The team is very variable. Because of the random relationship, there are even a few chances to meet the branches of the powerful war leagues. Those people are abnormal and the risk factor is too great."

"The team badges are not changed?" Ye Che asked.

"Don't do it!"

Roland’s two words said that there was no room for discussion. The Roland team was her hard work. How could she join Ye Che’s team, even if it was temporary.

"Well, I am changing the conditions."

Ye Che smiled and seemed to know that Roland would not agree, so he said: "In the last ten days, I will collect some materials for me, and some advanced medicines and special medicines. Is this OK?"

Roland suddenly understood that this guy was not playing the idea of ​​her team members at all, but the resources.

The bubble marched into the side and laughed and said: "Lead captain, you are a bit immoral. The conditions that were originally mentioned are not the case."

"So I am talking about helping, just when I borrowed you, I will wait for you to end the team game. Besides, if I fail in the team, you will not get any benefit?"

After that, the captain's badge with a radiant glow shot into the bubble.

The bubble marched into the eyes and quickly reached for it.

"What a captain badge!"

Immediately, the bubble entered the army to see Ye Che's eyes completely different, with his own strength to get the captain badge, the future is immeasurable!

"This guy, I really got the captain's badge." Xiaolan is also a little embarrassed at the side.

Not to mention Roland, the former Ye Che said that the sky is a mess, she is only dubious, but now the captain's badge is in front of her, it is impossible for her not to believe.

"I am the master, and we have promised that the Roland team will!"

Roland reached out and took the captain's badge, feeling the strange and special touch, and immediately said in a true color.

"But Lan sister, the resources of our branch, some nervous, the resources obtained this month, 8o% have been handed over to the corps, this..." Bubbles marched out to reveal the color.

"Nothing, I have a bar."

Roland said calmly.

"Lan sister, you... that's your hard work for so many years!" Xiaolan was anxious.

"Don't you always expect me to move over?"

Roland smiled.

"But..." Xiao Lan was waiting to continue, Ye Che suddenly stood up and smiled at Roland: "That's it, I have a piece of paper for what I need, and I will inform you of the collection." ""

"Hey, we haven't discussed it yet!"

Xiao Lan took a look at Ye Che.

"Don't discuss it, your sister Lan is very aware of the importance of the captain's badge. If I can get a captain's badge every month, you can't say that you sell a bar and sell you to me." Ye Che said casually. .

Xiao Lan: "..."

Roland smiled and did not refute because she knew that Ye Che was telling the truth.

"That's it. I will contact you in a few days. You are going to recruit teammates. Or, can we recommend a few? It's all right, just because our Roland team is full, so we can't join. But keep in touch from time to time." The bubble entered the sinking and said, as the face said.

His relationship with Roland's captain Luo Dong is very good, even if it is all the way, so it is clear that the difficulty of the team, naturally want to improve the chances of Ye Che successfully crossing the team, to the highest.

"No... I already have... the person who is scheduled."

Ye Che slowly turned around, where a man with a slender, hand-held staff is stepping forward here, it is... Rose!

As early as yesterday, Ye Che contacted someone with a sugar in his pocket. When he said that he was going to play the team game, there was almost no hesitation in the rose, indicating that he would join.

Ye Che was not surprised. In the past, Rose was paid a lot of effort and time to find a small loop attack. It was obviously an unspeakable summoner.

The other three people are hesitant. Because of the limitation of the quota, only one person can be added. The blanks and the saliva that likes you, although they like to be black, but let the other side face the unknown danger, they still can't do it.

There is some hesitation in the pocket of sugar, because he is very aware of the danger of the team.

Only they hesitated for three seconds, Ye Che has already smiled and told them that the remaining one has already been chosen.

For a time, they were relieved, and the bottom of their hearts was embarrassing. Ye Che wasted his time to waste their efforts to teach them small loop attacks, and other operations, but they did not even have the courage to jointly play the team.

Ye Che understands them. After all, he has been an ordinary summoner. He suddenly joined the team to play the team. Naturally, he has to think carefully. After all, it is a matter of life and death.

To make a long story short, after Rose Rose decided to join, Ye Che let him prepare, and then gave him an address, which is the training ground of the Roland team branch, and now there is this scene.

"Introduction, this is Rose, the scheduled team of the British Soul team, this ten days... bubble marching, I wonder if you can systematically train him?" Ye Chedao.

Rose has not joined the team, and does not know some of the team's high cooperation theory, so Ye Che intends to let him stay here to train.

Rose 殇 heard the words at this time, the bottom of my heart could not help but be a little excited. After all, he had been thinking about the team’s play for a long time.

"This is no problem..." The bubble went up and down and looked at the rose, then nodded.

"Okay, Rose, you have a good look for these ten days, so study hard."

Ye Che took a picture of Rose's shoulder.

"Well! Team game, will not drag your hind legs!" Rose 殇 seriously nodded.

After getting rid of the rose cockroaches, Ye Che alone went to the copy. In the ten days, in addition to waiting for a person, he also planned to find out... What is the small loop attack?

Before, two copies of the plot gave him a lot of killing points, and Ye Che exchanged for a big move, Kieran's "back in time"! This is just in case of a choice!

(End of this chapter)

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