Her mother's eyes melted in an instant, and she stretched out and comforted Weien with a soft voice. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

For a long time, Wei En raised the small head buried in her chest, just in the eyes of Ye Che.

"Than... Thank you... thank you brother..."

Among the dark scorpions of Wei En, there was a glimmer of brilliance.

Hearing the words of Wei En, Ye Che has some sighs in her heart. It is a night hunter. Although she is young, although she is in a difficult situation, she immediately adjusted her mentality. Sure enough, talent is a gift of talent, regardless of age. It is born to be strong, and it is also doomed to her future!

In fact, it can be seen from the background story that when Sacco killed her mother, Weien was silently hiding in the cupboard, but how strong and rational her heart is!

At this point, after comforting Weien, Weien’s mother immediately shouted the guard and surrounded the group.

This also means that the hunters have no chance!

"Hey! Congratulations to the Guardian team for the final victory, the following reward calculation, after 1 minute, will return!"

The tone sounds and it also sounds at this time.

"Ha ha ha, won!"

Hearing the solid tips, the fat man laughed again.

Ye Che, Pu'er, and Rose, also smiled one by one.

"Madam, we still have something to do, and this is leaving now." Ye Che said, and the body ran straight out of the house.

The rest of the people kept up.

"Hey, you guys..."

Wei En’s mother was about to keep her mouth open, but the next second was not even seen by Ye Che’s back.


At this time, on the other side, everyone began to wait for the reward calculation and return.

“叮~Reward calculation is complete!”

"Congratulations to the British Soul team to win this game mVp, Xiaona Weien's recognition of his team +1, recognition (if Weien's recognition of the a team is 1o, the recognition of the B team is 9, then Wei En will be given priority to the a team's camp. If the recognition of the a team is 1o and the recognition of the B team is 1, then the team will be the same team of the same team, the same level of recognition, the level of recognition Will determine the attribution of the hero, the greater the gap in recognition, the harder it will be to reverse the hero's attitude towards it!)"

Hearing here, Ye Che immediately understood the importance of recognition.

For example, if this team team restarts and Weien’s recognition of the English soul team is +1, then he directly said that there is an assassin. Weien is afraid to believe most of it, but if the enemy team, Weien’s recognition is 2, said no assassin, then Weien will obviously believe that there is no assassin.

The role of recognition may not be obvious now, but if you meet the requirements for a given copy, it is important to face the same designation of the copy, experience the copy, and get the team recognition of the hero.

"Pu, write down this information, and go back to the discussion project." Ye Che said immediately.

The importance of the current team game, related to the real experience of the heroes, has been listed as a crucial point by Ye Che!


Pu'er nodded.

"The evaluation is complete..."

"Main line mission: two guardian teams, slightly injured three, the mission characters are all alive, evaluation a-level!"

"Square task: successfully kill the devil clown, evaluation increase! Final evaluation, s level!"

“The more the B-level evaluation, the extra increase in the experience of the team, the increase of 1ooo%, the increase is completed!”

"Congratulations to the British Soul team successfully promoted to the silver team, the number of teams can be expanded to 1o, the team's passive skills upgrade, you can choose to add a team passive skills, or increase the chance of 'fighting rage' crit!"

"The hunter team is killed in 1 person, and the equipment of the dead will be randomly assigned to the winning team!"

"Congratulations to get Firefox armor, quality a+, congratulations to get frost guards, quality s!"

"Congratulations to the Guardian team, the sea blue team, the Sun Rain team won the final victory of the team, the victory team gold coins +1oooo, all levels +1, killing value +1oooo!"

"A month later, the team will be started according to the corresponding team level. Please prepare in one month!"

Hearing here, Ye Che hasn't opened yet, and the fat man has already screamed. "I am going to kill!!! Killing the hostile people will randomly assign them to the equipment! If I know this, the wooden stick I Even if I chase a few thousand meters, I have to kill him. Oh, yes, there are the rest of the hunters, how many kills, even though the synthesis s level and after Equipment needs to cherish materials, but I sell money is also good!!!"

The fat man looked regret.

Ye Che is also a wrinkle, has not experienced the team game, he does not know this rule.

Otherwise, the situation in this game should be laid out against the hunter team.

"The reward calculation is complete, return now!"

When the tone of the sound fell, Ye Che and the fat man were immediately shrouded in white light, and the fat man was still a repentant appearance.

The three were too lazy to pay attention to him, and they all waited quietly for the transfer.

Soon, with the distortion of the line of sight, the three returned to the Roland team's residence.

Ye Che three eyes looked around and did not see Roland and the bubble marching and other people, there is no summoner in the training platform, the door is open, the various summoners outside the door are in a hurry, people come and go The sky is about the evening.

"It is estimated that I am going to eat."

Rose went to the door and probed the probe. Then he said that he just won the team and he looked very relaxed.

"No matter what they do, let's summarize this team game."

Ye Che is a true color, and his attitude is somewhat dignified.

Pu'er did not know what to think, and so too.

"What is this good summary? There is a big captain, you lead us, win in minutes!" Rose said with a smile.

Ye Che shook his head and said, "If I am not mistaken, the second game team game is not so easy."

"No?" Rose licked.

"Ye Big Brother can't make a mistake." Pu'er smiled and said: "This game is only the first game of the team, so many teams don't know how to play. When they go in, they are passively waiting for the drama exhibition. This makes us It has taken advantage of it! But the team that can make the transition to the second game is a team that has won. The team has already had experience in the team game and will definitely take the initiative! Our captain thinks it is difficult to fool people."

Ye Chexi smiled and said, "I can't be fooled."

Pu'er white gave Ye Che a glance, revealing a letter that you have a ghost look.

"Then can't be fooled by them, with our small loop technology, not afraid of any team?" Rose said.

"This involves the rewards we just got."

"how to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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