League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1628: Small loop attack! ?

"It is won. Bayi Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥ 8 ≠ 1 ≥ Z ≤ W =. ≈ C = OM"

Ye Che nodded.

Roland breathed a sigh of relief and his face was a little better.

"Talk about it, what happened?" Ye Che asked directly.

The bubble entered a bitter smile and said: "I don't marry you. This month's team game, our Roland team lost too much!"

"You lost?" Ye Che asked with surprise.

Bubble has not yet spoken, Xiaolan is also savage: "Otherwise? Do you think it is like the first team match, as easy as you are? Our Roland team is already a Platinum team, facing the enemy not only Hey, and cruel, this team match, except for our captain, who escaped, the rest of the 19 people died. The equipment that has worked so hard for several years has all smashed the light, really mad at me!"

Ye Che did not agree with this. He asked: "The team is not your death or I am alive. Is it normal to equip this equipment?"

"Hey, Ye brothers, you play less in the team, you don't know, our high-level team actually has a default rule. If one party concedes defeat in the team game, take the initiative to hand over the equipment, then the other party does not need to kill! After all In the team game, I don’t see my head and see, killing the other party is also to get resources and equipment, etc. It doesn’t make any sense. If it is mandatory to kill, wait until the other team resurrects, and then meet again in the team game, even if the teammates estimate Will secretly retaliate against you."

Bubbles marched into the army.

It turned out to be...

Ye Che nodded, the low-level team is okay, after all, the low-level team is too much, the chance of encountering again is very low and low, in order to prevent it in case of direct killing.

However, after the high-level team, the chance of encountering again is high.

If the other party surrenders and wants to kill, then clearly tell the other party, come on, come back to me, come to ****, no team will commit such jealousy.

"If this is the case, then you Roland team this time..." Ye Che revealed the color of the inquiry.

"It's the Violet team!" said Roland.

Violet three words, the bubble into the army and Xiaolan and other people's face suddenly black, and Roland's face not to mention, Ye Che even saw a real anger from her eyes.

"The Violet team I mentioned to you before, because of the relationship between the team names, somehow we became a deadly enemy! In the previous several teams, the team was a cross-border relationship, so there was no problem, and because of the relationship between the team games, My brother actually had plans to release the former suspicion with them. I did not expect that this team team had a direct death because of their relative hostility. According to my brother, the 19 members were pleading before dying, even I have all the resources and all the resources on my body, and I have never escaped the poisonous hands! Hate, hate!!!"

Roland gnashed his teeth and had a tendency to explode at any time.

Suddenly, "snap", the metal pen picked up from the table in her hand was directly pinched off by her.

Ye Che was silent and asked: "Is the loss big?"

"Big! Not only lost four pieces of one-dimensional equipment, but the bodies of these 19 backbones have also been seriously damaged. They have already died three times in the League of Legends, and some have died five times. This time they are not cultivated. Ten or twenty years, it is not back to the League of Legends, the Violet team... really... **** it!"

Roland continued, and the metal pen was already stunned by her.

"It is actually very simple to think about their death."

Ye Che suddenly smiled, said.

"Do you want to say revenge back? Oh, how can we not think about this? How can we retaliate, if the next team is the same camp, revenge them is to harm themselves, our Roland team can not stand such a loss! If Not the same camp, with the strength of our Roland team, not their opponents, this is no solution to the infinite loop!"

Xiao Lan said after Ye Che’s eyes.

"There is definitely a loss, but I can guarantee that they must be heavier than your losses!" Ye Che said.

Obviously, he also can't understand the behavior of the Violet team. After all, now the Roland team is tied with him, is an ally, the power of allies is weakened, and he is naturally unhappy.

"Oh, do you have a way?" The eyes of the bubble marched light up.

"There is an immature way, whether it can be revengeful, the chance is five to five! But once successful, they will lose to their home." Ye Chedao.

Roland and others immediately looked at each other and saw Ye Che’s self-confidence, and their hearts suddenly smashed.

God knows that they have heard the feelings of the 19 key players being killed. They only want to eat the meat of the Violet team and drink their blood.

"Fast, talk about it!" Bubbles can't wait to enter the road.

"If you are an ally first, you can set up a garbage team equipped with garbage equipment, enter the team game, and then ventilate the enemy, in exchange, after the people of the Violet team become prisoners, hand it over to you! So if you lose, there is nothing, just lose some garbage equipment. According to the unspoken rules, the players will not die very much! But the Violet team, including the captain, is completely destroyed! If it is not an ally, it can only rely on itself. Strength, so I said the odds are five or five, of course, the premise is that you have to get the copy of the hero specified in the next team battle of the Violet team, otherwise it is easy to fight."

Ye Che said casually.

"This method..." Xiaolan is behind a cold, and there are some unscrupulous means.

"Hey, are you letting us be traitors?" The bubble entered the army but said with wide eyes.

"The traitor? Then see how you understand it. First, the goal of revenge for the Violet is to be produced before the next team game, not in the process of the alliance. It is not appropriate to call it a traitor. At most, there are some unscrupulous means."

Ye Che shrugged.

Bubbles go in without words.

Roland was slightly gasping and asked: "Do you know the consequences of this? Once the news of our betrayal is spread, then our Roland team will have no credibility in the future team competition, even if it is an alliance. , will also avoid us!"

This is actually like an actor in the League of Legends on Earth, but there are still very few people who like the actors. After all, the actors have made their way.

However, in the League of Legends here, it is related to the improvement of your life and strength, then betrayal is the most unacceptable!

In the past, there were also senior teams deliberately sending garbage teams to play, but the team was exposed at the end of the game. From now on, the team has never won a game, or even the alliance does not let him win, every time. The start of the game, the first to destroy the members of this team, so less than half a year, this team is only weaker than the Roland team, it will fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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