League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 1634: The land of emptiness fear

The next day, noon. Bayi Chinese Network W=W≈W≤. 81ZW. COM

From the beginning of the second team of the English Soul team, only the last three minutes, the atmosphere of the Roland team training room is quiet.

Roland and the bubble marching and other people, all in the back room connected to the Roland team's channel, for their own team to bless the blessing, so in the entire training room, only Ye Che and his party stood there.

"As the saying goes, the guns are the first birds. However, if you are low-key in the team, it is equal to giving your life to other teams. If you don't have the right to speak, you may be the first to be boycotted!"

Taking advantage of the last three minutes, Ye Che told everyone about things to be aware of.

"If it is a peaceful battle, it can save the light and save the power, but the pace of the team is very fast. Once we are considered bullied and can’t exert much power, it will be very passive! So, we will start later. In the team game, the first purpose is to get the initiative of the team game!!" Ye Che stopped the pace of the move, said the voice.

"How to get it? Directly open?" asked a sugar in his pocket.

Ye Che's gaze fell on him and said: "Playing and not playing, it is too early to talk about this. It depends on the story of the copy! In short, I only have one request for this team, high-profile, and then High-profile! Come out of your life!"

"I feel a little brainless..."

"Yeah, can't you fix it, what is the high-profile tactic?"

Liu Wei also snorted a few times in black and white, but the rest did not raise questions.

First, I have never played a team game, it is not easy to interject, but I have participated in the team's Rose and Pu'er, and I am very confident in Ye Che.

At this point, after Ye Che finished the last two paragraphs, he silenced and waited for the opening of the team.

Before the gold team is reached, it is impossible to specify a copy. Otherwise, he would like to go to the heroic copy of Zelas and Black Maddinger. Why is Zelas the first choice, naturally because the mother star is the thousand Billion Yingling, knowing ourselves and knowing each other can safely wash the hatred of the 100 billion heroes.

Only now, I can only wait for the 'Hero League' to be random.

Thinking, Ye Che looked at the remaining seven captain badges in his hand. This is the result of a copy of the customs clearance this month. The seven captain badges are used to upgrade, which is enough to make the English soul team enter the golden team. threshold.

But he doesn't dare to use it now. After all, the experience of the team is too small, plus the problem of the player's level equipment. If you face the gold team directly, the hope of winning is too little and too little.

"This game is finished after the game, the general gold team, it is estimated that there is a unified dimension equipment, the number of skills is estimated to reach more than 30! But this is nothing, big deal, the captain badge is sold, with gold coins The overall strength of the team will improve very quickly, but the official personnel in the team need to confirm it."

Ye Che’s mind is ups and downs.

It was at this time, at 12 o'clock noon, the second game team game, and finally began.

"At the attention of the members of the British Soul Team, please note that the team countdown starts 1 minute, please be prepared!"

"The random copy of the team match is confirmed... the confirmation is completed, the land of the fear of emptiness, the main creatures are generated... the young Kogaras... The main background is generated... The void world... The event is generated..."

"Generation is complete, countdown 6o...59...58..."

"Everyone must be careful, this is a silver-level team game, the degree of danger and the strength of the enemy, should have improved a lot." Rose said quickly.

In the first game of the team, he has already experienced it.

It’s just a demon clown, and he’s very weak. This silver-level team game is definitely a lot harder.

The words, black and white, and the blank body were involuntarily shaking, but after seeing other people's faces dignified, the two secretly laughed and quickly restrained the panic of the heart and waited for it.


"The team is open!"

"call out!"

The white light flashed, Ye Che and his team of ten people disappeared into place.

At the same moment, in the sin city, the ten men led by the dark red armored man disappeared into the glory of the 17th team with a white light!




This is a world of low, flashing, endless dark red matter!

This world, the sky, is only a hundred meters high!

It seems as if you can reach it with one hand.

But big, but big and endless, I can't see the other side.

In the clouds on the sky, from time to time, there is a loud and squeaking noise like a thunder, like a drum, like a burst of gas at the bottom, but it sounds more like a creature's cicada.

Below the clouds, a distorted limb is inserted into it. These limbs are thick, but dry, as if they have been dried for many years. However, although these limbs are in a state of wilting, they are also 100 meters in diameter.

At this time, Ye Che and his team of ten people stood under these low-pitched dark red clouds, and were carrying a limb inserted into the clouds. They looked at the world with amazement and look at this world, this, the void world!

"Wow, is this the hometown of the birth of Kogas?" The feeling of being tall and big!"

I like your mouth and fingers crossed on the chest, quite excited.

"It's really new, just like coming to another world." There is a sugar in his pocket that is also bright.

The rest of the people, including Pu'er, turned their bodies one by one and looked around the world.

"I don't know, this is the fictional fiction of the League of Legends, or it really exists... If you follow the last team match, Wein’s fear cage is speculative, this is obviously a real world, according to the process, now should It was when Cogas was just born."

Ye Che silently whispered.

At this time, the task of this team game finally came out, and it also sounded directly in the minds of ten people.

"The beginning of the background, the void world! Time, the day before the start of the devour of the tide! The event, the day of the birth of Kogas, the devour of gas, the emptiness of the void!"

"The number of teams in the test... After the test is completed, there are eight teams in this team match at the same time!"

"Warning, warning! Please join the eight teams quickly. After 12 hours, the Devils Glory 17 team will officially enter the void world!"

"Main line mission: to prevent the demon glory glory 17 team to kill Kogas, the mission failed eight teams are all eliminated, the team qualification is revoked, no application within three months!"

"Spurline mission: Unknown!"

"Glory 17 team level: gold, number, 2o!"

"Special reminder that the Nether creature is currently in a riot period, please join the eight teams to meet!"

“Hey, the birthplace of Kogas is activated and can be viewed in three dimensions!”

(End of this chapter)

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