League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 195: Demon 7 classes

Ye Che shuts off the group information, switches to the game screen, and continues to start the ranking in a word. Bayi Chinese Network W√wWく.く8★1★zW. ★C★oM

In the 19th minute, with the explosion of the enemy crystal, this game won.

Pinch the fingers, and there was a trace of desolateness in Ye’s eyes.

Since the arrival of seven hundred years, until now, except for the folding clothes, he has given him some pressure, and the other enemies he met have made him unable to burn.

Just like the Flying Devil in the 700 years ago, you let him play the Golden Platinum Bureau, and his teammates can hang up when he hangs up.

This is the gap that the number of people can no longer make up. Under this gap, there is no feeling of winning.

You have won the game, do you feel it?

The same reason, so Ye Che often plays wonderful heroes, just to make himself a little more serious, won will not be boring.

In the game, all kinds of funny behaviors are just self-entertainment.

As a champion of his world, he has to carry out countless games and training every day. If he is not entertaining himself, he will try his best to make new changes.

The ranking began again, Ye Che in the roar of his teammates, began to hit with Raven.

This game is faster, gg is opposite in 17 minutes.

The opposite side never had a match with Zhongdan Ruiwen. She did not know her horror and was directly eroded.

Open another game and continue Raven.

In this way, after almost winning 12 games, a heat flow finally rose from the palm!

Then, under the inexplicable rules, the strength of the bronze ranks in the body began to increase sharply.

Ye Che felt a bit, the power of the segment increased by about a third or so, bronze iv!

The day before yesterday, this number was used for the ranking battle. Together with the 12 innings at this time, the final value reached 1oo, and the promotion was successful.

In addition to killing demons, this rank of heroes is also one of the methods of acquisition.

Winning a game will bring 5 wins, and losing will also deduct 5 wins!

Feeling a strong strength in the body, Ye Che's eyes showed a touch of satisfaction, and then continued to start the next round of ranking.

He has to hurry to a higher position, so that you may find some fixed and reliable partners.

It’s just that he didn’t know that as the game just ended, a heroic nickname called Wu Xusheng was pulled into the group of gods.


Ye Che sighed out and looked down the window, and the sky was already a bit bleak.

For 12 consecutive games, plus the time to select people, he also played more than six hours.

Near the winter, the night is coming a little faster.

"A little hungry... forget it, don't bother to eat, continue..."

Ye Che touched his stomach and opened another game.

Time, slowly passing.

Ye Che has a shortcoming, that is, as long as he has set a goal for himself, he will be reached within one day.

If you don't get what you do, then you can't sleep.

19 points... 2o points... 21 points... 2 am...

Time has passed and it has been more than 8 hours. Ye Che’s victory has already reached the bronze iv85 win point.

With the continued ranking, Ye Che has a very special thing when he ranks.

There is no winning rate!

Because there are no substitutes on both sides, there is no substitute, and they all rely on their own level, so there is absolutely no such thing as winning percentage.

The positions of the two sides are only one step behind each other. Ye Che hit it now, all of which are bronze iv or bronze iii and bronze v.

This kind of ranking without a fight, no winning rate mechanism, Ye Che can easily win with his eyes closed.

Even if you hang up two, with the violent hero of Raven, the same is the direct clearance.

After playing three more games, the familiar warmth finally rose from the body.

Ye Cheyi clenched his fist, and the blue light of the cold front appeared on the fist.

"Bronze iii!"

Ye Che’s eyes blinked. It’s no wonder that the students of this war college are somewhat comfortable. They can get the life value by ranking comfortably every day, and then increase the power of the ranks. Why should they go outside the East and go hunting for their lives? demon.

Inexplicably sighed, Ye Che once again opened the ranks.

Although it was already near five o'clock in the morning, but feeling a little bit stronger, and the promotion of the position, Ye Che could not stop the whole person.

"There is still more than an hour, except for the magic class, which starts around 7:00, and since you plan to go, you can't be late..."

Ye Che said to himself, hard to use this last hour, and then completed the two rounds of ranking.

Then he got up and washed, and went straight to the demon seven classes.

At the same time, a woman with a face like a moonlight suddenly flew past the treetops on the side of the heroic arena and lost sight of it.

Judging by the dryness of her standing treetop position, the woman was afraid that she had been standing there for a long time.

Early morning, a new day!

The War College began to boil at half past six.

Especially in the demon combat class, in addition to those high-level demon classes, after the one-year training of the first-grade demon class, they all have a bronze skin and began a morning exercise.

"The power of the segment is to condense and spray!"

"Condensation is the power that condenses the whole body. The spray is a moment to explode the power!"

"Only by learning to unite the power of the position and to be able to cope with it at any time can we cope with various crises!"

In addition to the demon seven classes in the military field, a tall and tall inch instructor, holding his hands behind his back, said quietly.

The muscles on his arms bulged, his shoulders were wide and his legs were long, and he had a visual impact.

When the inch tutor finished this time, he raised a casserole-like fist and waved his hand against the stone pier on the side.

All the students felt that the stone pier was muffled, and the whole cracked.

"Wow, the strength of Yang Haodong's mentor is stronger. With such an understatement, the stone pier is cracked."

"It is indeed more powerful than when I first came. It is estimated that the position is only broken again!"

"Let me try my best to crack the stone pier, I can do it. But it will crack it with a single blow, hehe..."

These students whispered and their eyes were admired.

Yang Haodong finished the attack and his eyes have been transferred to several of these students. Shen Sheng said: "Zheng Qin Song Yi, and Yu Yu Qin Tian and Mu Yu, you several new people can see no!?"

"See it!!"

A few people have a quick face and a quick return. After two days of getting along with the mentor, they understand that they must have strength when they reply.


Yang Haodong nodded and wanted to continue training, but suddenly, he saw a face-faced boy with two dark circles, slowly coming in from the field.

Ps: Why are you so anxious? I will naturally fill in the pits that I dug. The protagonist came to the college for two days. You have been thinking about it for a long time. In fact, Ye Che also played a game... This chapter is straightforward. Four more.

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