League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 303: The child puts down, you go

"This bastard!"

Ye Che Li sighed, but it was too late to set up the next wave of ice arrows, and the three children fell into the hands of the bone sword black robe. Bayi ★ ★ Chinese network W ★ wW. 8★1z√Wく. CoM

"Give me a hand!"

The bone sword black robe man took a copy of the three children and shouted.

The shouts were huge, and the thousand city water droplets and the remaining three black robes turned their heads.

From this point of view, the three black robes were overjoyed, and the thousand city water droplets were slightly frowned.

"Kid, don't say much, you dare to do it, I will kill him!"

The bone sword black robe is so strong that the purple and black giant palm is placed on the neck of the three children.

"what do you want……"

Ye Che suddenly calmed down, and the ice crystal bow in his hand was slightly drooping.

"Not very good, let us go!"

The bone sword black robes are also able to bend and stretch, and when they see the situation, they want to evacuate.

He knows that when the woman's body is launched, the four companions simply can't break through the force field of her heroic skills. When they are broken, they will turn to themselves.

Ye Che has not yet opened, Qiancheng water foam has been chilling and said: "Let you go, play me, you want to go tonight!? I thought that holding a child can threaten me, joke, tonight, you guys don't I want to go away!"

She is already very angry. If the kid named Ye Che is not a double hero, she is already dead because of the heroic blow. This is a shameful shame for her.

And after going back, I couldn’t make a difference with the Oriental.

Not only that, but the things she thought about and thought could not be realized anymore. In total, the thousand city waters could not wait to kill the bone sword black robes immediately, even if she offended the Nether Castle, she did not hesitate!

Let them go at this time, it is impossible!

The bones of the bones and black robes changed, and the killings revealed on the face of Qiancheng Water Moss, he could feel it so far away, he did not deliberately pretend that this woman did not care about the children in his hands.

At the same time as the face changed darkly, the Bone Sword Black Man pointed his gaze at Ye Che and forced himself to calm down: "You have to think clearly. Before I just acted on the task, I didn't deliberately target you! Now I am two If the brothers die and hurt, even if they hate again, do you report it? You can rest assured that the so-called don’t know each other, as long as you let me go today, this child guarantees that he is safe and sound. After all, they are all from the East, we How about taking a step back?"

There is no way for him to take the lead in softness. He simply can't ignore the real high-definition Frostbolt, and the power of this leaf-clear position seems to have nothing to lose, one after another.

Although the bone sword black robes can only be escaped by one person alone, but among the three companions, there are his brothers. Although he is a hot person, he does not want to leave himself if things do not enter the desperate situation. Brothers.

Now, he can only hope that the old grandson can play a role.

"Yes, the child puts it down, you go!"

Ye Che's slow opening, he was covered in the atmosphere of the ice, can not see the specific expression.

Hearing the words, the bone sword black robe man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that this kid ignored the comfort of the old grandson, and he intended to go black.

But now it seems that this kid is not so hard at all, a little bit of coercion, it will be in order.

It is completely funny to say what to destroy the Nether Castle.

"Ye Che! I don't care what you think, but he almost broke my big thing, I will never let them go tonight!"

After hearing the words of Ye Che, the thousand city water droplets showed a hint of anger on his face.

At first, she really didn't want to do anything with the people of the Nether Castle, but she was so calm that she couldn't calm down.

"Don't let them go?"

Ye Che turned his head and calmly said: "You don't want to let them go, you go, go and pick 4."


Thousands of city waters are more angry, these few black robes are okay, but the strength of the bone sword black robes is only not much worse than her. Under the joint efforts, she has no chance to win.

Ye Che no longer looks at her, but looks at the bone sword black robe, calmly said: "Let the children down, I promise you can go away!"

"Oh, I have been honouring for so long, I believe in everything, I can’t believe it!"

Yin Qijing, a bone sword black robe, sneered and said.

"You don't believe it, I will believe it?"

Ye Che said, the cold breath began to be unstable and seemed to have a hands-on feeling.

Yin Qijing saw it and quickly said: "If you don't, you let us get on the bus. Before I get on the bus, I will let him go, how?"

Ye Che’s eyes flashed and he said for a long time: “If you hurt him in the end, I don’t mind coming to a late night!”

Hearing the words, Yin Qijing was slightly stunned. He was not the heart of Ye Che, but the woman who had a special constitution.

"Okay, a word is fixed!"

Yin Qijing said, the three children with horror slowly moved away from the store, and then merged with several other black robes.

Qiancheng water foam fists tight, it seems that some can not help but want to shoot.

"You are very grateful to protect me, but if you dare to ignore the life and death of the three children, don't blame me!"

Ye Che’s voice was low and warned.

If Ye Che said this before, Qiancheng water foam must laugh at the big teeth, but now she simply does not dare to despise this young man with only silver.

Not to mention the potential and talent of his double heroes, he is only his current strength, and he is qualified to say such things.

"Hey, let the tiger go back to the mountain, I hope you don't regret it!"

Thousands of city waters snorted.

"That won't bother you."

Ye Che finished, with Yin Qijing and several other black robes, went outside the store.

A few of the experienced practitioners in the store looked at each other and seemed to be waiting for the scene, some inexplicable excitement, and they all moved outside to follow the past.

The night wind is cold and the village is lonely.

The surrounding iron fence is slightly flooded under the night and orange streetlights.

Because the fierce name of the Nether Castle is too strong, some people who have information and the store have long confined the door and dare not come out.

The guards who guarded the entrance of the village earlier had long since disappeared.

Feeling the almost empty village, Ye Che is more intuitive to feel the power of the Nether Castle.

This time, if you don't have a second hero, and you really understand it, you can't stop it even if you can't beat the real strength.

After that, this thousand city water foam is only very dangerous.

"Sure enough, the position is fundamental. If I reach gold, even if it is only gold v, it will be completely worthy of this!"

Ye Che thought, walking silently outside the village.

Soon, a black-painted chariot was printed in Ye's eyes.

"Ye Che, I am very respectful and say that I have let go of this child!"

After Yin Qijing and a few black robes walked into the car, they held the three children in their arms and held them at the door of the car.

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