League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 316: In the history of the league, the most cattle three

This game is a very happy game, mainly reflected in the plot, and soon the next game is the details. Eight ★ one Chinese network WwくWく. ★8√1√zW. CoM

For a long time, he didn't play the match. Ye Che also had some bad tastes. After the death song exited the game, he smiled slightly and then kept his eyes on his teammates and enemies.

The teammates and the purple side expressed their enthusiasm for the exit song of the dead song. Anyway, it didn't matter if they lost this game, so they all continued to breed.

Time passed, Ye Che continued to push the tower.

During the period, the wonderful nightmare has already filled a lot of levels. Everyone's attention was focused on the dialogue between the dead song and the future guardian. After seeing the unspeakable dead song exiting the game, I already felt that the game was less fun. But still start to concentrate on what is right.

Ye Che bought equipment at this time and rushed from the spring to the middle.

Then open the friendly channel window and type.

Future Guardian: "Dream you rushing to the hammer stone, I will wait for you."

Ye Che has already pushed off a tower and gave everyone a salary and started to command.

Hammer stone is used as adc in the fight, after the death song is gone, the hammer stone is unbearable to be insulted by the troll to grab the knife, and goes straight to the middle to raise it alone.

Nightmare: "Hey, you cow x, you know me! I will punch right away!"

Saying, the nightmare began to approach the middle of the road quickly, and soon, the hammer stone was included in the scope of his own big move.

Until now, he has not been mixed with the head, all assists, this time he intends to kill the hammer stone.

Future Guardian: "Hammerstone, do you know what the most hilarious thing in this world?"

Hammerstone: "I don't know."

Future Guardian: "When you choose the hammer stone, you accidentally hooked up a small soldier, and then in order to prove that your hook is useful, you still flew over."

Hammer Stone: "Do you think you have a good sense of humor?"

Future Guardian: "The sense of humor doesn't know, but you are dead."

As soon as the voice fell, the summoner's canyon suddenly darkened, and the nightmare went straight to the face of the hammer stone, and all the direct punishments were taken out.

The hammer stone is still typing, and even if it is too late to flash out, it is charged in the same place.

The future guardian of a remote qe, then through the wall to quickly approach the hammer stone, the big move to switch the attack form, the hammer stone directly by the second.

For this person's nightmare can only be speechless, after all, his injury is not enough, but also can not blame the future guardian.

Future Guardian: "Is this joke funny?"

Hammer stone is speechless, this moment his teeth are biting!

Hammer Stone: "How are you, this person!!"

Future Guardian: "You dare to come out and I will continue to kill you."

Hammer Stone: "Do you think you are a god?"

Future Guardian: "This is for you."

"Grass Nima!"

The hammer stone was furious and immediately began to summon his teammates.

"The troll Pansen came over, licking, killing the b, too special, arrogant!"

The hammer stone is not angry, and this kind of prophecy is too miserable.

Ye Che began to type with the opposite troll, the future guardian: "Troll you continue to single education, you can play the main force, do you think this hammer has a future?"

The troll is estimated to have a little conscience. Although it is just a match, he doesn't want to make his teammates feel sad. So he said, "Okay."

The trolls now have more than 1ooo on their body, and they can be defeated in a few minutes, so they are still very reluctant to go to the comfortable environment.

After all, Ye Che’s road is only the ice, and the crab is hanging around the world in the wilderness.

As a wild father, Panson is still very caring for adc, so he plans to help the hammer stone, so that the future guardian blood debt.

Hammer Stone: "Troll! Come and kill the future guardian!"

Troll: "Okay, I am going to be defeated immediately. Wait for me for two minutes. I will be out of the way. You two will wait for me. This sb is absolutely dead!"

The purple side is discussing with the heat of the future to kill the planners of the future, and Ye Che can of course not do nothing.

Ass twisted, while drilling into the wild area, the guardian automatically a wild monster, while on the sword holy road: "Just Saint want to come to take the head?"

Juggernaut has been searching for existence for a long time, because the wandering out of the flesh, so he has no chance to kill a single sword, so he had to clear the line to brush the wild, brush the wild and clear a wave, boring to die.

At this moment, he just bought equipment and spring water, and he is going to look for opportunities.

Hearing that the future guardian has arranged, he immediately said that he wants to take the head of the enthusiasm, but also tells Ye Che what skills he has.

Future Guardian: "When I will seduce them, you hide the grass in my left side, I will flash in. They haven’t fought for so long, they will definitely flash, then you can kill them. !"

Juggernaut: "Really?"

The future guardians line their chests and promise: "Do not worry, they don't understand my world."

Said, began to swell in the middle of the road, from time to time to cross the line to point the hammer.

The hammer stone is even careless, and it has been smashed into half-blood by the future guardian, so the future guardian has to start the half-blooded hammer stone.

The hammer stone is overjoyed, I thought that I was not alone this time. The big trick of the nightmare has just been opened. Can you still kill you this time?

Immediately start to shake the hook, and the future guardian.

Just two or three times, Ye Che is now half-naked man Pansen's big move opened, Ye Che Lima control the future guardian fart and want to go away.

It was only on the edge of Panson’s big move, and was controlled by Panson.

The hormonal breath of Panson’s male rushed in, the spears smashed out, and the blood of the future guardian of the crispy skin began to drop sharply.

But the future guardian was still in the final moment, trembling close to the wall, and then pressed out the flash.

Hammer stone directly yells: "kill him! Let this sb smash!"

Pan Sen smiled and said that love is a word. I only say it once. You know that I will only use action.

After eating the future guardian and repelling, Pansen immediately flashed and followed.

Just just flashing in the past, Pansen was dumbfounded in a moment, and saw a man in the grass who was covered in squally wind, holding a long sword and waiting for him with a green light.

Juggernaut has been waiting for a long time, directly after the bloodshed to reduce Panson, no brain flat a.

The hammer stone hit adc, it is a late hero, the early damage is not high, so although he followed the flash, but no eggs, it does not hurt.

Hammer stone big move out, but Juggernaut's big move is to ignore the effect of reduction, that after the **** Pansen was taken away by the future guardian a long distance qe, the hammer stone has no way to retreat, died in the Juggernaut At the foot of the.

Hammer stone immediately frowned! !

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