League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 515: Similar corpse

p is today's update, by the way to the starting point 515 fan festival to pull the ticket, each person has 8 tickets, vote also sent the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

The leader of the hybrids did not expect the man to start doing it, and the footsteps could not help but lag. Bayi Chinese network W ★ wW ★. ★8√1z★W.くCoM

After the chicken hen killed the man and the hybrid, he did not take the initiative to attack. Instead, he took a copy and picked up the demon ring in his hand.

Looking at the chicken man's fingers turned into claws, the demons mixed heads did not think much.

When the level of heroic skill reaches level 3, it can also make some changes in the body. What he thinks is, the courage of this chicken nest man, dare to do it in front of his face!

At this moment, the two demons behind the collar took the shot, and when they shot, they started to transform, the muscles began to bulge, and the body began to grow.

The arms of the black and blue color are full of adult thighs.


The two sorcerers snorted and slammed into the hens.


In the eyes of the chicken hen, there was no timidity. Looking at the two gangsters who rushed in, the body suddenly sank.


When the land was shaken, it seemed to be divided by some inexplicable force, and then the chicken nest man sank into the ground.

"This is the depression of the emptiness of the beasts, don't separate, stand together!"

The leader said quickly, then swept up, and then slammed into the ground not far away, where the land there was unusually fluctuating.

But he just got there, the land there was already rushing, and then rushed to the two creatures behind the leader.


The land was shattered, and the blood and sand rolled. The two hybrids only felt a strong force, and they were shot in the air.

"Breaking out of the ground, wild phary!"

The moment when the chicken man’s ground broke out, it has changed a lot.

The feet became thick claws, the fingers also flashed cold, and the body surface shone with a faint purple light.

"This... This is not a heroic skill. This is the power of the blood. Only the power of the blood will cause a near-body change!"

The eyes of the head collar suddenly became big, and quickly yelled: "Flash!"

It’s a pity that, in the moment of hitting the two hybrids, the chicken-wolf is extremely precise in locking the claws on one of the demons, and the “wildness” opens. This celebrity The throat of the demon mix broke the blood hole of the boss.

At this time, the man in the chicken nest was covered in blood, and the blue veins on the arm burst into flames. The limbs became claws, and the degree was almost as good as the hybrid.

"The five thousandths of the emptiness of the beast, the strength of the five blood vessels, is cool!"

The man in the chicken nest said excitedly, and along the way, he grabbed the right foot of another sorcerer's mixed breed, and then, along the way, actually dragged the sorcerer's mixed breed.

On strength, he is not weaker than this singer!

"Five thousandths... the power of five thousandths of blood, you are young, you can actually cultivate the power of hero blood to such a point!"

The head of the collar looked unbelievable. Suddenly, he did not know what he thought. When he turned his head, he saw four human bodies on the ground, and his eyes suddenly showed a faint color.

"I know, you actually used the same kind of body to sacrifice blood..."

The head is full of surprises.

"Yes, right, then go to hell..."

After the chicken man twisted the neck of the second person, he slammed the ground and slammed it against the head.

The emptiness of the beast is a melee warrior.

Then the chicken arms of the chicken nest are the claws!

"Puff puff!"

When the land broke open, the man in the chicken nest went under the soil and the degree was greatly improved.

Less than two seconds, it was close to the body of the demons.

"Crash out!"

The chicken nest man wants to reapply and hit the leader.

However, this leader has long been prepared for defense. At the most critical time, a slanting roll has been hard to hide.

"Prey search!"

The blood vessels in the hands of the chicken hens shook, and a rush of light rushed to the head.

The blow of this heroic skill was to be blessed with the power of the blood, and the attack power increased greatly. The entire leader was slammed and then fell.

"Awful... In the absence of demon physique, I am not his opponent at all. If he has a land blessing, I can’t run away, then there is only one way left..."

The sorcerer's head is thought of here, taking a deep breath and wanting to start the sacrifice to make the final stroke.

"I still want to die! Don't dream, with my current blood level, my peers are invincible, you still do the nourishment of my blood!"

After the chicken hen man finished, the hero's blood force was fully opened.


Behind him, in the blink of an eye, there seems to be a phantom of a emptiness of the beast, which is extremely pale and light. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it clearly.

But in any case, the illusion of the void and the beast still appeared.

At a glance, all the heroic skills of the chicken hens have been greatly increased.


The chicken squatting man’s “squatting land” was doubled in an instant. This man’s mixed-breed leader just wanted to start the sacrifice, and he was approached by the chicken hen man.

"Go to death!"

On the arm of the chicken hen, five purple blood vessels stunned.

The moment when the heads of the sorcerer's heads and eyes are wide, they can't escape, they can only punch out.

However, the strength of this boxing, the chicken nest man could have relied on the power of the paragraph to resist, at this time plus the power of heroic skills and blood force, there is no suspense, "squeaky", the head collar was the chicken nest man One claw, tearing the fist.

"Go with them!"

The man in the chicken nest grinned and the claws licked the arm of the head collar and sent it with force. It was inserted into the chest of the head collar.

"You... don't die!"

The head of the neck is overflowing with blood. He is just the strength of ordinary platinum ii, but the chicken nest is not only platinum ii, but also has a high level of blood. Without a demon physique, this leader is not his opponent.

When the two contact, they will judge.

"When I clean up all the demons in the hunting ground, you have a companion..."

The chicken man sneered and said, one foot stepped out, the claws stuck in the thigh of the collar, causing him to scream.

Then, with a wave of his arm, the man in the nest thought about breaking him.

But at this time, there was a sudden whistling sound from the top of his head.

"Someone sneaked!"

The hen's man's face changed, and he didn't even look at it.


A large golden sword, which descended from the sky, was inserted in the chest of the mixed-race head.

If it is not the chicken nest, the sword can cut him off.

Looking at this scene, the look of the man in the nest is a gloomy moment, and the eyes are more surging.

When he was about to turn around and kill the people, he heard a faint voice coming from not far behind him: "It doesn't bother you, and the rest of the people have been solved by me..."

The chicken man suddenly turned his head and saw a man with a golden sword and a handsome man. He was slowly coming over.

It will be 515 soon, and I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will be able to give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better!

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