League of Legends: 700 Years Later

Chapter 520: Ice crystal bow ★★★★

p is today's update, by the way to the starting point 515 fan festival to pull the ticket, each person has 8 tickets, vote also sent the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

See you, Ren Bin does not stop, so many things, the temptation is too strong, if not the first fame of Ye Che is too big, then the invincible gas field in the crying abyss is too full, he is afraid I can't help but have already started. Bayi Chinese Network WくwくWく.く8√1★z★W√. CoM

In fact, if Ye Che’s strength is somewhat unknown and first, they have already embraced it.

But even then, in the face of strong greed, in the face of the temptation to step into the sky, how many people can hold it?

Ye Che's eyes flashed in the cold, step by step forward, the three wanted to shoot directly, but looked at the guardian armor that Ye Che wore, the strange disc carried behind him, and the temperament that did not move. However, it is involuntarily retreating.

In the eyes of these people, Ye Che’s sense of oppression is too strong.

All three treasures have been taken by him. What is even more ridiculous is that there are also 700,000 points of the gods. Such people are likely to have a peerless air and an incredible ability.

Whoever starts with him, whoever may die is very miserable.

The couple, even slightly sideways, seemed to be giving way to Ye Che, which was pressed by Ye Che’s gas.

Only the three people bite their teeth, it seems that they can't stand this strange atmosphere and plan to shoot.

"The hunting ground has been cleared by me. Why, you want to try?"

Ye Che looked at the look of the three people, suddenly stopped moving steps, said faintly.

In front of the heavy treasure, it is difficult for someone to control the emotions. Ye Che does not think that the three people are wrong. The key is that he has just killed enough people, and some people do not want to increase the killing.

It is not easy for these three people to practise to Platinum step by step. If it is not a deep hatred, Ye Che does not mind to pay more and more to wake them up.

If you say this, the three still want to shoot, then you can't blame him.

However, obviously, Ye Che thought more, and he just gave an exit and everyone was excited.

"Is it cleared?"

The three young people stayed.

"Yes, all dead..."

Ye Che grinned and took a step forward.


The husband and wife, as well as Ren Bin and the three young people, actually frightened and brushed back one step.

Even more, at this time, the dark disc seemed to feel that no new people were coming in the range, and the lines were slowly dimmed, and then disappeared as usual.

"Even the discs are gone...this...inside..."

The eyes of the six people showed the bungee color, and then turned to look at Ye Che, just like watching the devil.

"Don't look at me, I only kill the demons, those human beings are killed by a guy who cultivates the power of the bleeding..."

Ye Che shrugged. As he spoke, he did not stop, but he walked straight past the six people and walked away.

Looking at Ye Che’s figure, Ren Bin murmured: “It was killed by a guy who cultivated the power of the blood... but now the traitor has not come out...that is, this person also slaughtered the traitor. The strength is really terrible... He not only avenged my big brother, but also made me angry..."

In the next second, his self-speaking voice has come to an abrupt end, and then his eyes are full of enthusiasm, looking at Ye Che’s back and saying: “Great God, Great God, etc.!!!”

After that, Ren Bin went crazy in the direction of Ye Che.

The rest of the people opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but they couldn’t say it. They only looked at the two people going further and further.

"Hey, great god..."

Ren Bin smiled and followed the pace of Ye Che.

Ye Che frowned and stunned Ren Bin’s smiling face and said nothing.

"That god, I don't know the essence of the ice spirit that you have drawn, are you going to sell it? Although our family is not a class family, but can buy some ice essence, you can still buy it, or do you want to open a price?"

Ren Bin smashed his hand and his tone seemed a little cautious.

Just waiting for a few seconds, but Ye Che still did not speak, he had to continue: "You can't use it anyway, listen to them, your hero weapon is Galen, it is metallic, so..."

When Ren Bin’s words were not spoken, he saw Ye Che’s fingers move, and the sky suddenly became unusually fluctuating, and a trace of cold ice filled the air, and then a blue bow appeared in Ye Che’s hands.

Ren Bin was so dumbfounded, subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and said: "Second hero weapon!?"

Nima did not bring such a blow to the people, listening to the husband and wife said that this Ye Che has learned the fifth layer of the hero of Galen, already a level of enchanting!

But now, Ren Bin is now, Ye Chu’s hero who is truly understanding, not only Galen!

Look at the breath on the ice crystal bow, I am afraid that the level of sincerity is not low, these geniuses are not judged by common sense.

While Ren Bin was stunned, Ye Che took a look from his arms and took out the essence of an ice spirit.

This essence of ice spirit is full of five or six.

Seems to feel what Ye Che wants to do, Ren Bin quickly frightened and raised his hand: "Wait..."

Just saying that it was late, he did not finish his words, Ye Che put the essence of these six ice spirits directly on the ice crystal bow.

"I go……"

Ren Bin’s fingers trembled, although the essence of this ice spirit is Ye Che’s own, but it’s too sloppy!

The essence of this ice spirit is worth a million, but now it is so freely pressed by Ye Che on the ice crystal bow, and also pressed six at a time!

But what is said now is too late, because the essence of ice spirit has reacted with the ice crystal bow.

I saw these six crystal clear ice spirits. As soon as they touched the ice crystal bow, the ice crystal bow trembled gently, and then, like the opening of human pores, these ice spirits rushed into the inside.

At the same moment, Ye Che’s palm, the hero badge flashes, because Ye Che can directly enter the heroic fantasy world, so he can receive the information of the “system” inside.

"Ice crystal arch evolution succeeded, ice crystal bow... ice crystal bow... ice crystal bow... ice crystal bow... ice crystal bow evolution failed... ice crystal bow evolution failed..."

With the completion of this information, Ye Che saw the ice crystal bow, and slowly appeared four glass-like grooves, which are in the center of the bow handle, each of which is like a thumb.

Inside the groove, it is covered with thread-like creases that look very different.

At the ends of the whole bow, there is a sharp blue ice spread out.

At the end of Ye Che’s thought that the change was over, a ray of light shone from the ice crystal bow.

At this moment, this handle bow seems to have a vitality!

"Six, the essence of six ice spirits, the promotion of the fifth star should have a success rate of 60%, you actually failed twice, the **** of your luck..."

Ren Bin’s face was deplored, and he looked at the ice crystal bow and sighed.

At this moment, he saw Ye Chegan cough, and then quickly extracted the remaining four essences of ice spirit, and then pressed the ice crystal bow again.

Ren Bin’s face was extremely exciting.

Ps: Thank you for your dreams. I will add extras on Monday, and I would like to thank the friends who have been quietly rewarding the comments and votes. Because of the limited energy, I can’t reply one by one, hope for forgiveness, because of various weapons and heroes. Wait, it will be a bit slow to check the information without mistakes, but it is not slow down every day. Thank you for your support.

It will be 515 soon, and I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will be able to give back readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better!

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