The strength of the crocodile tail genie is definitely stronger than the average Platinum peak. August 1 Chinese √ WWWW. 8★1zW. CoM

With only one shot, Ye Che felt a strong danger and was stronger than ever.

The virtual sword has a heavy wave, but it has fallen into an empty space. The top of the head is windy, and the leaves are flat and the shoulders are painful.

The leaves were so sullen, the whole person rolled out.

The crocodile tail scorpion hybrid is really terrible, even in the moment, avoiding the attack of the virtual sword, more crocodile tail, slap Ye Che head, although it is the key to avoid the top of the leaf, still firmly hit the middle Che shoulders.

Only a moment, Ye Che's shoulders were open to the flesh, and the crocodile tail hit the bones with awkwardness.

However, Ye Che pulled out the ice crystal bow at the moment of tumbling out and shot backwards.

This time, the crocodile tail scorpion hybrid can not dodge, was shot by the ice crystal bow.

"噗", the crocodile tail genie mixed with a muscle at the waist, actually hardened to be frozen into a dead meat, the crocodile tailed demons mixed, this piece of dead meat "snapped" fell to the ground.

After all, the ice crystal arch has reached seven stars, and its power is much stronger than before.

Two people, one face-to-face, both injured.

The crocodile tail cockerel mixed and fell, but there were three mixed species immediately to protect it, in case other people took the opportunity to attack.

Ye Che rolled out, but he was attacked by three people.

One of them is a hybrid of claws and humans. His ghostly pounces on his hands, his sharp nails in his hands, and the evil spirits are against the leaves. The other two are the strongest of human platinum ii.

One of them, snoring "cruel and ruthless", and then hands mutated to form a terrible lion's claw, caught in the head of Ye Che.

With the power of this lion's claw, the average person is caught by his head, and he can directly smash his heavenly shell.

This person is obviously the person who is the stalker of the arrogant.

The other person, the hands turned into a bear's paw, the skin of the fist held by the right hand, showing the bear's brown skin color.

This palm of the hand does not enter, the destructive power is amazing, punching out, you can easily penetrate the brick wall within ten centimeters.

This man took the "big bear gesture" of the beast spiriter and hit the heart of Ye Che.

"嗤", the claws and demons mix and attack too fast, stronger than the current Ye Che, in this case can not react, the claws of the claws and humans mixed into the body, However, it was avoided by Ye Che.

A sullen sigh, Ye Che gold left the left arm, it will lock the neck of the claws and humans mixed, violently pull a wrench, terrible power burst, will twist the head of this clawed genie mixed, and At this point, Ye Che suddenly felt that the force of the segment in the body grew more roaring.

The power of this position is constantly shaking, and it is possible to break through the gold iv at any time to reach the gold iii!

Ye Che was almost crazy, and his body was slightly curved. The human lion's claw fell and he crawled deep into his back muscles, and his right leg slammed up.

Then there was a slamming right hook, and a "bang" slammed the white gold ii chest of the right hand lion claw.

This punch, Ye Che exhausted all his strength, directly blasting the body of the person from the chest to a huge blood hole, a large number of internal organs and broken bones splashed out from behind.

The man, screaming and dying.

Ye Che rolled on the ground, and the virtual sword in his hand swayed out.

The man who used the giant bear gesture, just a fist fan on Ye Che's back brain, but only felt his legs cool, his body went to plant down, and suddenly felt his legs were cut off by Ye Che's virtual sword.

"Damn, silent, and really suppressed, I can't silence him!!!"

The man lost his legs, and the upper body fell forward. He was screaming and frightened. Ye Che rolled up, his left hand stretched out, clasped his neck, jerked and twisted his neck.

This is also the high level of Ye Che's sincerity, cracking a lot of heroic skills such as imprisonment, dizziness, etc., otherwise the first wave of Ye Che will be fired.

This short-term delay, although mixed with the two platinum ii and a similar platinum ii strength of the claws mixed.

However, the crocodile tails and the hybrids, Li Xiaoxiao Lingjian and others, as well as other bark mutans mixed breeds, have arrived.

The crocodile-tailed hybrids and the bark-like hybrids are all capable of having the peak of the more white gold, and the strength of Ling Jian and Liu Yining is also the same.

In addition, there is a Platinum i, three to Platinum ii, four tyrannical strength between Platinum ii and Platinum i around the mix of demons, while shooting together Ye Che.

This strength is really horrible, even if it deals with the powerful blue ring giants, there are odds, not to mention Ye Che.

Ye Che’s injury is not light. Looking at the crocodile tail, the hybrid is crushed like a heavy tank. A pair of giant arms are open, and the crocodile tail that is dragged behind is raised high, with an explosion-like sound. Ye Che took the lead and pulled it down.

The blood-red mixed kind next to it, the whole body is bright and bright, and every inhalation glows like a humanoid light bulb in this night.

The bright color is bloody.

At this moment, the **** red hybrid mixed a slap in the face, the whole person began to add a sprint, in the sprint, he took a deep breath, and suddenly, the whole body blood red light, suddenly became glaring.

The whole person turned into a **** person formed by the fusion of flaming molten iron. There was a platinum iii, which was in front of him. It did not avoid it and ran directly.

This platinum iii, even the screams were too late to come out. At the moment of being hit by this blood man, the whole person quickly became crumpled and was sucked up by the blood.

At this moment, he even lost the ability to scream, squinted, and then fell down.

Seeing this scene in the eyes, everyone **** in a cold air, and their hearts are cold.

This blood man is rushing to Ye Che, wherever he goes, other people are dodging, and they dare not let it close.

Seeing, Liu Yining Ling Jian and others, instead of rushing to rush, but the three surrounded by a circle, intends to wait for the robbery of these monsters.

In the distance, Fan Chen and others, screamed and rushed up, but it was late.

Originally, he thought that if several people and Ye Che would meet, everyone would join hands. There is also the power of a war, otherwise it is only by Ye Che, the strength is stronger, and it is difficult to have so many terrible existences in all directions.

Under the circumstances of various terrorist attacks and almost instantaneous death, Ye Che squinted at his eyes, and there was no fluster in his eyes.

His greatest reliance is that he can break through to a more powerful realm and level at any time.

Maybe ten seconds later, maybe twenty seconds later, he is likely to break through.

The force of the roaring roaring position in the body changed in the madness of the rush, and the force of a repeated temperament was transformed into a drop-shaped shape.

This last breakthrough moment is likely to come at any time.

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