Team battle, finally fight the team!

The whole audience exclaimed, in front, Ye Che's blindness, not only did not take advantage of the cheap, it should be a small loss. August 1 Chinese √ WWWW.く81くz√W. CoM

Leading to the death loyalty of many people, Raven, all sighed and expected to fight back.

Now the opening of the group battle immediately made their sense of expectation rise to the apex.

At this time, with the advent of the emptiness of the beast, the battle in the field, a glimpse of the heat to the extreme.

However, even at such a juncture, the face of the woman in the purple dress did not appear to be the slightest wave, but instead was very calm and shouted: "Dawn, pay attention to protect adc, policewoman, pay attention to blindness!"

This is Ye Che, as far as she knows, in the field of League of Legends, it is still very good.

In particular, he created the light qa technique that Raven has lost for a long time, and she is very important to it. Of course, it is nothing more than that. She has seen Ye Che’s game in reality. As for death. The ruling, as well as through the mythological level of assessment, she did not know.

Therefore, she dared to limit Ye Che’s exhibition and blocked a total of 200 million credit points.


The policewoman's controller calmly sighs and sighs. At this time, his e-skills and treatments are connected, and the weakness and cover of the twilight are out of the output range of Panson.

After hearing the words, he couldn’t help but be warned. He didn’t forget that this blind controller was the creator of Guangrui!

Just knowing that it is one thing, can you avoid it, it is another matter.

Many people know that the stones are big and they all know that they have to flash to avoid them, but most people can't do this when they are playing.

Now is the same, the sly beast just entered the scene, the policewoman's understanding of the word just revealed, a white strength, suddenly shot from the outside of the wall, just hit the fire man just arrived.


Ye Che face sinking like water, "Echo hit" did not hesitate to kick out, the whole body has volleyed in the next second, straight fire man!

"It’s blind!"

The fire man was shocked. When he flashed the scorpion and the dead song before the killing, the big move to hide the scorpion had already been used. Now, it can only rely on... hands!

Sheng Chunhua gritted his teeth and flashed a fierce gaze in his eyes.

"Which squad class tutor, I am the head of a church, I am afraid that you will not!"

Sheng Chunhua thought, the skill "flame column" and the q skill "flame branding" quickly hit the part in front of him, and the dawn also turned around, just want to go to the fire man to help.

Ye Che's faceless expression, seeing the moment when the blind man is about to fly to the fire man, his body is turning in the air in vain.

"Triangle curve..."

Ye Che's eyes flashed, and from the moment he shot his skills, the policeman and the dawn were already seen as a triangle.

But now, with Dawn wanting to come over and help, it just happens to be a straight line with the fire man, plus the Pansen policewoman who desperately outputs...

"This is the point!"

Ye Che’s turn to the point, he calculated his own foothold.

At this point, after a low drink, the healthy body has already fallen behind the fire man with the eye position.

And the fire man's q, naturally empty.

"Good and elegant!"

"q's mid-air steering, with drifting!"

Someone said subconsciously.

But at this time, Nami's screams have already rang, and then it is a dead song.

The flash of the dead song has been used to reduce the light and the policewoman. After being controlled by the emperor and the beast, there is no way to escape.

Pan Sen seems to want to go back and support the mouse, but said that when it was late, the moment when the blind man turned in the air, the big move "Dragons and tails" confidently came out.


The fire man was hit by a 3oo yard truck. The whole body was blindly kicked and kicked up. He slammed into the light of the light, and then hit the policewoman who focused on Panson. Body.

The policewoman stopped, and he noticed that after blindly killing the man, he did not care about blindness, but he did not expect that he was actually kicked by the kick.

"so big!!!"

Panson was surprised and shouted.

Just want to export the policewoman, Ye Che shouted: "Output fire man!"

At this time, Pan Sen had no time to ask why, suddenly changed his body shape, the spear directly crossed the policewoman, and squatted on the fire man, and then because of the kite, the long-awaited "Shield" hit. The fire man.

The blind stepped up the first two steps, the disciplinary also fell against the fire man, and then Tiamat started.

At the same time, a scarlet line of virtual shadows fell, locking everyone in the purple side.

Dead song, big!

The policewoman was quickly killed by a dead song, but at the same time, the death warning of the rat sounded.

At this time, the blue Fang Namei dead song and the mouse, all killed.

The purple side, lifting the power of the entire team, only killed the policewoman!

Oh no, there is a fire man.

The blind q, not only through the fire man kicked the policewoman, but also deceived the fire man's q, resulting in the fire man only er two skills available.

But Pansen's equipment can be said to be the best of the blue side, plus the output of the whole pile, qeq set down, more than half of the blood is gone.


"The thunder is broken, the bones are broken!"

The blind cockroach is also e-skilled, and directly cooperates with Panson's high output and dead songs to make the fire man a dead blood.

However, Dawn has finally come over, and then a q control of Pan Sen, the fire man took the opportunity to take out er, Pansen gave a hard rebound and died.

"It's over!"

Pan Sen a glimpse, this Nima is a rhythm of 4 for 1! ?

However, things have not been so bad. When the fireman’s big move rebounded for the second time, he flew out and touched the back of a fire man.

"2 for 4... Hey, Ye Che is completely blown up here!"

"What kind of ghosts are this blind, too garbage? Don't say no to the first hand, but also the output of the output, there is no egg at all!"

"I want to say, it's not as good as me. I can do it on my own. I play blindly and know the flesh. I can't help you with adc to protect him!"

"Nima cat was there for a long time, I thought that there was something to be shocked by the ghosts and gods, and for a long time, a slightly brighter kicked three people."

"Oh, the name is not true, it has its name..."

"Playing with my big Raven is better, but I chose a donkey that I didn't use. I really can't understand it. Now it's completely exploded. How to fight later!"

In the audience, all kinds of dissatisfaction sounded.

They looked at it with great expectations, but they paid a lot of credit, but they didn't expect to see this one-sided situation.

However, they did not know that when these people pointed and were very dissatisfied, Ye Che on the console, his mouth was inexplicably revealing a smile.

With this wave, he already has a 70% chance of winning!

No one knows the level card until now. It’s time to take it out! ! !

Ps: Tomorrow's make up, today's two chapters, Internet cafes writing is really painful, has not been called until now, I do not know whether it will continue until tomorrow, I hope you friends Haihan.

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